

Published: April 21, 2012


Optimization of the experimental hamster model for cutaneous leishmaniasis by intradermal injection of Leishmania promastigotes at the dorsal skin. This approach is useful during inoculation, follow-up, characterization of lesions, application of treatments and obtaining of clinical samples. Locomotion, search for food and water, play and social activities are preserved.


传统上,仓鼠实验接种在鼻子或脚垫。然而,在这些网站溃疡并不总是发生,测量病灶大小,是一个很难的过程和动物显示困难,吃饭,呼吸,因为移动的病变。为了优化皮肤利什曼病,年轻的成年男性和女性的金黄地鼠,仓鼠模型(Mesocricetus鲫鱼 )皮内注射在背侧皮肤与1至1.5×L0 7 promastigotes的利什曼物种及后续病变的进展进行评估,最多16周后感染。金黄地鼠被选中,因为它被认为是足够的生物模型,以评估对利什曼原虫的药物,因为它们很容易受到感染不同物种。皮肤感染仓鼠但控制慢性病灶,临床演变与人类观察到的迹象类似的结果。因此,建立Øf的感染程度测量根据病灶硬结和溃疡面积的大小是可行的。这种方法已被证明它的多功能性,易于管理,在接种跟进和表征不同处理后通过不同的方式,获得临床标本典型病变(溃疡),应用的治疗。动物的生命质量有关运动使用这种方法,还保存着寻找食物和水,游戏和社交活动。


1。感染仓鼠 1。动物用于自交系男性和女性的黄金仓鼠(Mesocricetus鲫鱼 ),6-8周,体重140-160克。他们被安置在动物设施,在温度控制的住宿,饲喂标准啮齿类动物干制食品和水随意提供。所有的程序,涉及动物机构的实验动物使用的伦理委员会批准。之前与dermotropic 利什曼寄生虫的动物实验感染的性别鉴定,标志着加权按规范的程序。?…


Cutaneous leishmaniasis is endemic in the tropics and neotropics. It is often referred to as a group of diseases because of the varied spectrum of clinical manifestations, which range from small cutaneous nodules to gross mucosal tissue destruction. Most available drugs are costly, require long treatment regimens and are becoming increasingly ineffective, necessitating the discovery of new drugs.

The mouse model is widely used but has some disadvantages. Thus for example, on the basis of the l…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


This study was supported by grants from The Committee for Research at the University of Antioquia (CODI), The Colombian Institute for Development of Science and Technology – COLCIENCIAS and The Center for Development of Products against Tropical Diseases – CIDEPRO.


Name of the reagent Type Company Catalogue number
Ketamine Reagent Holliday –Scott S.A  
Xilacine Reagent Synthesis  
PBS Reagent GIBCO 14190-136
Digital caliper Equipment Fisher 15-077-958
Giemsa Reagent SIGMA GS1L-1L
Formalin Reagent Nova lab 11273
Paraffin Reagent Pechiney Plastic Packaging PM-996
Haemotoxilin Reagent Nova lab 10870103
Eosin   Nova lab 10870203
Kodak Ektachem dry chemistry Equipment Kodak Ektachem DT-60
meglumine antimoniate Reagent Aventis  
Microscopy Equipment Nikon YS2-T


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