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Chapter 1
Introduction to Nursing

Aims Of Nursing
Nursing involves independent, cooperative, person-centered care for people of all ages, families, groups, and communities. Nurses assist the sick or…
National Nursing Organizations I
Nursing organizations assume a significant role in consistently developing the nursing profession through education, research studies, establishing…
National Nursing Organizations II
Nursing organizations play a vital role in representing nurses working in specialized clinical settings, such as the American Association of…
International Nursing Organizations I
International Nursing Organization (ICN) is a global union of national nurses' organizations. Individual nurses can be a part of ICN through…
International Nursing Organizations II
The World Health Organization (WHO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations based in Geneva. The WHO has many initiatives that center around…
Theoretical Foundations of Nursing Practice
Theories play an essential role in organizing patient care. Theories refer to a proposed or followed belief, policy, or procedure that is the basis…
Professional Values
Nurses are responsible for caring for patients during birth, death, illness, and healing. Professional values guide the decisions and actions that…
Current Trends in Nursing I
Current trends in nursing include: The changes that have shaped the profession. Guided legislation. The functioning of the present healthcare…
Current Trends in Nursing II
Trends in nursing are multifactorial and associated with changes in society, within the nursing profession, and in other professions. Notably,…
Nursing Code of Ethics
The Nursing Code of Ethics sets the ethical benchmark for the profession, and guides nurses in ethical analysis and decision making at the societal,…
Assessment of Dependence in Activities of Daily Living Among Older Patients in an Acute Care Unit
During an acute medical problem, older people may lose functional independence. ADL scales are used to assess this loss of independence. The simplest…
Oral Health Assessment by Lay Personnel for Older Adults
Oral health is an often-undervalued contributor to overall health. The literature, however, underscores the myriad of systemic diseases influenced by…
Setting Up a Stroke Team Algorithm and Conducting Simulation-based Training in the Emergency Department - A Practical Guide
Time is of the essence when caring for an acute stroke patient. The ultimate goal is to restore blood flow to the ischemic brain. This can…

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