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JoVE Science Education Neuropsychology
Physiological Correlates of Emotion Recognition
  • 00:00Vue d'ensemble
  • 01:53Experimental Design
  • 04:35Running the Experiment
  • 06:38Data Analysis and Representative Results
  • 08:56Applications
  • 11:19Summary

Physiologische Korrelate der Emotionserkennung



Vue d'ensemble

Quelle: Laboratorien der Jonas T. Kaplan und der Sarah I. Gimbel-Universität von Südkalifornien

Das autonome Nervensystem (ANS) die Aktivität der inneren Organe des Körpers steuert und regelt Änderungen in ihrer Aktivität abhängig von der aktuellen Umgebung. Der Nervus Vagus, die viele der inneren Organe innerviert, ist ein wichtiger Teil des Systems. Wenn unser Gehirn Gefahr spürt, ist Vagotonus gehemmt; führt zu einer Reihe von Veränderungen im Körper entwickelt, um uns mehr bereit, zu kämpfen oder zu fliehen, zum Beispiel unsere Herzfrequenz erhöht, unsere Schülerinnen und Schüler zu erweitern, und wir atmen schneller. Umgekehrt, wenn die vagale System aktiviert ist, sind diese physiologischen Reaktionen gehemmt, führt zu einem ruhigeren Zustand. Nervus Vagus wirkt dann als eine Art “Bremse” auf unsere Erregung. Eine interessante Konsequenz aus diesem ruhiger Zustand ist, dass es dazu neigt, sozialen Interaktion zu fördern-wenn wir nicht angespannt sind und unsere unmittelbare Umgebung wir fürchten stattdessen empfänglich für die Interaktion mit anderen. Schlechte Funktionieren der dieser Regulationsmechanismus kann daher mit Schwierigkeiten im sozialen Verhalten zusammenhängen.

Ein Index der autonomen Regelung ist Herzfrequenz-Variabilität (HRV). HRV ist ein Maß für die Lücke zwischen einem Beat und den nächsten wie viel im Laufe der Zeit variiert. Hohe HRV bedeutet, dass es gibt ständige Schwankungen der Herzfrequenz im Laufe der Zeit ein Spiegelbild der erfolgreichen autonome Verordnung. Niedrige HRV bedeutet, dass es Konsistenz der Herzfrequenz im Laufe der Zeit, eine Bedingung, die Armen autonome Verordnung zugeordnet.

In dieser Studie, die wir testen ist die Hypothese, die dass die HRV erhöhte genauer Kategorisierung der emotionale Reize zugeordnet. 1,2 nach einer Studie von Park Et Al., wir HRV messen und testen Sie die Verbindung auf eine Aufgabe, die Fähigkeit wahrzunehmen Gesichts Emotionen misst. 3


(1) 40 Teilnehmer zu rekrutieren. Teilnehmer müssen normal oder korrigiert-zu-normale Vision um sicherzustellen, dass sie in der Lage, die Reize richtig zu sehen sein werden. Teilnehmer sollten Alkohol, Koffein oder anderen Drogen für mindestens 6 Stunden vor dem Experiment nicht verbrauchen. Die Teilnehmer sollten keine Geschichte der neurologischen, psychiatrischen oder kardiale Störungen haben. 2. Pre-Experiment-Verfahren <p class="jove_content" f…


Performance on the facial emotion recognition task is typically very high; in our data overall accuracy was 92.5%. Participants were more accurate in identifying neutral faces (94.1%) compared with fearful faces (90.9%). Importantly, high frequency HRV power correlated significantly with accuracy in identifying fearful faces (Figure 2). Individuals with high HRV were more accurate in identifying fearful faces (r = 0.36). HRV power did not correlate with accuracy in identifying neutral faces, indicating that the association is emotion-specific.

Figure 2
Figure 2: HRV correlates with facial emotion accuracy. HRV high frequency power correlated with accuracy for fearful faces (left) but not for neutral faces (right). Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.

These data demonstrate an association between individual differences related to activity in the autonomic nervous system and skill for identifying socially relevant emotions in visual stimuli. This finding confirms the link between successful autonomic self-regulation and social behavior; individuals who are more successful in pumping the brakes on their physiological arousal appear to be better at tasks requiring emotional regulation and social interaction.

Applications and Summary

This experiment demonstrates the power of physiological data to provide insight into human cognition. The finding that measurements from the heart can be used to understand psychological functioning reminds us of the intimate connection between the brain and the body. An index of healthy cognitive control and emotion regulation, heart rate variability may serve as a relatively non-invasive biomarker for mental health. For example, low HRV is associated with anxiety disorders4 and depression,5 and also correlates with depression severity. Low HRV may also predict susceptibility to PTSD.6 This simple measure of the autonomic nervous system therefore serves as a window into the emotional health of the brain and body.


  1. Appelhans, B.M. & Luecken, L.J. Heart rate variability as an index of regulated emotional responding. Rev Gen Psychol 10, 229-240 (2006).
  2. Thayer, J.F. & Lane, R.D. A model of neurovisceral integration in emotion regulation and dysregulation. J Affect Disord 61, 201-216 (2000).
  3. Park, G., Van Bavel, J.J., Vasey, M.W., Egan, E.J. & Thayer, J.F. From the heart to the mind's eye: cardiac vagal tone is related to visual perception of fearful faces at high spatial frequency. Biol Psychol 90, 171-178 (2012).
  4. Chalmers, J.A., Quintana, D.S., Abbott, M.J. & Kemp, A.H. Anxiety Disorders are Associated with Reduced Heart Rate Variability: A Meta-Analysis. Front Psychiatry 5, 80 (2014).
  5. Kemp, A.H., et al. Impact of depression and antidepressant treatment on heart rate variability: a review and meta-analysis. Biol Psychiatry 67, 1067-1074 (2010).
  6. Gillie, B.L. & Thayer, J.F. Individual differences in resting heart rate variability and cognitive control in posttraumatic stress disorder. Front Psychol 5, 758 (2014).


Physiological measurements can be used to understand psychological functioning, revealing an interactive relationship between the body and mind.

How fast a person’s heart beats can change depend on their surroundings, and—by extension—their emotional state. For example, someone who senses a shadowy figure following them at night may demonstrate an elevated heart rate due to fear, as well as the physical exertion from running away.

In contrast, when the same individual enters a comfortable environment, such as a gathering at a friend’s house, relatively no danger—except maybe spilling wine on the white carpet—is perceived.

Interestingly, although the speed of the heart can change automatically in response to their own feelings, it can also be influenced by the emotions they distinguish in others—like terror in a man who just broke the host’s favorite lamp.

Here, the very observation of signs of dread in the face of the guilty party—wide eyes, bared teeth, and raised eyebrows—can briefly escalate the heart rate of the observer. Throughout all of these experiences, the individual displayed high heart rate variability, or HRV, representing effective regulation.

In this video, we explore how ranges in cardiovascular capacity—low to high HRV—can be used to predict an individual’s ability to recognize feelings in other people.

We demonstrate how to design and perform an experiment to analyze both heart rate and emotional recognition data.

In this experiment, participants are first outfitted with electrodes around the heart, asked to rest while baseline recordings are taken, and then shown pictures of human faces expressing different emotions, which they must identify as their cardiac signals are continuously recorded.

During the task, a small fixation cross is displayed in the center of a computer screen, followed by a picture of a single human face.

The trick is that this facial image can be of either a calm, neutral expression—for example, someone with a relaxed mouth, eyebrows, and forehead—or one of fear.

When each visual is presented, participants must indicate which feeling it depicts. The idea here is that the overall accuracy of their responses provides a measure of emotional recognition ability.

Every trial ends with the presentation of a final fixation symbol to clearly separate the dependent variables: emotional and cardiac responses across trials types that are shown equally but in random order.

While monitoring heart rate, emphasis is placed on a critical component of the cardiac cycle called the R wave, which corresponds to the large peak during every beat. Heart rate variability—the HRV—is calculated, corresponding to the time between each peak and how it varies over a period of time.

The calculations are processed through a number of mathematical operations, such as fast Fourier transformation, and result in frequency information. Within this whole power spectrum, a certain band, the high frequency range, is of interest since it reflects the state of autonomic regulation.

Specifically, high HRV means that a participant’s heart rate changes continuously, which suggests an index of successful control. In contrast, low HRV equates to consistent values and therefore an association with poor regulation.

Importantly, the HRV measures are compared to the emotion recognition results. Based on previous experience, it is expected that accuracy of identifying feelings will correlate with HRV.

In other words, a participant whose heart rate fluctuates as pictures of different emotions are shown is more likely to correctly distinguish them, suggesting that HRV is a physiological correlate of this identification process.

To begin, greet the participant when they arrive. Verify that they have normal vision, have not consumed any substances, such as caffeine or alcohol, in the last 6 hrs, which could affect their heart rate, and have no history of psychiatric or cardiac disorders.

Then, direct the participant to sit in front of a computer monitor and keyboard. Gather three pre-gelled electrodes, and check that they have not dried out, to ensure that electrical signals from the heart are properly conducted.

Now instruct the participant to affix these electrodes on their chest using an established configuration. Attach the leads, and confirm that they are properly connected to the equipment that will amplify and relay information to the recording computer.

At this point, in the software monitor the cardiac signal to ensure that it’s devoid of noise and artifacts. In addition, verify that the acquisition parameters are correct, and start collecting a resting heart rate for 5 min.

Proceed to explain that pictures of human faces will be shown on the monitor. Emphasize that the participant should quickly push ‘F’ on the keyboard if they interpret an image as being fearful. In contrast, if the face appears neutral and devoid of emotion, stress that the ‘J’ key must be used.

Also confirm that the very first fixation cross appears onscreen for 500 ms, and for each trial, the facial image for 200 ms, followed by the final fixation symbol for 2 s. Now, leave the room and continue to record their cardiac signal as they perform 120 emotion recognition trials.

With all of the heart-derived data collected, first navigate the graphical user interface and isolate the R-waves to calculate the time between these identified peaks.

Further process these measures to generate the power spectrum of frequencies, and in particular, record the values in the high-frequency range, which represents the degree of fluctuation within 0.15-0.4 Hz.

Finally, compute the emotion recognition ability of each individual. To do this, first import the data recorded from the key presses, and calculate the average percentage of fearful faces that were correctly identified. Then, repeat this process for neutral images.

To analyze the data, begin by creating a scatter plot where accuracy of fearful face identification is graphed on the y-axis, and HRV values on the x-axis. Include data from all participants in this figure. Then, create a similar plot for neutral face data.

In each, determine the line of best fit and the correlation coefficient. Importantly, the nearer the data points are to this line, the stronger the linear correlation is between emotion recognition and HRV.

Notice that data points were more tightly clustered around the best fit line in the fear recognition graph, compared to its neutral counterpart.

This suggests a positive correlation between HRV and an individual’s ability to distinguish fright; however, no correlation existed between HRV and participants’ capacity to recognize neutral faces, indicating that this relationship is emotion-specific.

Collectively, these results imply a link between the physiological phenomenon of heart rate and social behavior. Specifically, an individual with high HRV may be more likely to recognize emotions in others, and thus excel with social interactions.

Now that you understand how to explore the correlation between autonomic self-regulation and social behavior, let’s look at how researchers are investigating the variability of physiological arousal at a young age and in other cognitive and mental health contexts.

Up until now, we’ve focused on the identification of emotions in adults. However, similar work is being performed in children to investigate factors related to early cardiovascular variation that may predict later health conditions.

For example, researchers measured heart rate while subjecting toddlers to a number of behavioral conditions, including a lullaby during rest, an active jack-in-the-box, tasting sour lemon juice, and audio of an infant crying.

Such experiences resulted in different heart rate outcomes, suggesting that variability can be elicited in young children. Additional research is needed to assess the developmental trajectory of cardiovascular measures and ultimately predict future health outcomes.

In terms of the relationship between HRV and working memory, research has shown that a person with low HRV—whose heart beats at a continuous, even pace despite even frightening surroundings—is more likely to demonstrate poor working memory, and forget the address they are told.

Interestingly, repeated aerobic exercise—like running—can actually improve HRV and memory retention, emphasizing the relationship between body and mind.

Lastly, other work has looked at the whether there is an association between HRV and certain mental health disorders, such as depression.

Specifically, an individual with similarly low HRV may be more likely to exhibit depressive symptoms, like disinterest in activities or withdrawal from social settings. Thus, HRV may serve as a useful, non-invasive biomarker for this social disorder.

You’ve just watched JoVE’s video on the physiological correlates of emotion recognition. By now, you should know how to present socially relevant visual stimuli to patients, and collect and interpret both behavioral and HRV data. In addition, you should understand how scientists are applying HRV to additional contexts, such as how it relates to other cognitive processes like memory.

Thanks for watching!


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JoVE Science Education Database. JoVE Science Education. Physiological Correlates of Emotion Recognition. JoVE, Cambridge, MA, (2023).