
वयस्क माउस पौधे क सेल और Adenovirus - मध्यस्थता सहायक सेल संक्रमण का विच्छेदन

Published: March 28, 2012


Mechanosensory बालों की कोशिकाओं भीतरी कान की रिसेप्टर कोशिकाओं रहे हैं. सबसे विशेषता<em> इन विट्रो में</em> मॉडल प्रणाली परिपक्व स्तनधारी बालों की कोशिकाओं के वयस्क चूहों से utricles का अंग संस्कृतियों का इस्तेमाल करता है. हम वयस्क माउस पौधे क सेल के विच्छेदन मौजूद है, और हम adenovirus की मध्यस्थता सुसंस्कृत utricles में कक्षों का समर्थन करने में संक्रमण का प्रदर्शन.


Hearing loss and balance disturbances are often caused by death of mechanosensory hair cells, which are the receptor cells of the inner ear. Since there is no cell line that satisfactorily represents mammalian hair cells, research on hair cells relies on primary organ cultures. The best-characterized in vitro model system of mature mammalian hair cells utilizes organ cultures of utricles from adult mice (Figure 1) 1-6. The utricle is a vestibular organ, and the hair cells of the utricle are similar in both structure and function to the hair cells in the auditory organ, the organ of Corti. The adult mouse utricle preparation represents a mature sensory epithelium for studies of the molecular signals that regulate the survival, homeostasis, and death of these cells.

Mammalian cochlear hair cells are terminally differentiated and are not regenerated when they are lost. In non-mammalian vertebrates, auditory or vestibular hair cell death is followed by robust regeneration which restores hearing and balance functions 7, 8. Hair cell regeneration is mediated by glia-like supporting cells, which contact the basolateral surfaces of hair cells in the sensory epithelium 9, 10. Supporting cells are also important mediators of hair cell survival and death 11. We have recently developed a technique for infection of supporting cells in cultured utricles using adenovirus. Using adenovirus type 5 (dE1/E3) to deliver a transgene containing GFP under the control of the CMV promoter, we find that adenovirus specifically and efficiently infects supporting cells. Supporting cell infection efficiency is approximately 25-50%, and hair cells are not infected (Figure 2). Importantly, we find that adenoviral infection of supporting cells does not result in toxicity to hair cells or supporting cells, as cell counts in Ad-GFP infected utricles are equivalent to those in non-infected utricles (Figure 3). Thus adenovirus-mediated gene expression in supporting cells of cultured utricles provides a powerful tool to study the roles of supporting cells as mediators of hair cell survival, death, and regeneration.


1. पौधे क सेल विच्छेदन और संस्कृति एक वयस्क (उम्र या पुराने के 4 हफ्तों) माउस का उपयोग कर एक अनुमोदित प्रोटोकॉल और सिर काटना Euthanize. सिर के दोनों पक्षों पर बाहरी श्रवण नहर कटाव और त्वचा नाक की दिशा में ?…


संवेदी बालों की कोशिकाओं सहित उम्र बढ़ने, शोर, और आघात aminoglycoside एंटीबायोटिक दवाओं और अर्बुदरोधी एजेंट cisplatin के ototoxic दवाओं सहित, के लिए जोखिम, तनाव की एक किस्म की वजह से मौत के लिए अतिसंवेदनशील होते हैं. स्तनधा?…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


इस काम बहरापन और अन्य संचार विकार पर राष्ट्रीय संस्थान पर अंदर का अनुसंधान प्रभाग द्वारा समर्थित किया गया. अतिरिक्त समर्थन NIDCD 5R01 DC007613 द्वारा प्रदान की गई थी.


Reagent Company Catalog number
Medium 199 Gibco/Invitrogen 12350
DMEM/F12 Gibco/Invitrogen 11320
Fine forceps (#55) Fine Science Tools 11255-20
Fine forceps (#5) Fine Science Tools 11252-30
Forceps (#3) Fine Science Tools 11231-30
Penicillin G Sigma P3032
Fetal bovine serum Invitrogen 10082-139
Nunc mini-tray Fisher 12-565-68
Adenovirus-GFP Vector Biolabs 1060*
Cal-Ex decalcifier Fisher CS510-1D
sodium borohydride Sigma 452882
Anti-Myosin 7a (polyclonal) Proteus Biosciences 25-6790
Anti-Myosin 7a (monoclonal) Developmental Studies Hybridoma Bank MYO7A 138-1
Anti-Calmodulin Sigma C 3545
Anti-Calbindin Chemicon AB1778
Fluoromount G Southern Biotechnology Associates 0100-01

Table 1. Reagents and tools used in utricle culture and adenovirus infection.

* Note: Ad-GFP is normally provided by Vector Biolabs at a stock titer of 1×1010 PFU/ml. We requested a custom amplification in order to provide the stock virus at a titer of 1.2×1011 PFU/ml.


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Brandon, C. S., Voelkel-Johnson, C., May, L. A., Cunningham, L. L. Dissection of Adult Mouse Utricle and Adenovirus-mediated Supporting-cell Infection. J. Vis. Exp. (61), e3734, doi:10.3791/3734 (2012).

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