
Patch Clamp Registrering af Starburst amacrine Celler i en væg-mount Udarbejdelse af Deafferentated Mouse Retina

Published: October 13, 2016


Denne protokol viser, hvordan du udfører hel-celle patch clamp optagelse på retinale neuroner fra en flad-mount forberedelse.


Den mammale nethinden er et lagdelt væv består af flere neuronale typer. For at forstå, hvordan visuelle signaler behandles inden for sit indviklede synaptisk netværk, er elektrofysiologiske optagelser ofte bruges til at undersøge forbindelser mellem individuelle neuroner. Vi har optimeret en flad-mount forberedelse til patch clamp registrering af genetisk mærket neuroner i både GCL (ganglion cellelag) og INL (indre nukleare lag) af muse nethinder. Optagelse INL neuroner i flade-mounts er begunstiget i skiver fordi både lodrette og vandrette forbindelser er bevaret i den tidligere konfiguration, så retinale kredsløb med store laterale komponenter, der skal undersøges. Vi har brugt denne fremgangsmåde for at sammenligne svarene fra spejl partner med neuroner i nethinder såsom cholinerge starburst amacrine celler (SAC).


As an easily accessible part of the central nervous system, the retina has for decades been a useful model in neuroscience studies. Genetic marking of neurons has allowed detailed characterization of synaptic connections in the retina. With many methodologies available to examine function and morphology of retinal neurons, the patch clamp recording technique has been instrumental in our current understanding of vertically transmitted signals in the retina. These signals are originated from photon absorption in photoreceptors and sent to brain visual centers through spiking of retinal ganglion cells (RGCs). Despite a large body of knowledge accumulated thus far, neural diversity in vascularized mammalian retina remains unsolved and obstructs the full appreciation of retinal circuits that subserve normal vision. This is in part because most recordings were performed on retinal slices to trade lateral circuit integrity for access to more proximal retinal neurons1-3. To gain a comprehensive picture on how retina computes visual signals, it is thus desirable to record neurons in flat-mounts wherein lateral connections, large and small, may be better preserved.

When synaptic transmission from photoreceptors to bipolar cells is interrupted due to a defective metabotropic glutamate receptor 6 (mGluR6) signaling pathway in depolarizing bipolar cells4-6 or simply as the result of photoreceptor loss in degenerated retinas7-10, many RGCs exhibit oscillatory activities. These oscillations originate from multiple sources, however the one involving gap junction coupling between AII amacrine cells (AII-ACs) and depolarizing cone bipolar cells (DCBCs) has received the most attention and hence is best understood1,7,11. We have found another source, which persists under pharmacological blockade of the aforementioned AII-AC/DCBC network and drives oscillation of OFF-type SACs in RhoΔCTA and Nob mice with deafferentated retinas7,8,12. Here we detail our protocol of preparing retinal flat-mounts for INL neuron recording. This approach uses commercial mouse lines (Jax stock no. 006410 and 007905) to mark cholinergic retinal neurons by fluorescent protein (tdTomato) expression that is identifiable under a fluorescent microscope equipped with contrast enhancing optics. Some experimental results acquired through this approach have been previously reported4,5,7,13.


Etisk godkendelse – procedurer, der involverer dyr emner blev gennemført i overensstemmelse med de regler og forskrifter for National Institutes of Health retningslinjer for forsøgsdyr, som er godkendt af den institutionelle Dyrepleje og bruge udvalg af Baylor College of Medicine. 1. Eksterne og interne løsninger Brug pattedyr Ringers opløsning under nethinden dissektion og som ekstern løsning i efterfølgende elektrofysiologiske optagelse. Forbered pattedyr Ringers opløsning fra 10x stamopløsn…

Representative Results

Repræsentative optagelser af on- og off-typen habitatområderne fra en deafferentated mus nethinden er vist i figur 1. Cholinerge celler i både GCL og INL kan opgøres pålideligt identificeres ved tdTomato fluorescens og målrettet for hel-celle patch clamp optagelse under DIC (figur 1A) at afsløre svingning af deres membran potentialer (top spor) og synaptiske strømme, der driver det (nederst spor, Figur 1B). Hæmmende og excitator…


Mange laboratorier har optaget fra GCL neuroner i det flade-mount forberedelse 15-18, men vores procedurer tillader optagelse fra INL neuroner. Vi lægger vægt hermed flere trin, der er afgørende for en vellykket rutinemæssige optagelser.

Friskhed og planhed af nethinden er vigtige til penetrering med en optagelse pipette. I denne henseende firmaet fastgørelse af nethinden til det stansede nitrocellulosemembran er altafgørende, og opnås ved transient absorption af opløsning…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


We thank Joung Jang and Xin Guan for technical assistance. We thank Dr. Rory McQuiston of Virginia Commonwealth University for setting up our first patch clamp rig and advices on experimental procedures. We thank Dr. Samuel Wu for suggestions on voltage clamp recording. The work is supported by NIH grants EY013811, EY022228 and a vision core grant EY002520. C-KC is the Alice R. McPherson Retina Research Foundation Endowed Chair at the Baylor College of Medicine.


Fixed-stage fluorescent microscope with DIC Olympus BX51-WI
Micromanipulators Sutter MP-225
Patch clamp amplifier A-M System AM2400
AD converter National Instrument NI-USB-6221
Heater controller Warner Instrument TC-324B
Inline heater Warner Instrument SC-20
Peristaltic pump Rainin Dynamax
pipette puller Sutter Instrument P-1000
Glass tube with filament King Precision Glass Customized
Stimulator A.M.P.I. Master-8
Biocytin Sigma B4261
NaCl Sigma S6191
KCl Sigma P5405
NaHCO3 Fisher BP328-1
Na2HPO4 Sigma S0876
NaH2PO4 Sigma S5011
CaCl2 Sigma C5670
MgSO4 Sigma M1880
D-glucose Sigma G6152
K-gluconate Sigma G4500
ATP-Mg Sigma A9187
Li-GTP Sigma G5884
EGTA Sigma E0396
HEPES Sigma H4034
KOH Sigma P5958
Cs-methanesulfonate Sigma C1426
CsOH Sigma 232041
Syringer filter Nalgene 171
1 ml syring Rainin 17013002
10 ul pipette tip Genesee Scientific 24-130RL
Streptavidin-488 ThermoFisher S-11223
10X PBS Lonza 17-517Q


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Citar este artículo
Tu, H., Hsu, C., Chen, Y., Chen, C. Patch Clamp Recording of Starburst Amacrine Cells in a Flat-mount Preparation of Deafferentated Mouse Retina. J. Vis. Exp. (116), e54608, doi:10.3791/54608 (2016).

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