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JoVE Science Education Earth Science
Physical Properties Of Minerals II: Polymineralic Analysis
  • 00:00Vue d'ensemble
  • 00:59Principles of Mineral Properties
  • 03:14Observing and Analyzing Mineral Color and Streak
  • 04:08Observing Mineral Hardness and Magnetism
  • 05:28Applications
  • 06:49Summary

Propiedades físicas de los minerales II: Análisis Polymineralic



Vue d'ensemble

Fuente: Laboratorio de Alan Lester – Universidad de Colorado Boulder

Las propiedades físicas de minerales incluyen varios atributos medibles y perceptibles, incluyendo color, raya, propiedades magnéticas, dureza, forma de crecimiento del cristal y escote de cristal. Estas propiedades son específicas de cada mineral, y están relacionados fundamentalmente con un mineral particular composición química y estructura atómica.

Este vídeo examina varias propiedades físicas que son útiles para la identificación mineral muestra campo y mano, color, brillo, raya, dureza, magnetismo y la reacción con ácido. A diferencia de la forma cristalina y cristal escote, estas propiedades están más estrechamente relacionadas con composición química mineral que a estructura atómica, pero ambos juegan un papel.

Es importante reconocer que las rocas son agregados de granos minerales. Mayoría de las rocas es polymineralic (varias clases de granos mineral) pero algunos son efectivamente monomineralic (compuesto por un único mineral). A diferencia de la forma cristalina y escote, que son términos reservados para las muestras de minerales, geólogos pueden referirse en ocasiones a una roca como un tipo general de color, dureza, magnetismo o la reacción con el ácido. En otras palabras, las propiedades físicas vieron aquí son potencialmente apropiadas para el uso con las rocas, así como con minerales específicos.



Preparación Con el fin de observar y analizar las propiedades físicas de los minerales, como se hace en este video, hay pocos pasos preparatorios que deben tomarse. En primer lugar, reunir un grupo de muestras de minerales. Muestras sugeridas incluyen hematita, magnetita, calcita, dolomita y galena. Establecer una superficie para examinar a los especímenes. Una mesa limpia es conveniente, tal vez con un trozo de papel blanco sobre la superficie de la mesa. Obtener un plato de raya de porcelana, kit de dureza, im?…

Applications and Summary

Historically, the evaluation of the physical properties of minerals has been a key first step in mineral identification. Because microscopic and modern analytical instrumentation (e.g. petrographic microscopy, x-ray diffraction, x-ray fluorescence, and electron microprobe techniques) are not available in the field, recognition and use of observed physical properties can be important diagnostic tools.

Evaluating and observing the physical properties of minerals is an excellent means to demonstrate how the macroscopic features of minerals are in fact the external manifestation of either atomic-level structure or chemical composition. This process provides insight into:

1) How chemical composition influences the interplay of light with reflecting surfaces.
2) How chemical composition and atomic bond strengths influence a mineral’s resistance to disaggregation (scratching).
3) How chemical composition and atomic scale ordering influence properties such as magnetics (e.g. presence of Fe-bearing substances) and reaction with dilute acid (e.g. presence of the CO32- anion group).

There are also industrial and engineering applications that require some knowledge of the physical properties discussed in this video. For example, machines that need to cut or grind may use mineral substances to aid in the process. Additionally, gemologists (who typically identify and prepare gem-quality minerals for sale) may be concerned with properties like color and luster.


The physical properties of minerals include various measurable and discernable attributes that are unique and mineral-specific.

Rocks are aggregates of mineral grains. Most rocks are polymineralic, meaning that they are composed of multiple types of mineral grains. Some rocks are monomineralic, and are effectively composed of a single mineral. Analysis of crystal form and crystal cleavage is typically used to classify monomineralic compounds. However, geologists often classify polymineralic rocks according to other physical properties such as color, hardness, magnetism, and reaction with acid. This video will introduce the physical properties of minerals, and demonstrate mineral classification using simple standard tests.

A single mineral specimen exhibits a number of unique physical properties that are used in identification and classification. First, minerals exhibit a wide range of colors, often resulting from trace transition metals. Mineral color simply refers to the apparent color of the mineral resulting from the wavelengths of light that are preferentially reflected from a mineral surface.

Streak refers to the color of the powdered sample of the mineral. Streak is observed by dragging a mineral sample across a rough porcelain plate in order to create a line of powdered material. The apparent color of a mineral can vary, due to impurities that absorb or reflect light. However, the streak color is more reproducible, as the fine grains are randomly oriented and less affected by crystal structure and impurities.

Next, mineral luster can be studied. Luster is a subjective measure of how a mineral reflects light. It is divided into two general categories; metallic materials that are shiny and reflective, and non-metallic minerals that appear dull.

Hardness, or a mineral’s resistance to disaggregation, is another property used for classification. Hardness is measured according to the Mohs hardness scale, which is a set of ten reference minerals ranked based on their hardness. Minerals are ranked on this scale by their ability to scratch another material or be scratched by another material. A minerals ability to scratch a reference material implies that it is harder than the reference, and vice versa.

Some minerals exhibit magnetism, enabling it to influence a magnet or compass. In general, this property is exclusive to the mineral magnetite, however some other minerals can exhibit weak magnetism after heating. Finally, a mineral’s reactivity with dilute acid is measured to test for the presence of carbonate compounds. There are numerous carbonate minerals: the most common being calcite.

Now that you’ve seen the principles behind these properties, let’s look at how some of them are tested in the lab.

To analyze mineral color, first place all mineral samples on a clean tabletop covered with white paper. Examine each mineral and observe its apparent color. Note whether there are color variations within the sample itself. Observe different samples of the same mineral, and note whether there is color variation between samples. Variations can indicate impurities in the mineral. Next, observe mineral streak by dragging a mineral sample across a porcelain streak plate. Compare the streak color to the mineral color. In most cases, the streak color is similar to the mineral color. However, some minerals do exhibit differences between streak color and overall color. Repeat these steps with the other mineral samples.

To analyze mineral hardness, first attempt to scratch a glass plate with the mineral samples. Glass is near the middle of the Mohs Hardness scale. Minerals that are able to scratch glass are generally classified as hard materials. Separate the samples by ability to scratch glass. Test materials within the hard and soft groups by scraping the minerals against each other. Those that are able to scratch a mineral are harder than those that are scratched. Rank the minerals according to their hardness.

Next, ferromagnetism can be measured by first flaking a few grains of the mineral, magnetite in this example, using a masonry nail. Using a bar magnet, observe the behavior of the mineral flakes with the magnet. If the magnet picks up the flakes, the mineral exhibits ferromagnetism. Next, check for interaction with a compass needle. Place the mineral sample side-by-side with about six inches of space between them. Slowly decrease the space between the mineral and compass. If the sample is magnetic, the needle of the compass will point toward the sample, increasing as the space is decreased. Repeat these steps for the other mineral samples.

The identification of the physical properties of rocks and minerals is a key first step in mineral identification. While these physical property tests are valuable tools for identifying minerals in the field, laboratory techniques are now available that enable detailed characterization of materials. For example, the detailed characterization of materials for use in applications such as lithium ion batteries can be conducted using x-ray diffraction, or XRD. XRD utilizes the regular diffraction pattern of x-ray beams to determine a materials crystal structure, and enable detailed structural characterization.

Diamond anvil cells are devices able to reach extremely high pressure, due to the extreme hardness of diamonds. In this example, a diamond anvil cell was used to synthesize and analyze new phases of matter at extremely high pressure. The sample was loaded into a diamond anvil cell, and mounted inside of a water cooled copper chamber. The device was then mounted on a stage in line with a synchrotron X-ray source.

Material synthesis at 15 GPa and 1,700 Kelvin was measured using X-ray diffraction.

You’ve just watched JoVE’s second video on the physical properties of minerals. You should now understand the basic field tests using color, streak, hardness, magnetism, and reactivity with acid to identify and characterize a mineral sample.

Thanks for watching!


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JoVE Science Education Database. JoVE Science Education. Physical Properties Of Minerals II: Polymineralic Analysis. JoVE, Cambridge, MA, (2023).