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Chapter 16

Fourier Series

Chapter 16

Fourier Series

A Fourier series is a mathematical technique that breaks down periodic functions into an infinite series of sinusoidal harmonics. The trigonometric …
In audio signal processing, the exponential Fourier series is essential for synthesizing sounds. For instance, a complex musical note can be decomposed …
The exploration of the properties of the Fourier series begins with linearity. When considering two periodic signals and forming a third by their linear …
When a signal undergoes time scaling, the Fourier series coefficients remain the same, but the representation of the Fourier series changes due to an …
Parseval's theorem states that if a function is periodic, then the average power of the signal over one period equals the sum of the squared …
The Fourier series of a signal is an infinite sum of complex exponentials. The infinite sum is often truncated to a finite partial sum to make it …
The Discrete-Time Fourier Series is a counterpart to the Fourier-series expansion of continuous-time periodic signals. Calculating the expansion …
This manuscript describes how to classify nematodes using temporal far-field diffraction signatures. A single C. elegans is suspended in a water column …