Thiobarbituric Acid-Reactive Substances Assay to Assess Oxidative Stress in Human Serum

Published: April 30, 2023


Source: Borges, C. R. et al., Evaluation of Oxidative Stress in Biological Samples Using the Thiobarbituric Acid Reactive Substances Assay. J. Vis. Exp. (2020)

This video demonstrates the thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) assay to assess oxidative stress in biological samples.


All procedures involving human participants have been performed in compliance with the institutional, national, and international guidelines for human welfare and have been reviewed by the local institutional review board 1. TBARS assay NOTE: Once the TBARS assay is started, it should be finished without stopping. Take as many samples and standards centrifuged at 1500 x g for 10 min at 4 °C. After centrifugation, keep the g…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


1x Sterile PBS pH 7.4 1 L VWR, PA 101642–262 Cell lysis reagent
50 mL self-standing centrifuge tube Corning, NY CLS430897 General material
96 well plate, Non-Treated, clear, with lid, Non-sterile Thermo Fisher Scientific, MA 280895 To measure absorbance
Amicon Ultra-0.5 100 kD centrifugal spin filter device Fisher Scientific, NH UFC510024 LDL purification
Caps for glass tubes Thermo Fisher Scientific, MA 14-930-15D For TBARS assay
Copper II Chloride SIGMA, MO 222011-250G To induce oxidation
Culture tubes, Disposable, with Screw-Cap Finish, Borosilicate Glass (13 x 100 mm) VWR, PA 53283-800 For TBARS assay
Eagle's Minimum Essential Medium (EMEM) ATCC, VA HB-8065 HepG2 cell media
Eppendorf Safe-Lock Tubes, 1.5 mL eppendorf, NY 22363204 General material
Eppendorf Safe-Lock Tubes, 2.0 mL Genesee Sceitific, CA 22363352 General material
Fetal Bovine Serum US Source Omega Scientific, CA FB-11 For cell culture
Glacial Acetic Acid SIGMA, MO 27225-1L-R TBARS Reagent
Halt Protease Inhibitor Cocktail (100x) Thermo Scientific, MA 87786 Cell lysis reagent
HEPES SIGMA, MO H3375-250G LDL solvent
Hydrochloric acid (HCl) Fisher Scientific, NH A144-212 Cell lysis reagent
Legend Micro 17 Centrifuge Thermo Scientific, MA 75002431 General material
Low Density Lipoprotein, Human Plasma Athens Research & Technology, GA 12-16-120412 Biological matrix prototype
Magnetic Stir Bars, Octagon 6-Assortment VWR, PA 58948-025 General material
Malondialdehyde bis (dimethyl acetal) SIGMA, MO 8207560250 TBARS Standard
Multiskan Go Microplate Spectrophotometer Fisher Scientific, NH 51119200 To measure absorbance
NP-40 EMD Millipore Corp, MA 492016-100ML Cell lysis reagent
Sodium Chloride SIGMA, MO S7653-1KG Cell lysis reagent
Sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) SIGMA, MO 436143-100G TBARS Reagent
Sodium hydroxide SIGMA, MO 367176-2.5KG TBARS Reagent
SpeedVac Concentrator Thermo Scientific, MA SC250EXP For concentrating cell lysates
Thiobarbituric Acid SIGMA, MO T5500-100G TBARS Reagent
TRIS base Fluka, GA 93362 Cell lysis reagent


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Citar este artículo
Thiobarbituric Acid-Reactive Substances Assay to Assess Oxidative Stress in Human Serum. J. Vis. Exp. (Pending Publication), e21326, doi: (2023).

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