Embryo Microinjection: A Technique to Deliver a Compound into the Zebrafish Yolk

Published: April 30, 2023


Source:  Sorlien, E. L., et al. Efficient Production and Identification of CRISPR/Cas9-generated Gene Knockouts in the Model System Danio rerio. J. Vis. Exp. (2018).

This video describes a technique of Embryo microinjection to deliver compounds into Zebrafish yolk sac.


1. Microinjection of CRISPR-components into Zebrafish Embryos Set up breeding tanks the night prior to injecting by placing the number of desired males and females (typically 2 females and 1 or 2 males) in a breeding tank with a divider in place. Prepare a microinjection plate with 1.5% agarose in 1x E3 media (see Table of Materials) with 0.01% methylene blue (a fungicide) by pouring 35 mL of the melted agarose into a 10 cm Petri dish and gently lay a plastic mold to create wedge-sh…

Representative Results

Figure 1: Comparison of the health of 24 hpf injected embryos. A living embryo (A) developed to 24 hpf, is easily distinguished from an embryo that has aborted development (B). Embryos that resemble (B) or have drastically altered features to (A), such as spinal curvature or altered head and eye development should be removed from dish


RNase-free water Any brand Synthesis of guide RNAs. Thermo
 Fisher and Qiagen both carry
 suitable water.
E3 embryo media Made in house Media for raising embryos and
making injeciton plate.
Recipe: http://cshprotocols.cshlp.org/ content/2011/10/pdb.rec66449
Methylene Blue Sigma-Aldrich M9140 Added to 1x E3 media to prevent fungal growth on embryos.
Petri dish Thermo Fisher FB0875711Z Store embryos, cast injection plate
Agarose Denville CA3510-8 Casting injection plate, agarose gels.
Microinection mold Adaptive Science Tools TU-1 To create wells to hold embryos during injection
Phenol Red Sigma-Aldrich P0290 Dye for visualization of injection
Mineral Oil Sigma-Aldrich M5904-5ML To calibrate needle injection volume.
Transfer pipettes Any brand Moving embryos
Razor blade Thermo Fisher 11295-10 Cutting injection needle, tail clipping adult fish.
Incubator Maintaining embryos at 28.5 C.
Verticle pipette puller David Kopf Instruments 700C Geneate needles for injection. Additional needle pulling instructions:
http:// cshprotocols.cshlp.org/ content/2006/7/pdb.prot4651.long
Capillary tubes Sutter Instruments BF100-58-10 Geneate needles for injection.
Microloader tips Eppendorf 930001007 Load solution into injection needles
Microinjector World Precision Instruments PV 820 Injecting embryos.
Disecting microscope Leica Injecting embryos.
Microwave Any brand Casting injection plate, agarose gels.
Scale Any brand Casting injection plate, agarose gels.
Gloves Any brand For all aspects of the protocol.
N2 Any brand To expell liquid from the capillary for embryo injection
PCR strip tubes Any brand For all aspects of the protocol.
200 µL tips Any brand For all aspects of the protocol.
10 µL tips Any brand For all aspects of the protocol.
Micropipettes Any brand For all aspects of the protocol.

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Citer Cet Article
Embryo Microinjection: A Technique to Deliver a Compound into the Zebrafish Yolk. J. Vis. Exp. (Pending Publication), e20196, doi: (2023).

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