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Structural Engineering
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JoVE Science Education Structural Engineering
Tests of Hardened Concrete in Tension
  • 00:08Übersicht
  • 01:34Principles of Tensile Tests for Hardened Concrete
  • 04:01Split Tension Test
  • 05:28Beam Tension Test
  • 07:11Ergebnisse
  • 08:48Applications
  • 09:40Summary





资料来源: 布莱克斯堡弗吉尼亚理工大学土木与环境工程系罗伯特. 里昂

在以前的实验室中, 重点讨论混凝土的压缩, 我们观察到混凝土可以承受很大的应力在单轴压缩力。然而, 观测到的故障不是压缩故障, 而是沿剪切面出现最大拉力的故障。因此, 重要的是要了解混凝土在紧张的行为, 特别是它的最大强度, 这将支配其终极和服务行为。从最终的观点来看, 张力和剪切应力的组合会导致开裂和立即和灾难性的失败。因此, 在结构应用中, 混凝土很少被用于无加固条件;大多数混凝土构件将用钢加固, 这样裂缝就可以停止, 裂缝宽度也会受到限制。后者从适用性的角度来说很重要, 因为控制裂缝宽度和分布是耐久性的关键, 因为这将阻碍除冰盐和类似的化学物质穿透和腐蚀钢筋。

本试验的目的是: (1) 进行拉伸劈裂柱试验, 确定混凝土抗拉强度, (2) 进行梁试验确定混凝土抗拉强度, (3) 说明钢筋对行为通过比较轻的增强梁的行为与未加筋的。



1. 劈裂拉力试验 对于本测试, 请使用以前准备好的取样气缸 (参见朱庇特视频”对新鲜混凝土的测试”)。获得两条轻木或类似物 (约 1/8″厚 x 1″宽 x 8’长), 以帮助分配在钢瓶上的负载。 测量两个气缸的尺寸。沿着试样平分圆柱的每个端的直径绘制一条线。 中心沿试验机下部轴承座中心一条。 将气缸放在带上,…


The tensile strength for the maximum compressive load reached during the split tensile test is given by the following formula: 
ft = 2Pmax/ (πDL)
where D is the diameter (inches), L is the length (inches), and Pmax is the maximum compressive load (lb.) reached during the tensile test. For these tests, the average was 388 psi with a standard deviation of 22.2 psi (Table 1).

Test # Equation 1(psi) P (lbs) Equation 2(psi) Equation 3
1 4780 18456 367.17 5.31
2 4780 20678 411.38 5.95
3 4780 19385 385.65 5.58
Average = 388.07 5.61
St. Dev. 22.20 0.32

Table 1. Results for the split tensile test.

The tensile strength for the maximum compressive load reached during the beam tensile test is given by the following formula:
ft = PmaxL/ (bd2)
where d is the depth (inches), b is the width, L is the length (inches), and Pmax is the maximum compressive load (lb.) reached during the tensile test. This formula is valid for the case where the loads are applied at the third points. For these tests, the average was 522.9 psi (Table 2).

Test # Equation 1(psi) P (lbs) Equation 2(psi) Equation 3
1 4780 2675 501.6 7.3
2 4780 2903 544.3 7.9
Average = 522.9 7.6
St. Dev. 30.23 0.44

Table 2. Results for the beam tensile test.

The load-deflection curve for the unreinforced and reinforced concrete beams is shown in Fig. 1. The unreinforced beam likely followed the same load path initially, but failed as soon as the initial cracking occurred. The reinforced one shows a slight discontinuity when the initial cracking occurred and a slightly lower stiffness as it begins to pick up load again in its cracked condition. The load continuous to increase until the concrete begins to yield, when the curve begins to flatten. However, because the steel is very ductile and strain-hardens, the load will continue to increase slightly and failure will occur at very large deformations when the concrete on top crushes.

Figure 1
Figure 1: Comparison of load-deflection curves for unreinforced (blue) and reinforced (red) concrete beams at (a) small loads and (b) large loads (full curves). 

Applications and Summary

The test demonstrated the brittle nature of tensile failures in concrete and showed that the tensile strength is only a fraction (1/8 to 1/12) that of the compressive strength. Brittle failures of this type could have catastrophic consequences for human safety, and thus all concrete structures need to be reinforced with steel (or similar) bars to take tensile forces. A comparison of the load-deformation curve for the unreinforced and reinforced beams indicate not only that the latter possesses greater strength but also large deformation capacity.

The key to the safety and long-term performance of concrete structures is to provide steel reinforcement in areas of high tensile and shear stresses. In general, the amount of steel necessary to reach this goal is small, on the order of 1%-1.5% of the area of the concrete cross section. This small amount means that concrete structures can be economical, safe and provide good serviceability. In addition, the ability to cast concrete into any desired form gives architect great leeway in developing aesthetically pleasing structures.


Reinforced concrete has greater strength than unreinforced concrete because the steel in the reinforced section can be used to carry large tensile forces, as will be demonstrated in this laboratory testing.

Concrete can withstand very large stresses under uniaxial compressive forces. However, the failures observed are not compressive in nature but failures along shear planes where maximum tensile forces occur. This sudden type of failure is unacceptable in structural applications and most concrete is reinforced with steel to increase its strength and ductility.

In practical applications, bars are added in a steel cage pattern to cross potential planes of tensile failure. Steel reinforcement serves to limit crack formation and crack widths, increasing the life of the structure. De-icing salts and other chemicals are impeded from penetrating and corroding the reinforcing steel. Stiffness of the structural members is maintained and long-term deflections are reduced, and the aesthetic appearance of concrete structures is improved.

In this video, we will conduct tests to determine concrete tensile strength and compare reinforced with unreinforced concrete.

In concrete, a very thin, weak layer between the mortar and the aggregate, called the interfacial transition zone, results in very low tensile strengths. Because the design of common concretes is driven by the need to maximize the aggregate content and minimize the mortar volume, the particle spacing is very small, with up to 40% of the mortar volume made up of the weaker ITZ material. The local, larger, water to cement ratio during mixing and hardening in the interphase area, results in weaker crystal structure in the ITZ. This condition, coupled with the stress concentrations around the irregular aggregate particles, leads to preferential crack growth in this area.

To test the tensile properties of concrete, a method known as the split cylinder test is often used. A compressive force is applied resulting in a uniform, horizontal tensile stress, in locations away from the applied load.

A correlation is typically seen between the tensile and compressive strengths, although typical coefficients of variation for these relationships are high. Another method used is a four-point bending test configuration. In this test, the top fiber is in compression and the bottom one, in tension. When the tensile strength is reached at the bottom, a crack forms causing immediate failure.

A similar correlation of tensile and compressive strengths is seen for this test. The beam test results in predictions of tensile capacity, generally 30 to 50% larger than the split tension test. But because cracking in many concrete elements is due to flexure, the values from the beam tests are typically used in design. To compare unreinforced to reinforced concrete, steel bars are placed in the bottom tensile side of a beam and then tested.

In the next section, we will measure the tensile strength of unreinforced concrete using the split tension test and compare the tensile strength of unreinforced and reinforced concrete, using the beam tension test.

For these tests, use the sample cylinders that were prepared in our video discussing fresh concrete. Use a thin strip of balsa wood and a stiff steel bar to help distribute the loads uniformly from the cylindrical loading heads in the compression testing machine. Draw a line along the diameter on each end of the specimen, bisecting the cylinder. Next, center one wooden strip and stiff steel bar along the center of the lower bearing block of the testing machine.

Now, place the cylinder on the strip and align so that the lines marked on the ends of the specimen are vertical and centered over the strip. Next, place the second wooden strip and steel bar lengthwise on top of the cylinder. Then, lower the upper loading head of the testing machine until the assembly is secured in the machine.

Apply the compressive load slowly and continuously until the specimen fails in split tension. Finally, record the maximum applied load. Examine the fracture surface and estimate the percentage of aggregate that has fractured. Repeat this process for the second cylinder to get an idea of the variation.

Construct two concrete beams, one without reinforcement, and one reinforced with 2 number three bars located about 0.5 inches from the bottom. The bars have hooks at the ends to prevent a bar-pullout failure. Both beams are 4 inch by 4 inch in cross-section with 16 inches in unsupported length.

Carefully lift the concrete beam and install it into the setup. Then install a four-point bending test apparatus in the testing machine as shown. The test is called a four-point bending test because we have two supports at the ends and two load points at the third point.

Turn on the testing machine and activate the software to read load and deformations. Next, apply the compressive load slowly and continuously until the specimen fails. Record the maximum applied load. Finally, examine the fracture surface and estimate the percentage of aggregate that has fractured.

Repeat the same protocol for the reinforced concrete beam. In this case, steel reinforcement at the bottom or tensile side of the beam, prevents sudden brittle failures. As the concrete begins to crack, the steel will begin to take up the tensile forces. This technique works as long as the steel bars, which have surface deformations to help them transfer forces from the concrete, are properly anchored.

Calculate the tensile strength for the maximum compressive load reached during the split tensile test. For these tests, the average was 388 psi with a standard deviation of 22.2 psi.

Calculate the tensile strength for the maximum compressive load reached during the beam tensile test. For these tests, the average was 522.9 psi. We can compare the unreinforced and reinforced concrete beams by looking at their load deflection curves.

Initially, both beams followed a similar path with slight differences in initial stiffness, probably due to changes in support conditions. The unreinforced beam failed as soon as initial cracking occurred at a load of about 450 pounds, a load close to the predicted tensile strength. The reinforced beam cracked at a higher load but regained its strength quickly, albeit at a lower overall stiffness. The load continues to increase until the steel begins to yield after which, the curve begins to flatten. Because steel is very ductile and strain hardens, failure occurs at large deformations.

A comparison of the two curves shows the dramatic difference in performance. The difference in strength is very large but it should be noted that this is related to the area of steel used.

Now that you appreciate the need for steel reinforcement in concrete, let’s look at a couple of common applications. Using just one to 1 to 1.5% steel over the area of the concrete cross section can make concrete structures that are economical, safe and provide good serviceability. Many football stadiums, such as Soldier Field in Chicago, owe their unique forms to reinforced concrete.

Frank Lloyd Wright brought reinforced concrete into the world of modern-day architecture. Making use of its ability to maintain its integrity in unsupported cantilevers, Wright used the material in some of his greatest works, including Fallingwater in Pennsylvania.

You’ve just watched JoVE’s introduction to compression tests on hardened concrete in tension. You should now understand the brittle nature of tensile failures in concrete and know the standard laboratory tests for determining the strength of unreinforced and reinforced concrete under tension.

Thanks for watching!


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JoVE Science Education Database. JoVE Science Education. Tests of Hardened Concrete in Tension. JoVE, Cambridge, MA, (2023).