Collection and Processing of Lymph Nodes from Large Animals for RNA Analysis: Preparing for Lymph Node Transcriptomic Studies of Large Animal Species
JoVE Revista
Inmunología y contagio
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JoVE Revista Inmunología y contagio
Collection and Processing of Lymph Nodes from Large Animals for RNA Analysis: Preparing for Lymph Node Transcriptomic Studies of Large Animal Species

12:53 min

May 19, 2018

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  • 00:00Título
  • 01:52Collection of supplies
  • 03:18Methods
  • 09:41Resultados
  • 12:05Summary


Traducción Automática

This protocol provides an overview of procedures for the isolation of RNA for the transcriptomic profiling of lymph node tissues from large animals, including steps in the identification and excision of lymph nodes from livestock and wildlife, sampling approaches to provide consistency across multiple animals, and considerations plus representative results for the post-collection preservation and processing for RNA analysis.

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