
T and B Cell Receptor Immune Repertoire Analysis using Next-generation Sequencing

Published: January 12, 2021


The current protocol describes a method for DNA isolation from blood samples and intestinal biopsies, generation of TCRβ and IGH PCR libraries for next-generation sequencing, performance of a NGS run and basic data analysis.


Immunological memory, the hallmark of adaptive immunity, is orchestrated by T and B lymphocytes. In circulation and different organs, there are billions of unique T and B cell clones, and each one can bind a specific antigen, leading to proliferation, differentiation and/or cytokine secretion. The vast heterogeneity in T and B cells is generated by random recombination of different genetic segments. Next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies, developed in the last decade, enable an unprecedented in-depth view of the T and B cell receptor immune repertoire. Studies in various inflammatory conditions, immunodeficiencies, infections and malignancies demonstrated marked changes in clonality, gene usage, and biophysical properties of immune repertoire, providing important insights about the role of adaptive immune responses in different disorders.

Here, we provide a detailed protocol for NGS of immune repertoire of T and B cells from blood and tissue. We present a pipeline starting from DNA isolation through library preparation, sequencing on NGS sequencer and ending with basic analyses. This method enables exploration of specific T and B cells at the nucleotide or amino-acid level, and thus can identify dynamic changes in lymphocyte populations and diversity parameters in different diseases. This technique is slowly entering clinical practice and has the potential for identification of novel biomarkers, risk stratification and precision medicine.


The adaptive immune system, comprised of T and B lymphocytes, utilizes immunological memory to recognize a previously encountered antigen and initiate a rapid response. Lymphocytes are generated in the bone marrow and mature in the thymus (T cells) or bone marrow (B cells). Both the T cell receptor (TCR) and B cell receptor (BCR) display unique configurations that allow recognition of specific antigens. In homeostasis, T and B cells constantly circulate and survey the trillions of different peptides presented on antigen-presenting cells. TCR or BCR ligation of a specific antigen with high affinity, together with appropriate co-stimulation, leads to cell activation, resulting in cytokine secretion, clonal expansion and generation of antibodies, in the case of B cells.

The enormous array of the different T or B cells is collectively termed immune repertoire, enabling recognition of countless of different epitopes. In order to generate such a vast repertoire, a complex process of random assembly of different gene segments takes place, creating nearly endless combinations of receptors that can bind unique antigens1. This process, called V(D)J recombination, includes rearrangements of different variable (V), diversity (D) and joining (J) genes, accompanied by random deletions and insertions of nucleotides in the junctions2.

The architecture of the adaptive immune system has interested scientists in different fields for many decades. In the past, Sanger sequencing, complementary determining region 3 (CDR3) spectratyping, and flow cytometry were used to characterize the immune repertoire, but provided low resolution. In the last decade, advances in next-generation sequencing (NGS) methods enabled in-depth insight into the characteristics and composition of an individual’s TCR and BCR repertoires3,4. These high-throughput systems (HTS) sequence and process millions of rearranged TCR or BCR products simultaneously and permit a high-resolution analysis of specific T and B cells at the nucleotide or amino acid level. NGS provides a new strategy to study the immune repertoire in both health and disease. Studies utilizing HTS demonstrated altered TCR and BCR repertoires in autoimmune diseases5, primary immunodeficiencies6,7, and malignancies, such as in acute myeloid leukemia8. Using NGS, we and others have shown oligoclonal expansion of specific T and B cell clones, in patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), including ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease9,10,11,12,13,14. Overall, studies from different fields suggest changes in the repertoire have a crucial role in the pathogenesis of immune-mediated disorders.

The current protocol describes a method for isolation of DNA from intestinal biopsies and blood, generation of TCRβ and IGH PCR libraries for NGS, and performance of sequencing run. We also provide basic steps in immune repertoire data analysis. This protocol can be applied for the generation of TCRα, TCRγ, and IGL libraries as well. The method is also compatible with other organs (e.g., lymph nodes, tumors, synovial fluid, fat tissue, etc.) as long as tissue-specific digestion protocols are used.


This study was approved by the institutional review board at Sheba Medical Center, and informed written consent was obtained from all participating subjects. 1. DNA isolation and quantification Digestion and cell lysis of intestinal biopsies Retrieve intestinal biopsies, either freshly collected or those stored at -20 °C or -80 °C. If using frozen biopsies, thaw on ice. Add 600 µL of nuclei lysis solution to a sterile 1.7 mL micro-centrifuge tu…

Representative Results

Herein, we describe a method for DNA isolation from intestinal tissue and blood, preparation of libraries for NGS, and basic steps of a sequencing run for immune repertoire sequencing. The run will generate fastq files, which can be further converted to fasta files for use in the international ImMunoGeneTics (IMGT)/HighV-QUEST platform. This HTS performs and manages many analyses of tens of thousands of rearranged TCRβ and IGH sequences, at the nucleotide level15. IMGT/HighV-QUEST enables ana…


Changes in abundance and function of B and T lymphocytes are often encountered in different malignancies18, chronic inflammatory disorders (e.g., ulcerative colitis and rheumatoid arthritis)10,19, and in various immunodeficiencies17,20. The current method utilizes NGS to facilitate an in-depth view of TCR and BCR repertoires, enabling detection of subtle changes in T and B cell clo…


The authors have nothing to disclose.




2-propanol Sigma I9516-500ML
1.7 mL micro-centrifuge tubes Axygen 8187631104051
15 mL centrifuge tubes Greiner 188261
Absolute ethanol Merck 1.08543.0250
Amplitaq Gold Thermo Fisher N8080241
AMPure XP Beads Beckman Coulter A63881
Heat block Bioer Not applicable
High Sensitivity D1000 Sample Buffer Agilent 5067-5603 For Tapestation
High Sensitivity D1000 ScreenTape Agilent 5067-5584 For Tapestation. Tubes sold seperately
Lymphotrack Assay kit Invivoscribe TRB: 70-91210039 IGH: 70-92250019 Each includes 24 indexes
MiSeq Reagent Kit v2 (500 cycle) Illumina MS-102-2003 Includes standard flow cell type and all reagents required
MiSeq Sequencer Illumina SY-410-1003
PCR strips 4titude 4ti-0792
Proteinase K Invitrogen EO0491
Qubit 4 Fluorometer Thermo Fisher Q33226
Qubit dsDNA HS Assay Kit Thermo Fisher Q32854 Includes buffer, dye, standards, and specialized tubes
Shaker Biosan Not applicable
Tapestation 2100 Bioanalyzer Agilent G2940CA
ultra pure water Bio-lab 7501
Wizard DNA isolation kit Promega A1120 Includes cell lysis solution, nuclei lysis solution, and protein precipitation buffer


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