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Inheritance of Chromatin Structures

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Biologia Molecolare
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JoVE Core Biologia Molecolare
Inheritance of Chromatin Structures



Although all somatic cells contain the same genetic information, the cells of the liver divide to form only liver cells, and skin cells divide into new skin cells.

Each tissue type has specific chromatin packaging and histone modifications which result in distinct gene expression patterns. 

These structural features of chromatin – such as the centromere, the heterochromatin, and  euchromatin regions – are epigenetically inherited, meaning their characteristics are passed from mother to daughter cell in addition to the genetic material. 

This means that the tissue specific phenotypes of liver or skin or other specialized cells are passed on during each round of cell division without the necessity for changes to the genetic material. 

De novo centromere formation on newly synthesized DNA begins with the binding of histone H3 variant CENP-A to the AT-rich satellite DNA to form centromere specific nucleosomes. Once initiated, the structure selectively recruits more CENP-A histones to its vicinity, in a cooperative manner. 

During DNA replication, the histone octamer ahead of the replication fork is broken down into two H2A-H2B dimers and H3-H4 tetramer. 

The two H2A-H2B dimers are completely removed from the octamer, whereas, the H3-H4 tetramers are loosely attached to the DNA and distributed randomly to daughter strands. 

Newly synthesized H3-H4 tetramers are then added to both the strands to fill the spaces. This is followed by the addition of two H2A-H2B dimers – half which are the original molecules, and the other half are new – to complete the octamer. 

In yeast, following DNA replication, acetylation of histone H3 in the newly synthesized strand marks the euchromatin, whereas deacetylation of H3 histone establishes the location of the compact chromatin domains, or heterochromatin. 

Histone H3 methylation results in the condensation of chromatin. After DNA replication, the methylated histones are randomly distributed on the daughter strands, which then associate with the enzyme histone methyltransferase, to methylate the histone H3 on newly synthesized octamers. 

X-chromosome inactivation is another example of the inheritance of chromatin structure. Female mammals receive two X-chromosomes, and males receive only one. In females, one of the X-chromosomes is inactivated, in a phenomenon called dosage compensation. 

Here, a long non-coding RNA, XIST, initiates X inactivation by binding to the entire length of one X-chromosome in the embryonic stage. Subsequently, the chromosome is maintained in this inactive mode in successive cell divisions, through all somatic cells.


Inheritance of Chromatin Structures

Epigenetics is the study of inherited changes in a cell's phenotype without changing the DNA sequences. It provides a form of memory for the differential gene expression pattern to maintain cell lineage, position-effect variegation, dosage compensation, and maintenance of chromatin structures such as telomeres and centromeres. For example, the structure and location of the centromere on chromosomes are epigenetically inherited. Its functionality is not dictated or ensured by the underlying DNA sequence, but instead by the chromatin organization and histone variants. Once established, the centromere organization and functions remain stably inherited through several cell divisions.

Histones are central to epigenetic inheritance

In the nucleosome, both DNA and histones are chemically modified. DNA is methylated at cytosine residues, and histones are methylated, acetylated, or phosphorylated. Each of these modifications constitutes a signal called histone code. Recent advances highlight methylation as a bona fide epigenetic mark, and chromatin complexity as the primary carrier of epigenetic marks. The presence of histone variants at specific locations and time increases the complexity of chromatin organization. For example, the histone H3 variant CENP-A is incorporated into a nucleosome in a DNA synthesis-independent manner, resulting in an unusually stable nucleosome.

Inheritance of histones

The DNA methylation, deposition of histones on DNA strands, and post-translational modifications of histones or histone code are connected to replication machinery. PCNA, a DNA processivity factor, is the vital protein that links DNA replication with the inheritance of epigenetic marks. At the replication fork, the nucleosomes are displaced such that H2A-H2B dimers are entirely removed from the replication fork. The parental H3-H4 tetramers are then distributed to daughter strands followed by the placement of newly synthesized histone subunits on parental histones to complete the nucleosomes.

Suggested Reading

  1. Molecular Biology of Cell, Alberts, 6th edition, Pages 204-205
  2. Margueron, Raphaël, and Danny Reinberg. "Chromatin structure and the inheritance of epigenetic information." Nature Reviews Genetics 11, no. 4 (2010): 285-296.
  3. Reinberg, Danny, and Lynne D. Vales. "Chromatin domains rich in inheritance." Science 361, no. 6397 (2018): 33-34.