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Developmental Psychology
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JoVE 科学教育 Developmental Psychology
Using Your Head: Measuring Infants’ Rational Imitation of Actions
  • 00:00概述
  • 01:14Experimental Design
  • 02:47Running the Experiment
  • 06:07Representative Results
  • 06:43Applications
  • 07:46Summary

머리 쓰기: 유아의 합리적 행동 모방 측정




출처: 주디스 다노비치와 니콜라우스 놀스 연구소 — 루이빌 대학교

유아기의 주요 과제 중 하나는 장난감을 집어 들거나 다른 사람에게 욕망을 표현하는 것이든 세상에서 자신의 목표를 달성하는 방법을 배우는 것이며,이 학습 과정에서 가장 강력한 도구 중 하나는 모방입니다. 그러나 모방이 다른 사람의 행동을 복사하는 것만큼 간단하지는 않습니다. 또한 목표와 의도가 행동을 안내한다는 것을 깨달아야 합니다. 세상은 복잡한 장소이며, 아기가 모방하는 행동은 완벽하게 제시되지 않습니다. 예를 들어, 플라스틱 물병에서 술을 마시는 아버지를 지켜보는 아기를 생각해 보십시오. 병을 집어 들자 우연히 바닥에 떨어뜨린다. 그는 모자를 켜고 음료를 마시기 전에 그것을 집어 들고 먼지를 털어 내립니다. 아기가 병에서 스스로 마시고 싶다면이 복잡한 사건 세트를 디코딩하고 목표와 관련된 행동을 결정해야합니다. 그들은 그것을 떨어 뜨리고 먼지를 떨어 뜨려야합니까, 아니면 단순히 모자를 켜고 음료를 마실 수 있습니까?

이 문제를 해결하는 한 가지 방법은 동일한 동작의 많은 예를 보는 것이지만 일부 동작은 수행 될 때마다 드물거나 다릅니다. 따라서, 유아는 모방하는 사람에 대해 더 많이 생각하고 관찰하는 특정 상황에 대해 덜 생각하는 것이 유익합니다. 유아가 다른 사람이 합리적이고 효율적으로 추구하는 목표를 가지고 있다고 가정하면 복잡한 이벤트를 관찰하고 목표 지향적 인 행동을 부수적이거나 목표와 관련이없는 행동과 분리 할 수 있습니다. 사람의 행동의 근본적인 이유를 분석하면 유아는 그 사람의 정확한 행동을 모방하거나 더 간단하거나 더 효과적인 방법으로 일을하는 것이 타당한지 여부를 결정할 수 있습니다.

이 실험은 Meltzoff1과 Gergely, Bekkering 및 Kiraly가 개발한 방법을 사용하여 배우의 유아의 합리적 모방을 측정하는 방법을 보여줍니다. 2


14개월 된 유아를 모집합니다. 참가자는 발달 장애의 병력이 없어야하며 정상적인 청력과 시력이 있어야합니다. 이 나이의 유아는 비협조적이거나 까다로운(예 :데모 보기 거부)일 수 있으며이 실험은 두 개의 세션이 필요하기 때문에 충분한 데이터를 얻기 위해 추가 참가자를 모집하고 테스트 할 것으로 기대합니다. 1. 데이터 수집 세션 1 …


Researchers tested 27 infants and found that 69% of the infants in the hands-free condition re-enacted the head action during session two. In contrast, only 21% of the infants in the hands-occupied condition did so (Figure 1). This supports the claim that 14-month-olds are able to evaluate the reasons for an adult’s behavior. When they viewed the experimenter touching the lamp with their head while their hands were occupied, they inferred that they would have used their hands if they were free, and since their own hands were free, they completed the action in the simplest way possible. However, when the experimenter’s hands were free, and they used their head to turn on the lamp, infants inferred there must be a reason for their unusual behavior and were more likely to imitate their actions. This shows that infants imitate selectively, based on their understanding that adults act in a rational, goal-directed manner.

Figure 1
Figure 1: Percentage of participants in each condition who used their head or their hands only to turn on the lamp..

Applications and Summary

Imitation is crucial for learning about a wide range of human behaviors, ranging from language to tool use. However, the ability to rationally imitate actions shows that even infants do not simply copy what they see other people do. Instead, by age 1, children are already thinking about the reasons for a person’s behavior and using that to guide their own behaviors—even if a long time has passed since they first observed the person’s behavior.

Rational imitation can be applied to understanding the development of creativity and flexibility in problem solving. In real life, it does not always make sense for a person to do things only the way they have seen them done before. Instead, it is important to analyze the constraints on the situation and try to address the problem as efficiently as possible. In addition, this work has educational applications. It shows that even very young children can learn and remember actions they have observed, and they do not require extensive practice or reminders to repeat those actions.

Developing an understanding of rational behavior may also have broader consequences than simply learning how to effectively imitate. Take, for example, slapstick comedy. Seeing an actor slip on a banana peel because it was their goal to do so is not funny. However, the same actor accidentally slipping on a banana peel in a way not aligned with their goals is hysterical. Thus, understanding rational behavior may have consequences that go beyond imitation and into other areas of social-cognitive development.


  1. Meltzoff, A. N. Infant imitation after a 1-week delay: Long-term memory for novel acts and multiple stimuli. Developmental Psychology. 24 (4), 470 (1988).
  2. Gergely, G., Bekkering, H., & Király, I. Rational imitation in preverbal infants. Nature. 415 (6873), 755-755 (2002).


Imitation is a form of social learning that goes beyond simply copying others’ actions and involves understanding the goals and intentions behind behaviors.

For example, think of an infant watching their father drink from a water bottle. If the father accidentally drops the bottle while the lid is closed before taking a drink, the infant must then decode this complex set of events to decide which steps are necessary, and which can be ignored, to simply drink water.

Ultimately, once infants assume that others are rational, they can understand which goal-oriented actions to imitate exactly and which incidental actions to ignore, such as drinking from the water bottle without first dropping it on the floor.

This video demonstrates how to design and conduct an imitation experiment in infants based on the seminal methods of Andrew Meltzoff, György Gergely, and colleagues, as well as how to analyze and interpret results across rational and irrational conditions.

In this 2-group experiment, 14-month-old infants are assigned to one of two conditions—one in which an adult’s hands are occupied or one where they are free.

In the hands-occupied condition, infants evaluate a rational scenario, where an adult pretends to be cold, wraps a blanket around themselves, and keeps both hands holding the blanket. They are logically unable to touch a lamp with their hands and must do so with their head.

Alternatively, in the hands-free condition, infants observe an irrational situation. In this case, the adult again pretends to be cold and uses the blanket, but then rests both hands flat on the table, clearly making their hands available to use. However, the experimenter still touches the lamp with their head.

In a follow-up session one week later, the infant is simply placed near the same touch lamp and briefly observed over a short, 20-s period.

During this observation period, the dependent variable is recorded as the percentage of infants who mimic the adult by touching the lamp with their head or respond by using their hands.

It is hypothesized that young infants imitate selectively. That is, when they infer that there is a reason for the unusual behavior they are observing—as in the hands-free condition—they mimic exact actions rather than responding simply by using their hands.

Prior to the experimental sessions, gather the necessary materials, which include a touch-sensitive lamp at least 6 in. in diameter, a platform to rest the lamp on, a few small toys, and a blanket.

For session one, place the touch sensitive lamp on the platform at a height where you can reach it with your forehead.

Then, set up a rectangular table with two chairs on one side—one for you and one for the parent. Move the lamp out of sight but within reach, and place some toys on the table.

To begin the session, invite the parent and infant into the room. Direct them to sit on the chair to the left with the infant on their lap, while you sit on the chair to the right.

Help the infant become comfortable with the environment by providing some toys for them to play with for 1-3 min.

While the infant is playing, inform the parent that you will be demonstrating an action for the infant, and that they must avoid interacting with their child during this time.

Following the explanation, put away the toys, and place the touch lamp on the platform.

Start the experiment by getting the infant’s attention. After randomly dividing them into one of two conditions, pretend to be cold and wrap a blanket around you. Continue to hold the blanket with both hands for the hands-occupied group versus visibly resting both hands flat on the table in the other hands-free condition.

Next, lean forward, touch the lamp with your forehead, and then straighten back to an upright position; repeat this procedure 3x in a 20-s period. Note that the same action is performed for both groups, only the hand positions are different.

Following the demonstration, escort the parent and infant from the testing room and inform the parent not to discuss or model the actions shown to their child.

Seven days later, prepare for session two by setting up a video camera to record the infant’s torso, head, and the tabletop. Also, verify that the lamp is turned off to prevent it from accidentally illuminating.

After starting the video recording, escort the parent and infant into the testing room and have them sit at the table as they previously did during the first session.

Once again, provide toys for the infant to play with for 1-3 min to acclimate them to the environment.

Then, remove the toys and place the touch lamp on the table directly in front of the infant. Allow them to interact with the lamp, and after 20 s from the initial contact, stop the recording.

When the study is finished, have two independent raters, who are blind to the conditions, code the 20-s interaction period for each infant by writing a yes response if the infant made head contact or leaned very close to the lamp, or no if they did not.

To analyze the responses, compare the percentage of infants that used their hands only, or their head, to touch the lamp.

Note that 69% of infants in the hands-free condition re-enacted the head action during session two. In contrast, only 21% of infants in the hands-occupied condition did so. These data support the claim that 14-month-olds are able to evaluate the reasons for an adult’s behavior well after they first observed the behavior.

Now that you are familiar with how infants are already thinking about the reasons for a person’s behavior and using them to guide their own behaviors, you can apply how such rational imitation is critical in a number of situations.

Understanding rational behavior underlies many slapstick comedy routines. For instance, seeing an actor slip on a banana peel because it was their goal to do so is not funny. However, the same actor accidentally slipping on a banana peel in a way not aligned with their goals is hysterical.

Rational imitation can also be applied to understanding the development of creativity and flexibility in problem solving.

Performing tasks the way that individuals have seen them done before, like standing on a wobbly chair to reach a fan switch, is not always the most efficient—or safest—solution. Rather, with a little ingenuity, a new solution can be developed.

You’ve just watched JoVE’s introduction to studying rational imitation in infants. Now you should have a good understanding of how to design and conduct the experiment, and finally how to analyze and interpret the results.

Thanks for watching!


Cite This
JoVE Science Education Database. JoVE Science Education. Using Your Head: Measuring Infants’ Rational Imitation of Actions. JoVE, Cambridge, MA, (2023).