Quantum integrated circuits (QICs) consisting of array of planar and ballistic Josephson junctions (JJs) based on In0.75Ga0.25As two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) is demonstrated. Two different methods for fabrication of the two-dimensional (2D) JJs and QICs are discussed followed by the demonstration of quantum transport measurements in sub-Kelvin temperatures.
Delfanazari, K., Ma, P., Puddy, R., Yi, T., Cao, M., Gul, Y., Richardson, C. L., Farrer, I., Ritchie, D., Joyce, H. J., Kelly, M. J., Smith, C. G. Scalable Quantum Integrated Circuits on Superconducting Two-Dimensional Electron Gas Platform. J. Vis. Exp. (150), e57818, doi:10.3791/57818 (2019).