

Published: June 28, 2016


We present here a protocol to construct and validate models for nondestructive prediction of total sugar, total organic acid, and total anthocyanin content in individual blueberries by near-infrared spectroscopy.


Nondestructive prediction of ingredient contents of farm products is useful to ship and sell the products with guaranteed qualities. Here, near-infrared spectroscopy is used to predict nondestructively total sugar, total organic acid, and total anthocyanin content in each blueberry. The technique is expected to enable the selection of only delicious blueberries from all harvested ones. The near-infrared absorption spectra of blueberries are measured with the diffuse reflectance mode at the positions not on the calyx. The ingredient contents of a blueberry determined by high-performance liquid chromatography are used to construct models to predict the ingredient contents from observed spectra. Partial least squares regression is used for the construction of the models. It is necessary to properly select the pretreatments for the observed spectra and the wavelength regions of the spectra used for analyses. Validations are necessary for the constructed models to confirm that the ingredient contents are predicted with practical accuracies. Here we present a protocol to construct and validate the models for nondestructive prediction of ingredient contents in blueberries by near-infrared spectroscopy.



在水果和蔬菜的近红外吸收光谱,只有广泛吸收带观察。它们主要是由于纤维和水分的频带。虽然许多弱带由于非自毁靶的各种成分同时观察到的,所观察到的条带不能被分配​​给在大多数情况下,目标的特定组件的特定振动模式。因此,传统的技术来确定使用朗伯 – 比尔定律的特定成分的含量为不有效NIR光谱。相反,校准模型来预测从观测频谱目标成分通过检查所观察到的谱和对应于谱的成分含量之间的相关性使用化学计量的构造的内容。4,5-这里,一个协议来构建和验证模式总糖含量的预测,总有机酸含量相当于酸化TY,并从NIR光谱蓝莓总花青素含量呈现。


Figure 1.流程图用于校准模型的构建和验证。由蓝色和绿色线包围的过程相对应,分别校准模型及其验证的建设。 请点击此处查看该图的放大版本。


1.样品的收集决定哪个品种将被包括在校准模型的对象。 收集足够数量和各​​类目标品种的样品蓝莓。 收集优选100蓝莓的校准模型的构造,并且在至少10的构造模型的验证。为了构建可靠的模型,收集各种样品, 即具有各种颜色,大小,并在不同的成熟条件。 称量每个蓝莓。注意:测量的权重后用于每蓝莓的成分的含量百分比的计算。 <p class="…

Representative Results

图2示出了作为一个例子的一组,其中的70蓝莓光谱同时显示蓝莓的近红外吸收光谱的。由于带绝对分配到糖类,有机酸,或花青素未在近红外光谱观察到,传统的朗伯 – 比尔定律并不适用于量化的成分含量。因此,模型的成分的含量预测的建设是必要的。 图3示出了用于糖的蓝莓定量分析典型色谱图?…



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The authors have nothing to disclose.


This work was partially supported by the project “A Scheme to Revitalize Agriculture and Fisheries in Disaster Area through Deploying Highly Advanced Technology” of Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Japan.


FT-NIR spectrophotometer Bruker Optics GmbH MPA 
High-Performance Liquid Chromatography Shimadzu Corporation 228-45041-91, 228-45000-31, 228-45018-31, For sugar analysis
223-04500-31, 228-45010-31, 228-45095-31 Refractive Index Detector
High-Performance Liquid Chromatography Shimadzu Corporation 228-45041-91, 228-45003-31, 228-45000-31, For organic acid analysis
228-45018-31, 228-45010-31, 223-04500-31 Ultraviolet-Visible Detector
High-Performance Liquid Chromatography Shimadzu Corporation 228-45041-91, 228-45018-31, 228-45000-31, For anthocyanin analysis
228-45012-31, 228-45119-31, 228-45005-31, Photodiode Array Detector
pH meter Mettler-Toledo 30019028 S220, Automatic temperature compensation
Ultra-pure water treatment equipment ORGANO Corporation ORG-ULXXXM1; PRA-0015-0V0 PURELAB ultra; PURELITE
Biomedical Freezers  SANYO 2-6780-01 MDF-U338
Ultra-Low Temperature Freezer Panasonic healthcare Co.,Ltd. KM-DU73Y1 -80°C
Vacuum lyophilizer IWAKI GLASS Co.,Ltd 119770 DRC-3L;FRD-82M
Homoginizer Microtec Co., Ltd.  Physcotron
Ultracentrifuge Hitachi Koki Co.,Ltd S204567 CF15RXII
Mini-centrifuge LMS CO.,LTD. KN3136572 MCF-2360
Centrifuge Kokusan Co.,Ltd 2-5534-01 H-103N
Filter Paper  Advantec 1521070 5B, Eqivalent to Whatman 40
Sep-Pak C18 column Waters Corporation Milford WAT020515
Sep-Pak CM column Waters Corporation Milford WAT020550
Sep-Pak QMA column Waters Corporation Milford WAT020545
Centrifugal Filter Unit Merck Millipore Corporation R2SA18503 PVDF, 0.45 μm
Microtube As One Corporation 1-1600-02 PP, 2 mL
Syringe Filter GE Healthcare CO.,LTD. 6788-1304 PP, 0.45 μm
Sucrose Wako Pure Chemical Industries,Ltd 194-00011 Reagent-grade
Glucose Wako Pure Chemical Industries,Ltd 049-31165 Reagent-grade
Fructose Wako Pure Chemical Industries,Ltd 123-02762 Reagent-grade
Citric acid Wako Pure Chemical Industries,Ltd 036-05522 Reagent-grade
Malic acid Wako Pure Chemical Industries,Ltd 355-17971 Reagent-grade
Succinic acid  Wako Pure Chemical Industries,Ltd 190-04332 Reagent-grade
Quinic acid Alfa Aesar, A Johnson Matthey Company 10176328 Reagent-grade
Phosphoric acid Wako Pure Chemical Industries,Ltd 162-20492 HPLC-grade
Trifluoroacetic acid Wako Pure Chemical Industries,Ltd 208-02746 Reagent-grade
Methanol Wako Pure Chemical Industries,Ltd 131-01826 Reagent-grade
Acetonitrile Wako Pure Chemical Industries,Ltd 015-08633 HPLC-grade
Grade cyanidin-3-O-glucoside chloride Wako Pure Chemical Industries,Ltd 306-37661 HPLC-grade
Software for analyses Bruker Optics GmbH OPUS ver. 6.5
Softoware for preprocessing Microsoft Excel powered by Visual Basic for Applications
Software for construction of models Freemat 4.0


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Citer Cet Article
Bai, W., Yoshimura, N., Takayanagi, M., Che, J., Horiuchi, N., Ogiwara, I. Construction of Models for Nondestructive Prediction of Ingredient Contents in Blueberries by Near-infrared Spectroscopy Based on HPLC Measurements. J. Vis. Exp. (112), e53981, doi:10.3791/53981 (2016).

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