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MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry
  • 00:00Descripción
  • 00:52Principles of MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry
  • 02:32Plate, Matrix, and Sample Preparation
  • 04:19Running the Mass Spectrometer
  • 05:16Applications
  • 07:09Summary





基质辅助激光解吸电离 (MALDI) 是理想的生物分子分析中的质谱离子源。而不是电离气体状态的化合物,样品嵌入在一个矩阵,由激光触击。矩阵吸收的大部分能源;一些这种能量然后转移到样品,由于电离。然后可确定样品离子分析仪飞行时间 (TOF)。

这部影片讲述了 MALDI TOF,包括矩阵的选择和如何使用 TOF 来澄清质量电荷比原则。此过程显示 MALDI 板,样品在盘子里,装卸操作的飞行时间质谱仪的制备。在最后一节,应用程序和变化显示,包括全细胞分析、 表征复杂的生物样品和电喷雾电离。

基质辅助激光解吸电离或 MALDI,是理想的生物分子分析中的质谱离子源。大多数离子源删除大、 脆弱的生物分子的结构信息。MALDI 维护结构的完整性,并因此信息,同时加速分子质量分析器,分离化合物基于大小和电荷。最常见耦合与 MALDI 是飞行或质量分析器 TOF 的时间。本视频将显示在生化的 MALDI 电离,一般的程序,和一些它的用途的概念。

对函数的质谱,必须到气态电离分子。在 MALDI,样品被嵌入在一个矩阵,通常有机复合含芳香和共轭双键。


MALDI 通常都与时间的飞行或质量分析器 TOF 配对。电场对离子,将其移动到被称为漂移管的无电场区域适用动能。离子的速度因为他们通过管移动被有关质量费用比例,所以较重的颗粒慢穿越仪器。在管的末端探测器测量每个离子的飞行时间。与这方面的知识,以及管长度和外加的电场强度,可以阐明每个离子的质量电荷比。


现在,讨论了 MALDI TOF 的基础知识,看看在实验室过程。

在开始之前的实验,它是重要考虑从中将解吸样本矩阵的选择。它必须吸收激光能量、 能稳定在真空、 不反应的靶分子,和能够脱附。根据样品,不同的矩阵是首选。一个大的蛋白,CHCA 和道亨银行的组合表明的山峰,比个别的矩阵称为决议,更好地分离。

那里有很多的方法来制备样品。我们会显示什么被称为”双电层”或”三明治”方法。开始,清洁 MALDI 板的超纯试剂,如质谱分析法是对污染非常敏感。干燥的惰性气体流板。

接下来,饱和的矩阵解决方案通常用有机溶剂。该解决方案是 MALDI 盘子里有条纹,晒干。准备好第二个矩阵含三氟乙酸或反式脂肪酸,饱和的溶液。反式脂肪酸有助于离子进入气相。

接下来,该示例解决方案被加上干的矩阵点。添加包含 TFA 在样本,从而完成”三明治”矩阵的矩阵解决方案。可以验证均匀性的现场,低功耗的显微镜下。

板的校准标准,这是广泛已知质量的一种混合物,用来关联到 m/z 飞行时间。最后,板矩阵单独作为阴性对照。



接下来,从每个样本点收集光谱。尝试几个不同的地点,当场要最大限度地收集数据的质量。一旦完成,MALDI 板可以收集和清洗后重复使用。

现在,我们已经检讨了程序,让我们看看一些 MALDI 被运用的方法和一种不同的电离技术。

除了生物分子,MALDI 可以用于分析的活细胞。巨噬细胞是免疫细胞,采用几种不同的形式,基于其微环境之一。后细胞暴露于各种信号分子或细胞因子,他们可以直接添加到盘子里,和分析。MALDI 谱可以作为唯一的”指纹”,具体取决于使用的细胞因子。

复杂的生物样品,如哺乳动物的皮脂腺分泌物需要净化 MALDI 分析前一步。薄层色谱法是依赖组件的极性的其中一种技巧。化合物是收集从颈部薄层色谱法、 纯化,和转移到 MALDI 基质。由此产生的光谱核实身份和从哺乳动物的皮脂腺分泌物分离生物分子的纯度。

另一个常见离子源的生物分子是电喷雾电离或 ESI。在此方法中,样品注入的仪器,在那里施加高电压,创建的荷电液滴气溶胶。在液滴溶剂蒸发,电荷被搬到样品分子,直到他们完全气体。ESI 不需要的点样的程序,和样品可以直接注入的仪器。另一方面,ESI 是更敏感的存在缓冲区组件和其他污染物,这意味着 MALDI 更健壮。

你刚看了 MALDI 质谱的朱庇特的视频。这个视频描述仪器背后的理论,走过去一般的程序,和覆盖的一些技术的使用。谢谢观赏 !



No conflicts of interest declared.


Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization, or MALDI, is a mass spectrometry ion source ideal for the analysis of biomolecules. Most ion sources remove structural information from large, fragile biomolecules. MALDI maintains structural integrity, and therefore information, while accelerating the molecules into the mass analyzer, which separates the compounds based on size and charge. The most commonly coupled with MALDI is the time of flight, or TOF, mass analyzer. This video will show the concepts of MALDI ionization, a general procedure, and some of its uses in biochemistry.

For mass spectrometry to function, molecules must be ionized into the gaseous state. In MALDI, the sample is embedded in a matrix, typically an organic compound containing aromatic and conjugated double bonds.

When a laser pulse strikes this mixture the matrix absorbs the majority of the energy, rapidly heats, and is desorbed, or released, from the surface. The energized matrix transfers some of its energy to the biomolecules, desorbing and then ionizing them.

MALDI is typically paired with a time of flight, or TOF, mass analyzer. An electric field applies kinetic energy to the ions, moving them into a field-free region called a drift tube. The velocity of the ions as they move through the tube is related to their mass-to-charge ratio, so heavier particles travel slower through instrument. A detector at the end of the tube measures each ion’s flight time. With this knowledge, as well as the tube length and applied field strength, the mass-to-charge ratio of each ion can be elucidated.

This plot of signal intensity to mass-to-charge-ratio, known as a mass spectrum, can be compared to a library of collected spectra. If no matches are found, it can molecules can be identified by further techniques, such as tandem mass spectrometry. For more information, see this collection’s video on the topic.

Now that the basics of MALDI-TOF have been discussed, let’s look at the process in the laboratory.

Before beginning an experiment, it’s important to consider the choice of matrix from which samples will be desorbed. It must absorb the laser energy, be stable in a vacuum, not react with the target molecules, and be able to desorb. Depending on the sample, different matrices are preferred. For a large protein, a combination of CHCA and DHB has shown better separation of the peaks, called resolution, than the individual matrices.

There are a number of ways to prepare samples. We’ll show what is known as the “double-layer”, or “sandwich,” method. To begin, clean the MALDI plate with ultra-pure reagents, as mass spectrometry is very sensitive to contamination. Dry the plate with a stream of inert gas.

Next, a saturated matrix solution is made, typically with an organic solvent . The solution is streaked onto the MALDI plate and dried. A second saturated solution of matrix containing trifluoroacetic acid, or TFA, is prepared. TFA helps ions into the gaseous phase.

Next, the sample solution is added on top of the dried matrix spot. Add the matrix solution containing TFA on top of the sample, thereby completing the matrix “sandwich”. Homogeneity of the spot can be verified under a low-powered microscope.

Plate a calibration standard, which is a mixture with a wide range of known masses and is used to correlate the time-of-flight to m/z. Finally, plate the matrix alone as a negative control.

To analyze the spots, place the target plate into the instrument. Ensure there’s no debris present, allowing for the formation of a tight vacuum. In the software, select the standard, negative control, and samples of interest. Label the spots with the correct identification.

The ion source and lens voltages can be manipulated to improve performance of the analysis. This will depend on the specifics of the instrument and sample. Focus on the standard spot and calibrate the instrument with the software.

Next, collect spectra from each of the sample spots. Try a few different locations on the spot to maximize the quality of the collected data. Once finished, the MALDI plate can be collected and reused after cleaning.

Now that we’ve reviewed a procedure, let’s look at some of the ways MALDI is utilized, and a different ionization technique.

In addition to biomolecules, MALDI can be used to analyze living cells. Macrophages are immune cells that take on one of several different forms, based on their microenvironment. After exposing the cells to various signaling molecules, or cytokines, they can be added directly to the plate, and analyzed. The MALDI spectra can be used as unique “fingerprints”, depending on the cytokine used.

Complex biological samples like mammalian sebaceous secretions require a step of purification before MALDI analysis. Thin layer chromatography is one such technique that relies on the components’ polarity. The compounds are collected from the TLC pate, purified, and transferred to a MALDI matrix. The resulting spectra verify the identity and purity of the separated biomolecules from the mammalian sebaceous secretions.

Another common ion source for biomolecules is electrospray ionization, or ESI. In this method, the sample is injected into the instrument, where a high voltage is applied, creating an aerosol of charged droplets. As the solvent in the droplet evaporates, the charge is moved to the sample molecules, till they are completely gaseous. ESI doesn’t require the spotting procedure, and the sample can be injected directly into the instrument. On the other hand, ESI is more sensitive to the presence of buffer components and other contaminants, meaning MALDI is more robust.

You’ve just watched JoVE’s video on MALDI mass spectrometry. This video described the theory behind the instrument, went over a general procedure, and covered some of the uses of the technique. Thanks for watching!


Cite This
JoVE Science Education Database. JoVE Science Education. MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry. JoVE, Cambridge, MA, (2023).

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