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Chapter 1
An Introduction to Statics

An Introduction to Mechanics
Humans have been making ships, shelters, pyramids, weapons, agricultural equipment, and many more items without recording the process or theory…
Basic Concept
Engineering mechanics is a branch of engineering that studies motion and the forces acting on objects. It is a fundamental subject and forms the…
Newton's Law of Motion
When we observe objects around us, one question that comes to mind is why they move or stay still. The answer to this question can be explained using…
Newton's Law of Gravitational Attraction
Sir Isaac Newton established the universality of the law of gravitational attraction based on empirical evidence and inductive reasoning. He…
Units of Measurement
Mechanical engineering is one of the oldest branches of engineering. It deals with designing, analyzing, and manufacturing machines and mechanical…
International System of Units
The International System of Units, known as the SI system, is a universally accepted measurement system recognized and used worldwide. The SI system…
Numerical Calculations
In engineering applications, the representation of the numerical value is critical. Presenting or reporting the answer is one of the essential parts…
Accuracy, limits, and approximation
Accuracy, limits, and approximations are common in many fields, especially in engineering calculations. These concepts are imperative for ensuring…
Dimensional Analysis
Dimensional analysis is a powerful tool that is used in physics and engineering to understand and predict the behavior of physical systems. The basic…
Problem Solving in Statics
Problem-solving in statics is a crucial aspect of engineering and physics that involves resolving issues associated with bodies in a state of…
Simultaneous Measurement of Turbulence and Particle Kinematics Using Flow Imaging Techniques
Numerous problems in scientific and engineering fields involve understanding the kinematics of particles in turbulent flows, such as contaminants,…
Micro-particle Image Velocimetry for Velocity Profile Measurements of Micro Blood Flows
Micro-particle image velocimetry (μPIV) is used to visualize paired images of micro particles seeded in blood flows. The images are…
Modified Drop Tower Impact Tests for American Football Helmets
A modified National Operating Committee on Standards for Athletic Equipment (NOCSAE) test method for American football helmet drop impact test…

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