This video describes in vivo electroporation, which is a technique for DNA delivery into ependymoglial cells in adult zebrafish.
1. Electroporation Remove the fish from the injection set-up while still holding it in the sponge. Immerse the inner side of the tip of the electrodes in the ultrasound gel. Cover the fish telencephalon with a small amount of ultrasound gel. Position the fish head between the electrodes, placing the positive electrode at the ventral side of the fish’s head and the negative electrode on the dorsal side (Figure 1C), while still holding the fish’s body i…
Representative Results
Figure 1: Schematic representation of coronal section of the everted zebrafish telencephalon. (A) Scheme of a coronal section of zebrafish telencephalon, highlighting the position of ependymoglial cells, which are lining ventricular surface and building the ventral ventricular wall. Dorsal ependymal layer is bridging the two hemispheres and covering the ventricle (V), located in between two cell…