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JoVE Core Chemie
Properties of Transition Metals



Transition metals are a group of elements located in the d-block. They are placed between the main group elements and exhibit unique characteristics, such as electrical conductivity, colors, hardness, high melting points, and magnetism. Many of these characteristics are attributed to the filling of d orbitals. Moving across the period, electrons are added following the Aufbau principle. However, the outermost s orbital is filled first, before the electron enters the (n − 1) d subshell, with some exceptions. Chromium and copper have a half-filled s orbital because it is energetically more favored to have a half-filled or full d subshell. The atomic size of transition metals decreases slightly across a period. As the electrons enter the d subshell, the number of valence electrons in the outermost s orbital remains steady, leading to an overall constant nuclear charge. Down the column, the trend increases from the fourth to the fifth period, but not below.  The 6th period contains 14 additional elements of the lanthanide series, where electrons enter the (n − 2)f subshell before entering the (n − 1)d subshell. Electrons located in the f orbitals do not sufficiently shield the valence electrons in the outermost s orbital, resulting in an increased effective nuclear charge. Thus, the valence electrons are attracted more strongly, leading to smaller than expected atomic radii. This is known as the Lanthanide contraction. Similarly, the transition elements’ electronegativity is influenced by its atomic size and nuclear charge. Moving across a period, it increases only slightly. Down the column, the electronegativity increases from the fourth to the fifth period but remains constant in the sixth period. This is attributed to a decrease in atomic size and an increase in the nuclear charge. The ionization energy of transition metals increases slightly across a period. Interestingly, down the column, it is higher for the 6th period than the 4th and 5th periods. Here, the valence electrons are held more tightly as the nuclear charge increases with a negligible increase in atomic size. Lastly, transition metals can have a range of stable oxidation states by losing outermost s orbital electrons before the unpaired d orbital electrons. The partially filled d orbitals enable oxidation states ranging from +7 to +1, characteristic colors, and magnetic properties.



遷移金属は、部分的に満たされたd軌道を持つ元素として定義されます。Figure 1に示すように、3族–12族のdブロックの元素が遷移元素です。また、fブロックの元素は、f軌道よりも先にd軌道が部分的に占有されているため、内部遷移元素(ランタノイドやアクチノイド)とも呼ばれます。


Figure 1: 周期表 遷移金属は、周期表の第3–11族に位置します。内部遷移金属は、周期表の第6、7周期です。






Cr3+、Fe3+、Co2+などの軽いdブロック元素のイオンは、水の中で安定な水和イオンとなります。しかし、これらのすぐ下の周期のイオン(Mo3+、Ru3+、Ir2+)は不安定で、空気中の酸素と容易に反応します。重いdブロック元素が形成する単純で水に安定なイオンの大半は、MoO42−や  ReO4などのオキシ陰イオンです。



遷移金属は、幅広い酸化状態の化合物を形成します。第一遷移系列の元素で観察される酸化状態の一部をTable 1に示します。第一遷移系列を左から右に見ていくと、共通する酸化状態の数が最初に増加し、表の中央部で最大となり、その後減少します。表中の値は典型的な値であるため、表外の価数を持つ化合物についても新たに合成する試みがなされています。例えば、2014年には新たな酸化状態であるイリジウム(+9)の合成に成功しています。

21Sc 22Ti 23V 24Cr 25Mn 26Fe 27Co 28Ni 29Cu 30Zn
+2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2
+3 +3 +3 +3 +3 +3 +3 +3 +3
+4 +4 +4 +4
+6 +6 +6

Table 1. 第一遷移系列の遷移金属は、様々な酸化状態の化合物を形成することができる。




上記の文章は以下から引用した。Openstax, Chemistry 2e, Chapter 19.1 Occurrence, Preparation, and Properties of Transition Metals and Their Compounds.