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Experimental Psychology
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JoVE Science Education Experimental Psychology
The Simple Experiment: Two-group Design
  • 00:00Vue d'ensemble
  • 01:00Experimental Design
  • 04:07Conducting the Study
  • 05:56Representative Results
  • 06:49Applications
  • 08:19Summary

간단 실험: 두 그룹 설계



Vue d'ensemble

출처: 게리 레반도프스키,데이브 스트로메츠, 나탈리 시아로코-몬머스 대학교 의 연구소

두 그룹 설계는 두 변수 간에 원인 효과 관계를 설정하는 가장 간단한 방법입니다. 이 비디오는 간단한 실험(2그룹 디자인)을 보여줍니다.  연구원이 간단한 실험(2그룹 설계)을 수행하는 방법에 대한 개요를 제공하는 이 비디오는 시청자가 아이디어를 테스트 가능한 아이디어로 전환하고 가설을 형성하는 과정, 실험 변수의 식별 및 효과, 실험 조건 및 제어의 형성, 연구 수행 과정, 결과 수집 및 그 의미를 고려하는 과정을 보여줍니다. 이 연구 기술은 연구 질문에 대답의 맥락에서 데모입니다: “생리 각성/흥분은 어떻게 인식된 매력에 영향을 미합니까?”


1. 주제/연구 질문 소개 연구 질문: 모든 연구는 질문에 답하고자 합니다. 종종 그 질문은 상당히 광범위 하기 시작(예를 들어,매력에 이르게?). 연구원은 그 때 잠재적인 대답에 관하여 교육받은 추측에 근거를 둔 가설을 형성합니다. 연구 가설: 높은 흥분을 경험 하는 사람들 낮은 흥분을 경험 하는 사람들 보다 더 매력적인 다른 볼 것 이다. 2. 주요 변수 변수 = 연구에서 변경되는 모든 것 독립적 변수 = 참가자의 변화를 감지하기 위해 연구원이 조작/변경의 원인 또는 가설에 기초하여 흥분은 독립적 인 변수입니다. 종속 변수 = 연구원이 참가자에서 측정하는 효과 또는 결과입니다. 가설에 기초하여, 인식된 매력은 종속 변수입니다. 3. 변수 정의 흥분의 독립적 인 변수를 조작하려면 참가자가 러닝 머신에서 실행하도록하십시오. 인식된 매력의 종속 변수를 측정하려면 참가자에게 사진을 표시합니다. 4. 조건 수립 실험 조건 = 주요 성분을 받는 그룹, 또는 연구원이 믿는 것이 결과에 가장 큰 영향을 미칠 것이라고 믿습니다. 윤리적 고려 사항 : 이와 같은 신체적 노력이 필요한 조작을 사용하는 경우, 연구원은 관련 윤리적 고려 사항(즉,사람들이 모양에 있어야하며 너무 오래 실행할 수 없습니다)을 염두에 두어야합니다. 제어 조건 = 주요 성분이 없는 조건입니다. 이 그룹은 비교를 위한 기준역할을 합니다. 5. 실험 제어 내용: 연구원이 조작/변경하려는 핵심 조각을 제외한 모든 것을 조건 간에 정확하게 동일하게 유지합니다. 그것은 중요: 이것은 연구원이 종속 변수의 변화에 대한 책임이 있는 조각 또는 요인을 격리할 수 있는 유일한 방법입니다. 연구 신청: 본 연구에서 연구원은 흥분/각성이 매력에 미치는 영향에 초점을 맞추고자 합니다. 따라서 흥분 / 흥분은 조건 간에 변경되는 유일한 조각이어야합니다. 따라서 실험군(high rousal)이 실험실에서 3분 동안 6mph에서 러닝머신에서 실행되는 경우, 대조군은 가능한 한 유사해야 한다. 그들은 3 분 동안 실험실에서 러닝 머신에 있어야하지만 3mph에서 걸어야합니다. 6. 종속 변수 측정 (어트랙션) 사진 사용 주요 측정 고려 사항: 너무 매력적이거나 매력적이지 않아야하며 피어싱 / 문신이 없어야합니다. 그냥 헤드 샷해야 7 점 likert 규모 : 1 = 매우 매력적이지 않습니다. 7 = 매우 매력적인 7. 연구 절차/수행 정보에 입각한 동의 참가자들에게 “연구가 기본적으로 무엇인지, 참여의 위험/이점을 설명하고 언제든지 금연할 수 있다는 것을 알 수 있는 정보에 입각한 동의가 있습니다.” 조건에 대한 임의 할당 참가자의 상태(달리기 또는 걷기)가 우연 이외의 것을 기반으로 하지 않도록 패킷을 임의로 주문합니다. 그렇지 않으면, 연구원은 무의식적으로 특정 조건 (예를들어,달리기)에 특정 참가자(예를 들어,물리적으로 적합 해 보이는 사람들)를 할당 할 가능성이 더 높을 수 있습니다. 연구 실행: 실험 상태 러닝머신을 6mph로 설정하고 참가자에게 수행해야 할 작업을 설명하고 타이머를 3분 동안 시작합니다. 참가자들에게 일련의 사진을 보여주고 제공된 스케일에서 평가하도록 요청하십시오 (1 = 7을 통해 전혀 매력적이지 않음 = 매우 매력적). 연구 실행: 제어 상태 러닝머신을 3mph로 설정하고 참가자에게 수행해야 할 작업을 설명하고 타이머를 3분 동안 시작합니다. 참가자들에게 일련의 사진을 보여주고 제공된 스케일에서 평가하도록 요청하십시오 (1 = 7을 통해 전혀 매력적이지 않음 = 매우 매력적). 브리핑 참가자에게 연구의 목적을 설명하십시오: “참여해 주셔서 감사합니다. 이 연구에서 나는 운동에서 흥분이나 흥분이 더 매력적인 그림을 찾기 위해 참가자를 이끌 것인지 확인하려고했다. 흥분/ 흥분을 조작하는 것은 두 가지 조건이 있었다; 러닝 머신에서 걷는 대 달리기. 질문이 있으십니까?”


After collecting data from 122 people, a t-test for independent means was performed comparing the high arousal (running) condition to the low arousal (walking) condition to see how they influenced attraction. As shown in Figure 1, those in the running/high arousal condition, depicted with the red bar found the pictures more attractive than those in the walking/low arousal condition.

The results of this study are similar to the famous “bridge study” where researchers found that men who crossed a high shaky bridge were more attracted to a female, than other men who crossed a low sturdy bridge.1

Figure 1
Figure 1. Mean Attraction Ratings by Arousal Condition.

Applications and Summary

Considering the potential effects of arousal on attraction, it may be better to talk to someone you’re interested in while at the gym, instead of the library. It also suggests that a rock concert may be better first date than a poetry reading.


  1. Dutton, D. G., & Aron, A. P. Some evidence for heightened sexual attraction under conditions of high anxiety. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 30(4), 510-517. doi:10.1037/h0037031 (1974).


Experimental design is the process by which a researcher plans a study. A two-group design is the simplest way to establish a cause-effect relationship between two variables.

Here, a two-group experimental design is used to answer the research question: “How does physiological arousal in the form of exercise influence perceived attraction? In other words, are people more attractive to you after a workout?”

This video demonstrates the process of turning concepts into testable ideas and forming hypotheses, how to design experimental conditions and controls as well as how to identify experimental variables, how to execute the study, and finally, analysis of the data and consideration of their implications.

All research seeks to answer questions. Often those questions start out fairly broad. The researcher then forms a hypothesis based on educated guesses about potential answers.

Here, the researcher forms the research hypothesis that those who are experiencing high excitement through exercise will see others as more attractive than those who are experiencing low excitement.

To test this hypothesis, the researcher organizes two groups of people: an experimental group and a control group. The experimental group is the one that receives the treatment, which in the case of today’s experiment is running on a treadmill. The treatment is the key ingredient that the researcher believes will influence the outcome.

The control group does not have the key ingredient. This group serves as the baseline for comparison. In the control group, everything must be kept exactly identical to the experimental group except for that key ingredient that the researcher wants to manipulate.

In the present study, the researcher wants to focus on how physical excitement influences attraction. As such, physical excitement should be the only piece that changes between experimental and control groups. Therefore, the control group will walk on the same treadmill for the same amount of time that the experimental group will run on the treadmill, in order to remove the excited state from the condition.

Now, consider the variables, which are things that change within the experiment. In a cause and effect scenario, the cause, or the condition manipulated to detect changes, is called the independent variable. The effect, or the outcome that the researcher measures, is called the dependent variable.

Based on the hypothesis, excitement is the independent variable and perceived attractiveness is the dependent variable.

As we’ve mentioned, in order to manipulate the independent variable of physical arousal, the experimental group will run on a treadmill.

Including a control group is the only way the researcher can determine if changing the independent variable is responsible for the observed changes in the dependent variable.

To measure the dependent variable of perceived attractiveness, participants in both groups will view pictures. It is important to consider factors that could complicate interpretation of the results. For example, in this case the subject in the picture shouldn’t have piercings or tattoos, and should only include the head.

Here, perceived attraction is quantified through use of the 7-point Likert Scale, where 1 is designated as “Extremely Unattractive” and 7 as “Extremely Attractive.” Now that the experimental design has been established, we can proceed to conducting the experiment.

To begin the experiment, the researcher needs to obtain the subject’s informed consent to participate in the study. The informed consent gives a synopsis of the study—any risks and benefits of participation—and lets the participant know that they are free to quit at any time.

Next, make random assignments to the groups, so that the participant’s group isn’t based on anything other than chance, and any subconscious assumptions on the part of the researcher are avoided.

To perform the experimental condition, bring the participant to the treadmill and explain to the participant what she needs to do. Then, allow the participant to set the treadmill to 6 miles per hour. When the participant begins, immediately start the timer for 3 min.

Afterwards, show the participant a series of pictures and ask her to rate on the provided scale.

For the control study, once again explain to the participant what she needs to do. Allow the participant to set the treadmill to 3 miles per hour, and start the timer for 3 min at the moment the participant begins.

The control subject then rates the attractiveness of the pictures in an identical manner to experimental group.

Following the experiment, give the subject a debriefing where the researcher explains the purpose of the study.

Researcher: Thank you for participating. In this study I was trying to determine if arousal from exercise would lead participants to find a picture of a person more attractive. To manipulate arousal there were two conditions: running vs. walking on the treadmill. Do you have any questions?

After collecting data from 122 people, a t-test was performed for independent means comparing the high arousal condition—achieved through running—to the low arousal condition—achieved through walking—to see how they influenced attraction.

The results reveal that those subjected to the high arousal condition found the pictures more attractive than those subjected to the low arousal condition.

The results of this study are similar to the famous “bridge study” performed by Donald Dutton and Arthur Aron in 1974. In this study, Dutton and Aron found that unaccompanied men who crossed a high shaky bridge were more likely to follow up with a female research assistant than other men who crossed a low sturdy bridge.

Now that you are familiar with setting up a simple experiment using two-group design, you can apply this approach to answer the specific questions of your research.

The two-group experimental design is commonly used in psychological experiments to determine a cause and effect relationship of the intervention in question.

For example, researchers used this type of experiment to determine the effectiveness of combined self-management and relaxation-breathing training for children with moderate-to-severe asthma.

In this study, the independent variable was the type of training provided to the children, and the dependent variables were made up of four physiological variables, including anxiety levels. The results revealed that a combination of self-management and relaxation-breathing training can reduce anxiety in asthmatic children.

In another study, the impact of a feeding log on breastfeeding duration and exclusivity was assessed. The experimental group completed a daily breastfeeding log while the control group did not. The log served to intervene with the participant in the self-regulation process.

The findings suggest that the breastfeeding log may be a valuable tool in self-regulating breastfeeding and promoting a longer duration of full breastfeeding.

You’ve just watched JoVE’s introduction on performing a simple experiment using two-group design. Now, you should have a good understanding of how to form a hypothesis, how to design experimental conditions and controls, as well as how to identify variables. You should also have a comprehension for how to perform a study, and how to assess the results.

And remember, considering the potential effects of arousal on attraction, a first date at the amusement park may be a better choice than a first date at a poetry reading.

Thanks for watching! 


Cite This
JoVE Science Education Database. Education. The Simple Experiment: Two-group Design. JoVE, Cambridge, MA, (2023).