JoVE Science Education
Organic Chemistry II
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JoVE Science Education Organic Chemistry II
Melting Point
  • 00:04Übersicht
  • 00:39Principles of Melting Point
  • 03:01Melting Point Measurement Protocol
  • 03:54Applications
  • 04:53Summary

Punto de fusión




Fuente: Vy M. Dong y Jan Riedel, Departamento de química, Universidad de California, Irvine, CA

Una de las más importantes propiedades de un sólido cristalino es su punto de fusión. Puede utilizarse para determinar la pureza de un compuesto conocido y da información importante sobre la estabilidad de los cristales formados.



1. preparación de la muestra Tomar un tubo capilar de vidrio especial que se ajusta el punto de fusión aparato en uso. Sumerja el extremo abierto del tubo capilar en una muestra de ácido benzoico Golpee suavemente el tubo capilar de vidrio sobre una superficie dura, como una mesa, para que el ácido benzoico se mueve hacia abajo a la parte inferior del vaso capilar 2. medir el punto de fusión Inserte el tubo capilar de vidrio en el punto d…


A sample of pure benzoic acid will melt at 122 °C.

Applications and Summary

The melting point is an important property of a crystalline solid. It can be measured easily and gives information about the identity and purity, as well as the bonding strength within the crystal lattice.

Due to its simple determination, the melting point is still an important property that is commonly employed to identify compounds and qualify their purity. The melting point can not only be used to identify solids, but also liquids like isopropanol. Through derivatization of isopropanol with 4-nitrobenzoic acid to its corresponding ester, the derivative becomes a defined solid with a melting point, which now enables the identification.


Melting Point, the temperature at which a solid melts, is a useful property for characterizing solid organic compounds.

This technique is performed by observing the temperature, or range of temperatures, at which a solid melts. Purity and identity can then be determined by comparing to published data.

This video will illustrate the principles of melting point, its measurement, and its applications.

The solid phase is a fundamental state of matter, where its components are held close together by large attractive forces. Solids can be further classified by the arrangement of it constituents: amorphous solids are unordered, while crystalline solids are organized into a lattice structure. To melt a solid, energy, usually in the form of heat, must be provided to overcome the intermolecular forces that hold its structure together.

When a solid is heated, the temperature will eventually increase to its melting point. For a pure compound, this is the thermodynamic condition where solid and liquid phases coexist. At this temperature adding more energy results in molecules leaving the solid phase and entering the liquid phase, otherwise known as melting.

Since the melting point is a thermodynamic property of a chemical, published chemical and thermodynamic data can be used to help identify an unknown compound. It should be noted that for some organic compounds, melting occurs over a range of approximately 1 to 2 degrees Celsius.

Another factor that affects melting points is the presence of dissolved impurities that do not fit into the crystal lattice of a pure compound and disrupts its ordering. This phenomenon results in the broadening of melting range and lowering of the melting point, making melting point determination a good method to qualitatively determine purity.

Melting points are measured using a heating block that can be electronically controlled, and a thermometer to measure temperature. The solid is placed in a capillary tube, heated and observed, the temperatures at which melting begins and completes are recorded.

Once the melting point is known, it can be used to elucidate information about the identity and purity of a sample. This method is a quick and convenient way to eliminate candidates before using more rigorous methods like IR spectroscopy.

Now that we’ve seen the theory, let’s look at a procedure where we will demonstrate measuring the melting point of benzoic acid.

First, collect the sample and glass capillary tubes, and bring them to the melting point apparatus. Ensure the apparatus is powered on.

Using a melting point capillary tube, dip the open end of the tube into the sample. Then, tap the capillary tube on a hard surface. This is necessary to collect the sample at the closed end of the tube.

Next, insert the capillary tube into the melting point apparatus. Rapidly heat the sample until the expected melting point is approached.

Finally, reduce the heating rate to 1 degree Celsius per minute and observe the sample closely. Record the temperature when the sample starts to melt and when it’s completely molten

Now that we have covered how to measure the melting point of a solid organic compound, let’s look at some applications.

Melting points can also be used to identify liquids. An alcohol can be identified by first esterifying with 4-nitrobenzoic acid. The melting point of the ester can be used to identify the alcohol by comparing the measured melting point with published thermodynamic data for 4-nitrobenzoic acid ester derivatives.

Solid lipid nanoparticles are a drug delivery vehicle designed for targeted treatments. In this application is used to characterize the thermal behavior of nanoparticles including its melting point. This thermal analysis reveals crystallinity of the nanoparticles, which is an important factor that affects drug delivery and dose.

You’ve just watched JoVE’s introduction to melting point. You should now understand melting point, how it’s measured, and its applications. Thanks for watching!


Cite This
JoVE Science Education Database. JoVE Science Education. Melting Point. JoVE, Cambridge, MA, (2023).