

Published: February 18, 2017









除了表面标志的组合,在细胞分离协议的重要区别还基于先前的研究2的结论变得复杂。的研究中的一个显着量寻址祖细胞,在其分离方案有很大的不同( 例如,肝解离(酶组合和处理的持续时间),密度介质,并且离心速度)的作用2。优化的隔离技术,为罕见的细胞群提供更好的生存能力和反射的子集组成,已开发并于最近公布的12。本文的目的是提供一个更DET这种肝细胞分离过程和所述子集分析ailed协议以允许该技术的适当的再现。此外,该协议包括与以前的分离方法来证明相比,新的协议的差异的比较。


所有的实验程序,是洪堡大学医学中心的伦理和动物护理委员会批准进行的。 1.材料和缓冲液的制备刚准备用无菌组件和层流罩,以避免细菌污染肝脏消化所需的所有缓冲区。 通过混合49.5毫升RPMI培养基和0.5mL胎牛血清的制备收集缓冲液(CB)(FBS;低内毒素,热灭活的),以达到1%(体积/体积)溶液。存储直到进一步使用冰的解决方案。 注:约合25 CB毫升…

Representative Results

这里介绍的肝脏在含有实质和非实质肝细胞( 图1和图2a)的单细胞悬浮液使用的酶的结果的新的混合物中的消化过程。红血细胞的所述ACK-裂解后,直接流式细胞仪的单细胞悬浮液的分析是可能的( 图1和2)。门控战略涉及的双峰和死细胞( 图2a)排除在外。是阴性CD45,CD31,和ASGPR1细胞被门控。这个群体包?…





The authors have nothing to disclose.


这项工作是由亚历山大·冯·洪堡基金会Sofja Kovalevskaja奖VLK支持。


RPMI Life Technologies 21875-034
phenol red free DMEM Life Technologies 31053-028
FBS Life Technologies 10270-106
Collagenase P Sigma-Aldrich 11249002001
DNAse-I Sigma-Aldrich 10104159001
Dispase Life Technologies 17105041
ACK Lysing Buffer Life Technologies A10492-01
HBSS Life Technologies 14025-050
PBS Sigma-Aldrich D8537
Sodium Azide Sigma-Aldrich S2002 Prepare 1 % stock solution
10 % BSA Miltenyi Biotec 130-091-376
autoMACS Rinsing Solution Miltenyi Biotec 130-091-222 add 0.5 % (v/v) BSA and store on ice
Phenol-red free DMEM Sigma-Aldrich D1145
counting Beads Count Bright Life Technologies C36950
PI Miltenyi Biotec 130-093-233
FcR Blocking Reagent Miltenyi Biotec 130-092-575
anti-CD31 MicroBeads Miltenyi Biotec 130-097-418
anti-CD45 MicroBeads Miltenyi Biotec 130-052-301
Dead Cell Removal Kit Miltenyi Biotec 130-090-101
anti-Biotin MicroBeads Miltenyi Biotec 130-090-485
CD64 Purified BioLegend 139302 Dilution: 1:100
CD16/32 Purified BioLegend 101302 Dilution: 1:100
CD45 APC/Cy7 BioLegend 103116 Dilution: 1:200, marks hematopoetic cells
CD31 Biotin BioLegend 102504 Dilution: 1:200, marks endothelial cells
ASGPR1 Purified Bio-Techne AF2755-SP Dilution: 1:100, marks hepatocytes
Podoplanin APC BioLegend 127410 Dilution: 1:1400, marks progenior cells
Podoplanin Biotin BioLegend 127404 Dilution: 1:1400
CD133 PE Miltenyi Biotec 130-102-210 use 3 µl, marks progenitor cells
CD133 Biotin BioLegend 141206 Dilution: 1:100
CD34 Biotin eBioScience 13-0341-81 Dilution: 1:100
CD90.2 Pacific Blue BioLegend 140306 Dilution: 1:800
CD157 PE BioLegend 140203 Dilution: 1:600
EpCAM Brilliant Violet 421 BioLegend 118225 Dilution: 1:100
Sca-1 Biotin Miltenyi Biotec 130-101-885 use 10 µl
Mouse IgG2b, κ PE BioLegend 400311
Rat IgG1 PE BioLegend 400407
Rat IgG2b, κ APC/Cy7 BioLegend 400624
Rat IgG2a, κ Biotin BioLegend 400504
Rat IgG2a, κ Brilliant Violet 421 BioLegend 400535
Syrian Hamster IgG APC BioLegend 402012
Syrian Hamster IgG Biotin BioLegend 402004
Normal Goat IgG Control Purified Bio-Techne AB-108-C
Donkey anti-Goat IgG Alexa Fluor 488 Life Technologies A11055 Dilution: 1:800
Streptavidin Alexa Fluor 405 Life Technologies S32351 Dilution: 1:400
100 µm Filter mesh A. Hartenstein PAS3
LS Column Miltenyi Biotec 130-042-401
QuadroMACS separator Miltenyi Biotec 130-090-976
MACSQuant Analyzer 10 Miltenyi Biotec 130-096-343
AutoMACS Pro Separator Miltenyi Biotec 130-092-545
FACS AriaTMIII BD Biosciences
FACSDiva sofware BD Biosciences
Polypropylene Round bottom tube Falcon 352063
Rneasy plus mini kit Qiagen 74134 RLT lysis buffer is included


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Citazione di questo articolo
Julich-Haertel, H., Tiwari, M., Mehrfeld, C., Krause, E., Kornek, M., Lukacs-Kornek, V. Isolation and Enrichment of Liver Progenitor Subsets Identified by a Novel Surface Marker Combination. J. Vis. Exp. (120), e55284, doi:10.3791/55284 (2017).

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