A Flow Cytometry Assay to Identify Immune Cell Subsets in Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells

Published: February 29, 2024


Source: Torchia, M. L. G., et al. Discrimination of Seven Immune Cell Subsets by Two-fluorochrome Flow Cytometry. J. Vis. Exp. (2019)

This video demonstrates a flow cytometry-based technique using two fluorochromes to identify CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, γδ T cells, B cells, natural killer (NK) cells, and monocytes in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs). Upon incubating the cells with fluorochrome-conjugated antibodies against the surface markers, the cell subsets are identified using an optimal flow cytometric gating strategy.


All procedures involving sample collection have been performed in accordance with the institute's IRB guidelines. NOTE: This protocol has been tested on freshly or frozen isolated peripheral blood cells and whole blood. 1. Cell Staining NOTE: Choosing pairs of fluorochromes with virtually no spectral overlap is important to reduce the spread of data due to the high spillover of a fluoro…

Representative Results

Figure 1: Representative antibody titration. (A) The dot plot shows CD8 expression on fresh PBMC stained with the indicated concentration of the antibody. (B) The table represents the median and standard deviation of fluorescent intensity of the CD8+, median fluorescent intensity CD8- population, and the derived stain index for each concentration tested. (<strong…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


CD3 BD Biosciences 562426 Antibody for staining
RRID: AB_11152082
CD56 BD Biosciences 562751 Antibody for staining
RRID: AB_2732054
TCRgd BD Biosciences 331217 Antibody for staining
RRID: AB_2562316
CD4 BD Biosciences 555347 Antibody for staining
RRID: AB_395752
CD8 BD Biosciences 555367 Antibody for staining
RRID: AB_395770
CD14 BD Biosciences 555398 Antibody for staining
RRID: AB_395799
CD19 BD Biosciences 555413 Antibody for staining
RRID: AB_395813
CD3 BD Biosciences 555335 Antibody for staining
RRID: AB_398591
CD56 BD Biosciences 555518 Antibody for staining
RRID: AB_398601
TCRgd BD Biosciences 331211 Antibody for staining
RRID: AB_1089215
CCR7 Biolegend 353217 Antibody for staining
RRID: AB_10913812
CD45RA BD Biosciences 560674 Antibody for staining
RRID: AB_1727497
CCR4 BD Biosciences 561034 Antibody for staining
RRID: AB_10563066
CCR6 BD Biosciences 353419 Antibody for staining
RRID: AB_11124539
CXCR3 BD Biosciences 561730 Antibody for staining
RRID: AB_10894207
CD57 BD Biosciences 562488 Antibody for staining
RRID: AB_2737625
HLA-DR BD Biosciences 563083 Antibody for staining
RRID: AB_2737994
CD16 BD Biosciences 563784 Antibody for staining
RRID: AB_2744293
Dead cells Life technologies L-23105 Live/dead discrimination
96-well V-bottom plate Thermo fisher 249570 plate for staining
FACSAria IIu Cell Sorter BD Biosciences Flow cytometer
FCS Express 6 De Novo Software FACS analysis
Graphpad Prism GraphPad software Data analysis


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Citer Cet Article
A Flow Cytometry Assay to Identify Immune Cell Subsets in Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells. J. Vis. Exp. (Pending Publication), e21987, doi: (2024).

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