

Published: October 05, 2016


本文描述了为了深入了解风土概念, 非靶向代谢组学,转录和多元统计分析,以葡萄果实成绩单和代谢产物的应用中,环境对果实品质性状的影响。


风土指的是,根据特定的生境和管理实践影响作物的特性,如葡萄( 葡萄 )的环境因素的结合。本文将介绍如何某些风土签名可以使用多元统计分析小道消息科维纳品种的浆果代谢和转录组进行检测。该方法首先需要一个适当的采样计划。在这个案例研究中,科维纳品种的特定克隆选择遗传差异最小化,并从代表在三个不同的生长季节三种不同的宏观区域7葡萄园收集样品。一个不相关的LC-MS代谢物组学的方法是,由于其高灵敏度,建议使用MZmine软件和基于碎片树分析的代谢物的识别策略伴有有效的数据处理。可以使用微阵列可以实现全面的转录组分析含探针涵盖〜所有预测葡萄基因的99%,允许所有的差异表达的基因在不同风土的上下文中同时分析。最后,基于投影的方法多元数据分析可以被用来克服强特异性复古效果,允许代谢和转录数据被集成并详细分析以识别信息相关性。




转录方法,使成千上万的小道消息成绩单可以同时监控由完整的葡萄基因组序列7,8的可用性提供便利。基于高通量测序的cDNA转录早期方法已经发展下一代测序的到来进入统称为RNA测序技术的过程的集合。这种方法正迅速成为首选转录研究方法。然而,基于芯片,这也让成千上万的成绩单并行通过杂交来量化大量文献,积累了葡萄。事实上,在此之前RNA测序成为一种主流技术,很多专门的商用微阵列平台已经开发允许小道消息转录,并详细检查。在广阔的各种平台,只有两个允许的全基因组转录组分析9。最进化阵列允许在单个设备上多达12个独立样品的杂交,从而减少每个实验的成本。 12个子阵列的每个组成代表29549小道消息成绩单135000 60-mer的探针。该装置已在大量的研究10-24被使用。现在这两个平台已经停产,但一个新的定制芯片最近已经设计并表示最近的发展,因为它包含代表附加新发现的基因葡萄树25探头的更大的数字。



1.选择合适的材料和构造一个抽样计划通过制定适当的采样计划,开始实验。有没有通用的和普遍的方法,使评价对案件逐案基础上每一项计划。确保抽样方案规定的抽样地点,时间和精确的抽样程序。参见图1在这种情况下,研究中使用的抽样方案。 注:在这个案例中,从单一的克隆( 葡萄品种科维纳,克隆48)葡萄浆果从七个商业葡萄园收集于维罗纳省三个不?…

Representative Results

本文中介绍的案例研究产生了最终的数据矩阵包括552信号(M / Z功能),包括分子离子以及它们的同位素,加合物和一些片断,其中189样本相对量化(7葡萄园×3成熟期×3生长季点¯x 3生物学重复)。因此104328用于数据点的总数为。碎片树分析导致282 M / Z功能注释,相应的代谢产物加合物,同位素和片段。由主成分分析整个数据矩阵的探索性分析表明根据熟化?…




The authors have nothing to disclose.


This work benefited from the networking activities coordinated within the EU-funded COST ACTION FA1106 “An integrated systems approach to determine the developmental mechanisms controlling fleshy fruit quality in tomato and grapevine”. This work was supported by the ‘Completamento del Centro di Genomica Funzionale Vegetale’ project funded by the CARIVERONA Bank Foundation and by the ‘Valorizzazione dei Principali Vitigni Autoctoni Italiani e dei loro Terroir (Vigneto)’ project funded by the Italian Ministry of Agricultural and Forestry Policies. SDS was financed by the Italian Ministry of University and Research FIRB RBFR13GHC5 project “The Epigenomic Plasticity of Grapevine in Genotype per Environment Interactions”.


Mill Grinder IKA IKA A11 basic
HPLC Autosampler Beckman Coulter  - System Gold 508 Autosampler
HPLC System Beckman Coulter  - System Gold 127 Solvent Module HPLC
C18 Guard Column Grace  - Alltima HP C18 (7.5×2.1mm; 5μm) Guard Column
C18 Column Grace  - Alltima HP C18 (150×2.1mm; 3μm) Column
Mass Spectometer Bruker Daltonics  - Bruker Esquire 6000; The mass spectometer was equipped with an ESI source and the analyzer was an ion trap.
Extraction solvents and HPLC buffers Sigma 34966 Methanol LC-MS grade
Sigma 94318 Formic acid LC-MS grade
Sigma 34967 Acetonitrile LC-MS grade
Sigma 39253 Water  LC-MS grade
Minisart RC 4 Syringe filters (0.2 μm) Sartorius 17764
Softwares for data collection (a) and processing (b) Bruker Daltonics Bruker Daltonics Esquire 5.2 Control (a); Esquire 3.2 Data Analysis and MzMine 2.2 softwares (b)
Spectrum Plant Total RNA kit Sigma-Aldrich STRN250-1KT For total RNA extractino from grape pericarps
Nanodrop 1000 Thermo Scientific 1000
BioAnalyzer 2100 Agilent Technologies G2939A
RNA 6000 Nano Reagents Agilent Technologies 5067-1511
RNA Chips Agilent Technologies 5067-1511
Agilent Gene Expression Wash Buffer 1 Agilent Technologies 5188-5325
Agilent Gene Expression Wash Buffer 2 Agilent Technologies 5188-5326
LowInput QuickAmp Labeling kit One-Color Agilent Technologies 5190-2305
Kit RNA Spike In – One-Color Agilent Technologies 5188-5282
Gene Expression Hybridization Kit Agilent Technologies 5188-5242
RNeasy Mini Kit (50) Qiagen 74104 For cRNA Purification
Agilent SurePrint HD 4X44K 60-mer Microarray Agilent Technologies G2514F-048771 
eArray Agilent Technologies
Gasket slides Agilent Technologies G2534-60012 Enable Agilent SurePrint Microarray 4-array Hybridization
Thermostatic bath Julabo
Hybridization Chamber Agilent Technologies G2534-60001
Microarray Hybridization Oven Agilent Technologies G2545A
Hybridization Oven Rotator Rack Agilent Technologies G2530-60029
Rotator Rack Conversion Rod Agilent Technologies G2530-60030
Staining kit Bio-Optica 10-2000 Slide-staining dish and Slide rack
Magnetic stirrer device AREX Heating Magnetic Stirrer F20540163 
Thermostatic Oven Thermo Scientific Heraeus – 6030
Agilent Microarray Scanner Agilent Technologies G2565CA
Scanner Carousel, 48-position Agilent Technologies G2505-60502
Slide Holders Agilent Technologies G2505-60525
Feature extraction software v11.5 Agilent Technologies inside the Agilent Microarray Scanner G2565CA
SIMCA + V13 Software Umetrics


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Citazione di questo articolo
Dal Santo, S., Commisso, M., D’Incà, E., Anesi, A., Stocchero, M., Zenoni, S., Ceoldo, S., Tornielli, G. B., Pezzotti, M., Guzzo, F. The Terroir Concept Interpreted through Grape Berry Metabolomics and Transcriptomics. J. Vis. Exp. (116), e54410, doi:10.3791/54410 (2016).

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