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JoVE Science Education Neuropsychology
The Split Brain
  • 00:00Vue d'ensemble
  • 01:55Experimental Design
  • 05:34Running the Experiment
  • 07:34Representative Results
  • 08:32Applications
  • 10:00Summary




Vue d'ensemble

资料来源: 乔纳斯 · 卡普兰和莎拉一、 贝尔实验室 — — 南加利福尼亚大学

如何对大脑的损害影响认知功能的研究历来认知神经科学的最重要工具之一。虽然大脑是身体最受保护的部分之一,有很多事件,可以影响大脑的功能。血管问题、 钝力外伤、 肿瘤、 感染、 退行性疾病神经外科都只是一些脑损伤,所有的一切都可能产生不同的形态组织损伤,影响大脑运作方式不同的根本原因。

神经心理学的历史,留下了几个知名的情况下,导致大脑的理解的研究进展。例如,在 1861年保罗 · 布洛卡区如何观察损伤左侧额叶叶导致失语,后天的语言障碍。作为另一个例子,很多关于内存已吸取了失忆症,如亨利 Molaison,多年来在神经心理学文献中称为”陛下,”其颞叶手术导致深刻的赤字在形成新的记忆某些种类的著名一例患者。


胼胝体是大脑的一大束纤维连接左、 右半球。它是一种在大脑中最大的白质束,可以很容易地确认的大脑正中矢状面视图。在 20 世纪 60 年代,神经外科医生发现切割胼胝体可以成功治疗某些类型的癫痫,涉及传播通过大脑无法控制神经活动。裂手术的人有手术把他们分开,他们两个半球,以致左、 右半球都不再能够进行沟通。这种情况下允许实验探讨左、 右半球的功能独立,要学习相关的能力,并了解它们之间的通信的性质。

该视频演示如何测试揭示了一些大脑两个半球之间的差异,想看看这样的网络断开一些戏剧性后果裂病人。这些实验的原始版本是由 Michael Gazzaniga 和他的同事,1、 2及以后详细阐述了别人;3版本在这里提出了一种集成了更近现代化的方法。


1.病人和控制招聘 有的患者断综合征,包括完全和部分外科 callosotomies 和先天性的条件,如发育不全的胼胝体 (ACC),在其中胼胝体不充分开发多种。有很多大片,连接两个半球;最大的是胼胝体,但一些纤维交叉在前连合、 海马合生面和后连合。 请注意这些不同品种的断开连接可能会导致不同的行为结果,在这种测试。 本实验的目的,预先选择通过神经影像学病人,以确认没有连接的纤维。 标准 MRI 弥散成像,可用于图像白质,并特别有用。了解哪些连接的纤维在病人中存在有助于与结果的解释。在这个演示中,完整的 callosotomy 患者被选。 确保病人已被充分告知研究程序,并签署了相应许可的所有窗体。 招聘 20 名学员相同年龄和性别作为病人,情报,采用分数上韦氏成人智力量表 (WAIS) 相匹配。 2.数据收集 为向左或向右半球单独的视觉刺激,刺激必须正确提交一个视野。请注意,这并不等于呈现一眼刺激。每只眼睛项目向这两个半球的大脑;例如,左眼看到左的视野的一部分处理由右半球,但处理右侧视野的左眼的一部分被左半球。因此,呈现与左半球的形象,目前它完全内右侧视野是右侧的病人在哪里看。 为了实现这一侧,使用腮托保持眼睛从电脑屏幕大约 22 英寸。地方舒舒服服地在脑门贴,面对屏幕内的病人的下巴。 有一个小十字架,留在屏幕提供病人要注视他们的眼睛的位置的中心。 即使当图像出现向左或向右部指导病人保持他们在实验中,这个十字架上的固定。 向病人解释图像出现时,他们应该说大声的对象的名称。 目前已知对象浅谈左侧或右侧的屏幕,分别投射到大脑中,在右侧或左侧半球的图像。从一组对象,其中包括容易辨认的绘图,如一个苹果、 一个球、 一把扫帚和一只鸡的随机按顺序介绍了 50 幅图像。 目前小于 150 毫秒,以确保适当的偏侧化的图像。这是足够的时间来看看起刺激作用,但速度不够快,所以病人不能移动他们的眼睛,要看到在中央视觉刺激。 要求患者名字大声,屏幕上显示的对象和记录他们的反应。这是口头语言能力测试,应该揭示口语能力大脑半球间的差异。 如果病人是无法的任何对象的名字,叫病人要绘制的对象,不看纸,用手侧 (在同一边的人) 的刺激。这将作为非语言知识的经济刺激措施。 对刺激同侧手受看到刺激的半球。例如,当在左视野,提出了一种刺激,它是由右半球处理。右半球则主要负责控制的左手。 确保病人不看他们的手虽然它绘图,使之保持隔离到一个半球的刺激。 当病人完成图形对象时,让他们看看对象,说它大声的说出是什么。这证实,病人知道对象的名称时它提出的中央视力,即使他们无法命名它,当它提交一个单一的半球。 每个控制参与者重复该过程。 3.数据分析 分析研究病人的性能,请从左和右的视觉半场彼此数据进行比较。为了做到这一点,制成表格的正确和不正确响应每个视野中的数量和测试获得和利用卡方检验的独立观察的那么大的差异的可能性。 从年龄、 性别和智能匹配控制人口增长,以确定患者的行为在赤字数据与从病人数据进行比较。做到这一点,分别,编译每个人左的视野和右视野的平均得分,比较使用重复测量的方差分析的分布测试 (方差分析)。


Typically, callosotomy patients exhibit an anomia for objects presented in the left visual half-field. Anomia is the inability to name objects. Objects presented to the right visual field, however, are named with high accuracy (Figure 1).

Figure 1
Figure 1: Patient and control performance in the naming objects task for stimuli presented in the left and right visual fields. The patient (black circles) is not able to verbally name objects presented in the left visual field, but is able to name objects in the right visual field. In contrast, the control population (blue diamonds) can name objects presented in both the left and right visual fields.

Some patients may be able to successfully draw objects presented to the left visual field, even though they cannot verbally name them (Figure 2).

Figure 2
Figure 2: Patient and control performance in the drawing objects task for stimuli presented in the left and right visual fields. The patient (black circles) and control population (blue diamonds) are able to draw objects presented in both the left and right visual fields. The patient's performance does not differ from matched controls.

In this case, the patient usually says they haven't seen anything. This is because the left hemisphere, which is controlling speech, has not seen the visual image. However, the right hemisphere, which has seen the object, can recognize it but is unable to generate speech. Since the right hemisphere is largely in control of the left hand, the patient is able to draw the object with the left hand. This result demonstrates a dissociation between the ability to recognize an object and the ability to verbally name an object.

The control population, with intact corpora callosa, can both name and draw objects presented in the left or right visual fields. This is because information can freely pass from one hemisphere to the other, allowing for the sharing of information between the brain regions.

Applications and Summary

The case of the split-brain patient reveals the relative specialization of the two cerebral hemispheres. Many of these specializations can also be demonstrated in healthy people with intact commissures using similar techniques. For example, people tend to recognize words faster when they are presented briefly in the right visual field compared to when they are presented in the left visual field. This experiment also shows that even when two brain regions are healthy, damage to the connections between different regions can affect behavior.

However, it is important to remember that while testing the split brain demonstrates the differences between the two cerebral hemispheres, in the intact brain, the two hemispheres are continually interacting with each other and working in concert. To isolate a stimulus to one visual field requires specialized equipment that can present stimuli very briefly and away from central fixation. Since central vision is processed by both hemispheres, and the eyes typically scan an environment, this is not a situation that is likely to be encountered in everyday life.


  1. Gazzaniga, M. S., Bogen, J. E., & Sperry, R. W. (1962). Some functional effects of sectioning the cerebral commissures in man. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 48, 1765-1769.
  2. Gazzaniga, M. S., Bogen, J. E., & Sperry, R. W. (1965). Observations on visual perception after disconnexion of the cerebral hemispheres in man. Brain, 88(2), 221-236.
  3. Zaidel, E., Zaidel, D., & Bogen, J. E. (1990). Testing the commussurotomy patient. In A. Boulton, G. Baker, & M. Hiscock (Eds.), Neuromethods (pp. 147-201). Clifton, NJ: Humana Press.


Neuropsychologists study “split-brain” patients to probe the unique functions of the left and right brain hemispheres—in other words, to study lateralization—and to also investigate the nature of communication between these regions.

Primarily speaking, information from one side of the body is processed within the opposite half of the brain. In addition, each hemisphere contralaterally directs body movements.

These areas also have different cognitive strengths: the left side is typically associated with the control of language and speech, whereas the right plays a large role in processing visuospatial information—like judging the spatial arrangements of dials on a machine.

Normally, collections of neurons’ axons—referred to as nerve fiber bundles—transfer information between these hemispheres. One of the largest of such tracts is the corpus callosum.

However, this inter-hemispheric communication is interrupted in split-brain patients, whose corpora callosa have been surgically severed—a treatment sometimes used to reduce the uncontrollable neural activity characteristic of epilepsy from spreading throughout the entire brain.

Using modernizations of psychologist Michael Gazzaniga’s techniques, this video demonstrates how to test split-brain patients and assess their cognitive abilities—specifically speech production—and illustrates data collection and analysis methods.

In this experiment, patients are shown images of everyday objects and asked to verbalize the name of each item.

To achieve lateralization, patients are instructed to focus on a cross symbol in the center of a computer screen, and told to remain fixated on this shape for the duration of the experiment. Here, the cross serves as a reference point next to which visual stimuli can be shown on either the right or left.

If an image is presented on the right of the screen, it falls into the right visual field—which, perhaps counterintuitively, is processed by the left portions of both eyes. These regions then project the observed image to the left hemisphere of the brain, where it is identified.

Thus, functions of the left brain hemisphere can be assessed by showing images in the right visual field.

Similarly, a stimulus presented to the left of the cross onscreen—in the left visual field—can be used to evaluate the roles of the right hemisphere.

During the naming objects task, a total of fifty drawings, like that of a chicken, appear one at a time on a random side of the monitor—either the right or left.

Pictures are presented for less than 150 ms. As this is not enough time for a patient to move their eyes to reposition the image, it ensures that only the brain hemisphere being tested “sees” the stimulus.

After the image disappears, the patient must identify it aloud, which serves as a measure of the lateralization of verbal linguistic capability.

Here, the dependent variable is the percentage of images shown in the left and right visual fields that the patient is able to name—in other words, the accuracy of verbal identification.

Based on the previous work of Gazzaniga and others, it is expected that patients will be able to name images presented in the right visual field with high accuracy, as this information is seen by the left hemisphere—the region capable of controlling speech.

However, patients will be unable to verbally identify pictures shown in the left visual field, as this information is handled by the right brain hemisphere, which is incapable of generating language and—in split-brain patients—cannot communicate with the speech-capable left side.

If the image can’t be named—referred to as anomia—a drawing task is performed, which serves as a non-linguistic measure of stimulus knowledge.

Here, patients must create a picture of the image they were shown using the hand on the ipsilateral or same side as the tested visual field. Thus, if patients can’t verbally identify an object presented on the left of the screen, they should draw it with their left hand.

In this instance, the dependent variable is the percentage of images shown in the left and right visual fields that are accurately drawn.

It is expected that patients unable to name pictures shown on the left of the monitor will still be able to draw them—using their left hand—with high accuracy.

This is due to the fact that the right hemisphere—which controls the left arm and hand—also processes information from the left visual field. Thus, no communication is needed between the hemispheres to complete this task.

Prior to beginning the experiment, review patients’ MRI data to determine which nerve fiber bundles they are lacking. For the purpose of this demonstration, a patient in whom the entire corpus callosum has been severed is tested, and their data will be compared to those collected from control participants.

Greet the patient when they arrive, and inform them of the research procedures. In addition, assure that they have signed all appropriate consent forms.

Then, proceed to place their chin comfortably in a chinrest so that their eyes are positioned approximately 22 in. from the screen.

With the small cross displayed in the center of the screen, emphasize to the patient that they must remain fixated on this symbol, even as images flash to the left or right of it.

Proceed by showing them 50 images, each of which are presented for 150 ms, in a random order, and evenly divided between sides. After every presentation, instruct the patient to identify the object out loud: “Apple”. Record all of their responses.

If the patient cannot name the visual stimulus, ask them to draw it with the hand on the same side as the visual field in which the picture was shown. This constitutes the drawing objects task.

Make sure that the patient does not look at their hand as they are drawing, in order to maintain the initial isolation of the stimulus to one brain hemisphere.

To confirm that the patient knows the name of the stimulus when it is simultaneously presented to both fields of view, have them look down at their completed drawing and verbally identify the object it represents: “Broom”. Again, record all of the patient’s responses.

To analyze the data, first calculate the percentage of correct verbal responses across patients for stimuli presented to the left and right visual fields.

Proceed by separately compiling the percentage of correct verbal response scores for each control participant’s left and right locations.

To identify any deficits in patient behavior, compare control and patient data using a repeated-measures analysis of variance test. Repeat the analysis for all data collected from the drawing test.

Notice that while patients are typically unable to name stimuli presented to the left visual field, they can draw them—with their left hand—with a high degree of accuracy. This demonstrates a dissociation between a patient’s ability to recognize and verbally name an object.

Now that you know how to test the functions of the left and right hemispheres of split-brain patients with visual stimuli, let’s see how researchers explore and apply lateralization in other contexts.

You’ve learned that surgical separation of the two hemispheres is often used to treat patients with epilepsy, which is characterized by seizures.

As a result, many neuroscientists are looking at whether the timing of this disconnection—whether the corpus callosum is severed during childhood or adulthood—has any affect on a patient’s cognitive functions.

Importantly, such work has demonstrated that compared to adults, children experience fewer—or less severe—cognitive effects following the disconnection of the brain hemispheres, suggesting that young brains demonstrate a great degree of plasticity.

Up until now, we’ve focused on the corpus callosum as the major connection between the left and right hemispheres.

However, other nerve fiber bundles allow for communication between the sides of the brain. Among them is the anterior commissure, which has been implicated in the transfer of sensory information, like that pertaining to sight or smell.

Thus, some researchers are looking at how the disconnection of one or more of these bundles—with or without severance of the corpus callosum—affects patient behavior.

You’ve just watched JoVE’s video on testing split-brain patients using visual stimuli. By now, you should understand how to present images to the two visual fields, and collect and interpret data relating to the abilities of the left and right brain hemispheres. You should also know how data from split-brain patients is being used to develop better treatments for epilepsy, and understand the roles of different nerve fiber bundles in the brain.

Thanks for watching!


Cite This
JoVE Science Education Database. JoVE Science Education. The Split Brain. JoVE, Cambridge, MA, (2023).