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Chapter 2
Adverse Drug Effects and Chemical Toxicity

Post-marketing surveillance is a critical component of pharmaceutical regulation, often uncovering unanticipated adverse drug reactions (ADRs) once a…
Drug Dependence
Medications are typically administered to achieve therapeutic effects. Some drugs can modify an individual's mood and perception, frequently…
Effects of Chemicals: Overview
Drugs, encompassing various chemical compounds from natural sources, lab synthesis, or genetic engineering, elicit different biological responses in…
Types of Toxins
Humans continually engage with an environment rich in potentially harmful chemicals. These are introduced to our bodies through inhalation,…
Toxic Reactions: Overview
When toxic substances penetrate the human body, they disseminate to various tissues, undergoing metabolic changes. This process yields reactive…
Allergic Drug Reactions
Allergic reactions related to drugs are hypersensitivity responses driven by the immune system and bear no connection to the drug's therapeutic…
The ability of a drug to produce structural deformations and functional abnormalities in the developing embryo or the fetus is called teratogenicity,…
Mutagenicity and Carcinogenicity
Mutagenicity and carcinogenicity refer to the ability of drugs to cause genetic defects and induce cancer, respectively. The International Agency for…
Antidotes are medicinal substances used to counteract the harmful effects of toxins or drugs in the body. They function in various ways, each…
Prevention of Further Absorption of Poison
In cases of acute poisoning, the primary objective is to prevent further absorption of the toxic substance into the body. Immediate interventions…
Enhanced Elimination of Poison
Poison can be effectively removed from the gastrointestinal (GI) tract through various decontamination procedures. Antidotes serve a crucial role in…
Human Liver Microphysiological System for Assessing Drug-Induced Liver Toxicity <em>In Vitro</em>
DILI is a major cause of attrition in drug development with over 1000 FDA-approved drugs known to potentially cause DILI in humans. Unfortunately,…
Basophil Activation Test for Investigation of IgE-Mediated Mechanisms in Drug Hypersensitivity
Hypersensitivity reactions against non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like propyphenazone (PP) and diclofenac (DF) can manifest as Type…
Zebrafish as a Model to Assess the Teratogenic Potential of Nitrite
High nitrate levels in the environment may result in congenital defects or miscarriages in humans. Presumably, this is due to the conversion of…

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