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Chapter 15

Transport transmembranaire dans le réticulum endoplasmique et peroxysomes

Chapter 15

Transmembrane Transport in Endoplasmic Reticulum and Peroxisomes

Eukaryotic cells have a special pathway that enables communication between various intracellular membrane-bound compartments and also with the …
The endoplasmic reticulum or ER makes up for more than half of the membranes in a cell and accounts for 10% of total cell volume. It is also the primary …
Smooth endoplasmic reticulum or smooth ER is a sub-organelle with specialized functions in animal cells and plant cells. It is often associated with the …
The organelle-specific signaling sequences direct proteins synthesized in the cytosol to their final destination like ER, mitochondria, peroxisomes, etc. …
Translocation of proteins across membranes is an ancient process that occurs even in bacteria and archaebacteria. In fact, the components of the …
Integral membrane proteins are proteins adhered to the lipid bilayer of a cell organelle or membrane. They can be of two types: transmembrane integral …
The rough ER membrane synthesizes, assembles, and embeds transmembrane proteins in diverse topologies. These proteins function as transporters or channels …
Tail-anchored, or TA, proteins are estimated to make up to 3-5% of membrane proteins found in the eukaryotic cell. Such proteins have a single …
Modification of secretory and transmembrane proteins entering the rough ER begins in the ER lumen. These modifications aid in protein folding and …
ER is the primary site for the maturation and folding of soluble and transmembrane secretory proteins. The calnexin cycle is a specific chaperone system …
The ER is the hub of protein synthesis in a cell. It has robust systems to quality control protein folding and also for degradation of terminally …
Peroxisomes are specialized organelles present in fungi, plant, and animal cells. It can vary in number, size, morphology, and activity depending on the …
Cells contain membrane-bound organelles called peroxisomes that oxidize organic molecules by transferring hydrogen atoms to oxygen, producing hydrogen …
GPI-anchoring is a post-translational, reversible protein modification that is ubiquitous in eukaryotes. Such proteins are primarily present on the …
The ER synthesizes lipids for building cell membranes and performing cellular functions such as energy storage and signaling. The lipid synthesis …
A sizable fraction of proteins destined for ER are first synthesized in the cell cytosol and then transported across the ER membrane–a process …
After folding, the ER assesses the quality of secretory and membrane proteins. The correctly folded proteins are cleared by the calnexin cycle for …
Inositol-requiring kinase one or IRE1 is the most conserved eukaryotic unfolded protein response (UPR) receptor. It is a type I transmembrane protein …
Biological membranes are more than just a barrier separating cell cytoplasm from the outside environment. They are highly dynamic and help maintain the …
The translocon complex situated on the ER membrane is the main gateway for the protein secretory pathway. It facilitates the transport of nascent peptides …
Radioactive pulse-chase labeling is a powerful tool for studying the conformational maturation, the transport to their functional cellular location, and …
Cellular organelles, such as mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum (ER), create a network to perform a variety of functions. These highly curved …
The ribosome is a large ribonucleoprotein complex that assembles proteins processively along mRNA templates. The diameter of the ribosome is approximately …