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Integration of Synaptic Events

JoVE Core
Anatomy and Physiology
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JoVE Core Anatomy and Physiology
Integration of Synaptic Events



The integration of synaptic events involves the summation of multiple graded potentials, such as excitatory and inhibitory postsynaptic potentials, at the axon hillock of the postsynaptic cell. This process can occur through either spatial or temporal summation. If stimuli from multiple synapses add up, it is called spatial summation. While in temporal summation, the stimuli occurring in quick succession at a single synapse can sum up to reach the threshold. A typical EPSP produces about 0.5 mV change in the membrane potential, which cannot initiate an action potential. But, individual EPSPs can summate and depolarize the neuron to the threshold. Drugs like nicotine and caffeine increase EPSP summation, allowing the neuron to reach the threshold quickly. Similarly, individual IPSPs can also summate, reducing the chances of achieving the threshold and resulting in the less frequent firing of action potentials. Depressants like benzodiazepines cause instant hyperpolarization to generate an inhibitory effect. When EPSPs and IPSPs summate, depending on their strength, the membrane can hyperpolarize, depolarize or remain at the resting level.


Integration of Synaptic Events

Synaptic integration mainly includes the summation of graded potentials. Graded potentials, regardless of their type, cause subtle alterations in membrane voltage, resulting in either depolarization or hyperpolarization. These incremental changes, when combined or summed, can propel the neuron toward its threshold. Consider, for example, a membrane experiencing a +15 mV shift, causing it to depolarize from -70 mV to -55 mV. In this scenario, graded potentials govern the membrane's ability to reach the threshold.

Synaptic Integration

The process by which multiple synaptic potentials combine within one postsynaptic neuron is known as synaptic integration. It is crucial for neural computation, as it influences how neurons process and transmit information. There are three main types of synaptic integration:

  1. Temporal Summation: Temporal summation occurs when a single presynaptic neuron fires many times in succession, causing the postsynaptic neuron to reach its threshold and fire an action potential. This type is dependent on the timing of the incoming signals.
  2. Spatial Summation: Spatial summation involves inputs from multiple presynaptic neurons firing at the same time to cause the postsynaptic neuron to fire. This type is dependent on the physical location of the incoming signals.
  3. Dendritic Integration: Dendrites, the branches off of neurons, also play a role in synaptic integration. Dendritic integration refers to the combination of inputs arriving at different parts of the dendrite. This form of integration is complex due to the active properties of dendrites, which can amplify or attenuate the incoming signals.

Significance for Neural Computation and Neural Outputs

Synaptic integration plays a significant role in neural computation as it helps to determine whether a neuron will fire an action potential or not. By summing the excitatory and inhibitory inputs, the neuron can make a 'decision' about whether to pass the signal along. The type of integration (temporal, spatial, or dendritic) can result in different types of neural outputs, affecting everything from sensory perception to motor control. Thus, understanding synaptic integration is key to understanding how the brain processes and responds to information.

The integration of synaptic events plays a crucial role in the development and functionality of the nervous system. It facilitates the transfer, processing, and transmission of information between neurons, allowing for effective communication within neural networks and coordination of complex behaviors. Moreover, synaptic integration enables intercommunication among different regions of the brain. For instance, when individuals learn new skills, various brain regions exchange information to aid in task completion. This interplay between brain regions is pivotal for memory formation, decision-making, and behavior.

Integration of synaptic events also plays a role in modulating neural activity patterns in response to external stimuli. This helps the brain detect changes in the environment and respond appropriately. For example, when a person hears an alarm clock, their brain can recognize this stimulus as a cue to wake up and initiate the appropriate behaviors. Synaptic integration is also essential for homeostasis; it enables neurons to adjust their activities based on incoming signals from other neurons. This helps the body maintain a state of equilibrium and protects it from external influences that could disrupt its normal functioning.