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Chapter 14
Muscle Tissue

Overview of Muscle Tissues
The human body has three types of muscle tissue: skeletal, smooth, and cardiac. Each class has unique properties that enable them to perform specific…
Gross Anatomy of Skeletal Muscles
The connective tissues play a significant role in arranging the muscle fibers into a hierarchical structure that forms a complete muscle. Consider a…
Microscopic Anatomy of Skeletal Muscles
Skeletal muscle cells, also called muscle fibers, are distinctly elongated, multi-nucleated, slender biological units. They are packed with…
The Sarcomere
A sarcomere is a microscopic segment repeating in a myofibril. The sarcomere fundamentally consists of two main myofilaments: thick filaments called…
The Neuromuscular Junction
The nervous system consists of complex motor neuron circuits, including upper motor neurons originating from the cerebral cortex and lower motor…
Generation of Action Potential in Skeletal Muscles
Every cell in the body maintains a membrane potential due to an uneven distribution of positive and negative charges across its plasma membrane. The…
Excitation-contraction Coupling in Skeletal Muscles
Excitation-contraction coupling is a series of events that occur between generating an action potential and initiating a muscle contraction. It…
Relaxation of Skeletal Muscles
The period of muscle contraction primarily influences the duration of stimulation at the neuromuscular junction (NMJ), the presence of free calcium…
Energy Supply for Muscle Contraction
Skeletal muscle fibers have the unique ability to switch between rest and contraction states, using different sources of ATP for energy. The…
Muscle Recovery and Fatigue
Muscle fatigue refers to the decline in a muscle's ability to maintain the force of contraction after prolonged activity. It primarily stems from…
Motor Units
The motor unit is a fundamental component of the neuromuscular system and plays a crucial role in coordinating muscle contractions. It consists of a…
Motor Unit Stimulation
When the neuron of a motor unit fires an action potential, it triggers a series of events, leading to a twitch contraction in the muscle fibers. The…
Muscle Stimulation Frequency
The contraction strength of muscles is regulated by motor neurons, which modulate the frequency of action potentials dispatched to the motor units…
Isotonic and Isometric Muscle Contractions
Two primary types of muscle contractions are isotonic and isometric, each serving unique functions and involving distinct mechanisms. Both isotonic…
Types of Skeletal Muscle Fibers
Skeletal muscles comprise various fibers, each with distinct characteristics and roles in movement and stability. They are mainly categorized into…
Disorders of the Skeletal Muscle
The clinical conditions affecting the skeletal muscle tissue are broadly categorized as musculoskeletal and neuromuscular disorders. Musculoskeletal…
Exercise and Muscle Performance
Exercise induces a range of adaptations in muscle tissue, depending on the type and duration of activity. Such physical training can be broadly…
Structure of Cardiac Muscles
Cardiac muscle, or myocardium, is a specialized type of muscle found exclusively in the heart. Its unique structural and functional characteristics…
Specialized Characteristics of Cardiac Muscles
The primary role of cardiac muscles is to propel blood throughout the cardiovascular system. The cardiac muscle cells, or cardiomyocytes, exhibit…
Structure and Organization of Smooth Muscles
Smooth muscle tissue is a type of muscle tissue that can be found lining various vital organs in the human body, including the lungs, blood vessels,…
Smooth Muscle Contraction
Smooth muscle contraction is a complex process vital for various bodily functions, from maintaining blood vessel tension to facilitating the movement…
Functions of Smooth Muscles
Smooth muscles are an important type of muscle tissue that plays a vital role in the involuntary movements of internal organs. For example, they help…
Measuring Neuromuscular Junction Functionality
Neuromuscular junction (NMJ) functionality plays a pivotal role when studying diseases in which the communication between motor neuron and muscle is…
Electrophysiological Motor Unit Number Estimation (MUNE) Measuring Compound Muscle Action Potential (CMAP) in Mouse Hindlimb Muscles
Compound muscle action potential (CMAP) and motor unit number estimation (MUNE) are electrophysiological techniques that can be used to monitor the…
Improving Strength, Power, Muscle Aerobic Capacity, and Glucose Tolerance through Short-term Progressive Strength Training Among Elderly People
This protocol describes the simultaneous use of a broad span of methods to examine muscle aerobic capacity, glucose tolerance, strength, and power in…

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