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JoVE Science Education Neuropsychology
Perspectives on Neuropsychology
  • 00:13What is Neuropsychology? Why is it important for students?
  • 00:51What topics do students tend to struggle with?
  • 01:39How does this collection of videos help to overcome teaching challenges?
  • 02:30What are some of the key questions being addressed in this field today?
  • 03:24How do the concepts presented here translate into everyday life?
  • 04:36What does the future hold for Neuropsychology?

신경 심리학에 대한 관점




출처: 조나스 T. 카플란과 사라 I. 짐벨 연구소 — 서던 캘리포니아 대학교

신경 심리학은 복잡한 분야입니다, 그것은 정신 과정이 뇌에서 실행되는 방법을 조사로 – 생화학, 생물학, 심리학, 신경 과학에서 개념을 통합 이벤트. 신경심리학의 다학제적 특성은 젊은 학습자들에게 다양한 경력을 쌓을 준비를 하지만, 학생들이 안락지대 밖에서 개념을 공부하도록 강요한다는 점에서 도면이 됩니다. 예를 들어, 심리학 전공은 뇌가 일반적으로 교과서에서 2차원으로 표현되는 복잡하고 3차원 기관이라는 점을 감안할 때 신경 해부학을 잡는 데 어려움을 겪을 수 있습니다.

신경 심리학의 이 JoVE 컬렉션은 현장에서 주요 개념과 방법을 소개하며 이미징 기술의 발전으로 뇌 내부를 살펴보고 구조와 기능을 시각화할 수 있게 해 준 방법을 보여줍니다. 중요한 것은, 이 비디오는 또한 두뇌가 일상 생활에서 우리의 경험, 행동 및 사회적 상호 작용을 형성하는 방법을 이해하기 위하여 신경 심리학의 모든 양상에 있는 전문가가 될 필요가 없다는 것을 학생들을 안심시키기 위한 것입니다. 예를 들어, 비디오 “의사 결정 및 아이오와 도박 작업”은 뇌의 특정 영역에 대한 손상이 도둑질과 같은 위험한 결정에 대한 개인의 성향에 어떤 영향을 미칠 수 있는지 탐구합니다.

신경 심리학의 이러한 JoVE 비디오는이 복잡한 주제에 대한 완벽한 소개를 제공하고이 분야의 잠재력, 흥미 진진한 미래 방향을 탐구합니다. 기술의 추가 발전으로, 언젠가 연구원은 실험실 설정 의 외부 사람의 두뇌에 동적 변화를 시각화 할 수 있습니다 -예를 들어, 그들은 신경 심리학에 대한 강의를 듣고 교실에 앉아있을 때.


이것은 우리가 정신 과정이 두뇌의 생물학에서 어떻게 실행되는지 이해하려고 노력하는 필드입니다. 그리고 그것은 정말 다분야 분야입니다. 그것은 심리학과 생물학, 화학, 컴퓨터 과학, 인지 과학의 신분에 그래서 그것은 다른 분야의 많은 그리고 학생으로 하나 걸릴 수 있습니다 이러한 모든 다른 경로에 대 한 의미를 주는 학생으로 많은 의미를 가지고. 의학을 공부하고 의사가…


This is a field where we try to understand how mental processes are implemented in the biology of the brain. And it’s really a multi-disciplinary field. It’s at the nexus of psychology and biology, chemistry, computer science, cognitive science and so it has a lot of implications for a lot of different fields and as a student that gives it significance for all these different paths that one might take as a student. If you’re gonna end up studying medicine and being a doctor, obviously neuroscience is important. Or if you’re going to study psychology or computer science they can inform those fields as well.

The brain is the most complicated object in the universe and so it is difficult to understand for anyone. Even just the structure of the brain, neuroanatomy, can be a difficult topic to understand. How do we reconstruct in our heads what this complex three dimensional object looks like just from looking at two dimensional pictures of it is really difficult to understand how all the different parts relate to one another in space. Also because neuroscience is multi-disciplinary, sometimes it’s hard to understand aspects that are from a discipline that isn’t to your comfort zones. So if you come from a chemistry background for example, might be difficult to understand some of the psychological concepts. If your background is in psychology, maybe it’s difficult to understand some of the biochemistry of how the neuroscience works. 

Well one this is because this is such a broad field that involves such a wide range of technologies and methods, it’s really difficult for any one person to be an expert in all of them. And so what we’re hoping to do here is to show a taste of all of the different range of methodologies that are used in our field today. Another thing is that we’re trying to emphasize that there are people involved in these experiments and that this is a field that studies human beings. We’re trying to understand the human mind and so we want to get across what it’s like for a person to be involved in these experiments and even though they’re written from the point of view of the experimenter of how we accomplish running one of these experiments. We also hope that people who watch them get a taste of what it feels like to actually be a participant in an experiment like this. 

Some of the key questions being addressed in this field are questions that we’ve had for a long time that we still need to understand better. For example, how do perceptual systems work in the brain? There’s plenty more for us to learn about how seeing and hearing happen in the brain and how those systems interact with each other. We also have plenty of questions about how memory works in the brain, how executive functions work. Some of the newer questions that neuroscientists have been asking have to do with social functions because humans are such highly social animals, there’s a lot to understand about how those social functions are influenced by the brain. Also because we have new technologies that have allowed us to look at the anatomical and functional connections between different brain regions, we’re starting to raise new questions about how the network structure of the brain relates to cognition. 

It would be really hard to exaggerate how important the brain is for our everyday lives. Really everything that we experience in our everyday life is because of our brain. Everything that we see, everything that we hear, all of the emotions that we feel, all of the amazing things that we’re able to do with our body are because of the organization of our brain. And that’s what we’re trying to understand in this field. 

Well this is a field that has really benefited greatly from advances in technology. It used to be that almost everything we knew about the human brain we knew because of cases of brain damage where the brain was hurt either intentionally or unintentionally. We had to make inferences about what that region of the brain that was damaged actually does. But now with imaging technologies, we can look inside a living human person’s head and look at the structures of the brain and also look at the function of the brain while people engage in the various cognitive tasks that they do in their everyday lives. So it’s really a field that has advanced very rapidly along with changes in technology. 

We expect that in the future, new technologies will allow us to look at the brain in greater detail. Both in greater spacial detail and greater temper of detail as well so that we can understand the brain even better than we do now. Also to look at the brain in more naturalistic environments for example, to be able to image the brain while people are walking around on the street as oppose to lying in the tube of an MRI machine. Also with the accumulation of larger and larger data sets, what some people call big data for example, we expect to have new insights to the relationship between brain structure and function and things like personality and genetics. Things that require looking across broad populations instead of the small data sets that we have now. 


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JoVE Science Education Database. JoVE Science Education. Perspectives on Neuropsychology. JoVE, Cambridge, MA, (2023).