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Properties of DTFT I

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Electrical Engineering
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JoVE Core Electrical Engineering
Properties of DTFT I



Consider two discrete-time signals, each with their respective Discrete-Time Fourier Transforms DTFTs. The signals are first multiplied by constants a and b, then combined to form a resultant signal. Applying the DTFT to the resultant signal transforms it into a new DTFT, demonstrating the linearity property. When a signal is delayed by a certain number of units, its DTFT experiences a phase shift proportional to the delay, known as the time-shifting property. The frequency-shifting property occurs when a time-domain signal is multiplied by a complex exponential that shifts the signal’s frequency components. Time reversal shows that reversing a discrete-time signal in time results in a frequency domain representation reflected about the vertical axis. The conjugation property reveals that taking the complex conjugate of a signal results in both reflection and conjugation of its frequency components in the frequency domain. When a signal is scaled by a factor k, it retains values only at intervals that are multiples of k. Computing the DTFT of this signal compresses the frequency components by k, demonstrating the time scaling property.


Properties of DTFT I

In signal processing, Discrete-Time Fourier Transforms (DTFTs) play a critical role in analyzing discrete-time signals in the frequency domain. Various properties of the DTFTs such as linearity, time-shifting, frequency-shifting, time reversal, conjugation, and time scaling help understand and manipulate these signals for different applications.

The linearity property of DTFTs is fundamental. If two discrete-time signals are multiplied by constants a and b respectively, and then combined to form a resultant signal, the DTFT of this resultant signal is the weighted sum of the DTFTs of the individual signals.


The time-shifting property of DTFTs indicates that delaying a signal by n0 units in time domain introduces a phase shift of ejωn0 in its DTFT.


The frequency-shifting property occurs when a discrete-time signal x[n] is multiplied by a complex exponential e0n. This multiplication shifts the frequency components of the signal by ω0.

Time reversal shows another fascinating property. If a signal x[n] is reversed in time, i.e., x[−n], its frequency domain representation is reflected around the origin.

The conjugation property reveals that taking the complex conjugate of a signal x[n], denoted as x∗[n], results in the DTFT X∗(e), which reflects and conjugates the frequency components.

Lastly, the time scaling property demonstrates that if a discrete-time signal is scaled by a factor k, the signal retains values only at intervals that are multiples of k. The DTFT of the scaled signal x[kn] compresses the frequency components by k. Therefore, the DTFT of x[kn] is X(ejωk), showing the compression of frequency components by the factor k.

Understanding these properties allows for efficient signal processing, aiding in various applications such as filtering, modulation, and signal analysis.