Près fonctionnelle spectroscopie infrarouge des régions sensorielles et motrices cérébrales avec simultanée cinématique et EMG surveillance Pendant tâches motrices
Près fonctionnelle spectroscopie infrarouge des régions sensorielles et motrices cérébrales avec simultanée cinématique et EMG surveillance Pendant tâches motrices
Monitoring brain activity during upright motor tasks is of great value when investigating the neural source of movement disorders. Here, we demonstrate a protocol that combines functional near infrared spectroscopy with continuous monitoring of muscle and kinematic activity during 4 types of motor tasks.
Sukal-Moulton, T., de Campos, A. C., Stanley, C. J., Damiano, D. L. Functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy of the Sensory and Motor Brain Regions with Simultaneous Kinematic and EMG Monitoring During Motor Tasks. J. Vis. Exp. (94), e52391, doi:10.3791/52391 (2014).