Encyclopedia of Experiments
Recherche en cancérologie
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Encyclopedia of Experiments Recherche en cancérologie
Modeling Metastatic Endometrial Cancer Model: A Technique to Generate Endometrial Cancer with Lymph Node Metastasis in Rabbit Models

Modeling Metastatic Endometrial Cancer Model: A Technique to Generate Endometrial Cancer with Lymph Node Metastasis in Rabbit Models


Use a number 11 scalpel blade to make a 2.5-centimeter incision, 1 centimeter cranial to the symphysis pubis through skin and subcutaneous tissue. Incise the rectus fascia and dissect the rectus muscles laterally to expose the underlying peritoneum. Confirm that the under surface is clear of bowel or other abdominal organs. Sharply enter the peritoneum to identify the urinary bladder and sweep a gloved finger superiorly, posteriorly, and laterally over the apex of the bladder to locate the uterine horns.

Extract the uterine horns through the abdominal incision to rest on the abdominal wall. Use a 3-0 braided absorbable suture to perform a single suture ligation of each uterine horn, approximately 1.5 to 2 centimeters distal to the cervices and just medial to the uterine arteries. Then, tie the sutures snugly to occlude the distal uterine horns.

To inoculate the myometrium with the previously prepared VX2 cell suspension, load a 1-milliliter syringe equipped with a 27 gauge needle with 1 milliliter of cells. Slowly inject 0.5 milliliters of the cell suspension over 1 minute into each uterine horn proximal to the suture site between the suture and the cervix. Then, apply pressure to the myometrial injection site for 30 seconds to minimize cell leakage. Inspect the injection and suture sites for hemostasis before placing the uterine horns back into the abdomen.

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