
Assessment of Mitochondrial Oxygen Consumption Using a Plate Reader-based Fluorescent Assay

Published: April 12, 2024


Assessment of oxygen consumption provides integral information about mitochondrial function. Using a phosphorescent probe with a fluorescent plate reader, accurate and reproducible data can be obtained easily without specialized equipment. This assay enables any lab to measure the oxygen consumption of isolated mitochondria and calculate respiratory control ratios.


Mitochondria serve many important functions, including cellular respiration, ATP production, controlling apoptosis, and acting as a central hub of metabolic pathways. Therefore, experimentally assessing mitochondrial functionality can provide insight into variations among different populations or disease states. Additionally, it is valuable to assess whether isolated mitochondria are healthy enough to proceed with experiments. One characteristic often used to compare mitochondrial function in different samples is the rate of oxygen consumption. Oxygen consumption and subsequent calculation of the respiratory control ratio in either intact cells or mitochondria isolated from tissue can serve all three purposes. Using mitochondria isolated from the livers of brush lizards in conjunction with a phosphorescent probe that is sensitive to the fluctuations in oxygen concentration of a solution, we measured oxygen consumption using a fluorescent plate reader. This method is not only quick and efficient but also can be conducted with a small amount of mitochondria and without the need for specialized equipment. The step-by-step protocol described here increases the accessibility of mitochondrial functional assessment to researchers.


Mitochondria are organelles, approximately the size of bacteria, found in eukaryotic cells. They are unique organelles because they contain DNA and have two membranes, an outer and inner one. Mitochondria's outer and inner membranes are separated by an intermembrane space, and the inner membrane folds into structures called cristae around the innermost compartment, called the matrix. These cristae increase the inner membrane's surface area so that multiple processes that use the cristae can occur simultaneously. While mitochondria are involved in many cellular functions such as controlling apoptosis and housing multiple metabolic pathways, their vital role in the production of ATP is essential for cell survival. In fact, 90% of a cell's energy is derived from mitochondria1. ATP production involves the generation of an electrochemical difference across the outer and inner membranes, termed the mitochondrial membrane potential (Δψ), which arises as H+ ions are pumped from the matrix into the intermembrane space. ATP production is ultimately harnessed during the oxidation of reducing equivalents via electron movement through the mitochondrial respiratory chain (ETC). The final electron acceptor is molecular oxygen (O2). As oxygen is consumed, the H+ concentration differential builds up to its maximum, at which point H+ ions move down their concentration gradient from the intermembrane space to the matrix by passing through the ATP synthase complex. The movement of H+ ions causes a conformational change in ATP synthase, and ADP is brought into proximity with inorganic phosphate to react and generate ATP. Finally, ATP is translocated out of the mitochondrial matrix into the cytosol and can either be stored or used to facilitate reactions due to the large amount of free energy released during the hydrolysis of its phosphates. This whole process is termed oxidative phosphorylation, and since oxygen is consumed, mitochondria are said to respire2.

The buildup and strength of Δψ, the amount of O2 reduced (termed oxygen consumption), as well as the generation of ATP can all be used as indications of cell health. Mitochondrial functional studies, such as measurement of Δψ, total ATP content and production, and oxygen consumption can be quantified either by traditional biochemical methods or fluorescence and luminescence in plate-based assays. For example, mitochondrial membrane potential can be compared among different samples using fluorescent dyes such as tetramethylrhodamine ethyl ester, which binds specifically to mitochondria. ATP generation can be monitored by adding a luminescent protein to a reaction whose changes correlate to ATP concentration. Quantification of oxygen consumption rates, or absolute rates of respiration, during OXPHOS, can help elucidate the causes of disparities in mitochondrial function and energy metabolism. Oxygen consumption assessment can be used to calculate respiratory control ratios (RCRs). RCR values describe the ability of mitochondria to make ATP in response to the influx of ADP, which is the main function of mitochondria. RCR values signify the overall condition of isolated mitochondria and allow for the comparison of responses to different experimental treatments. Differences in RCR values may represent mitochondrial dysfunction or indicate a biological difference between different mitochondria isolated from two or more sources. Another important measure of function in isolated mitochondria is mitochondrial efficiency defined as moles of ATP synthesized per moles of O2, or the P/O ratio3.

Given the amount of information that can be gathered from measuring mitochondrial parameters and various instances in which this information can be utilized, the ability to efficiently gather functional data can be useful in many different research areas. Mitochondrial oxygen consumption measurements have been performed for decades with very specific instrumentation—using a Clark electrode, which can be limited by the sample size necessary to carry out measurements, and more recently, sophisticated instruments that can measure mitochondrial respiration and multiple other parameters but can be cost-prohibitive. This protocol is an adapted alternative approach using an oxygen-sensitive phosphorescent probe (MitoXpress)4,5. The probe signal is detected with a plate reader in time-resolved fluorescence mode for continuous measurements over time. Phosphorescence has a larger energy difference between the absorbed and emitted photon compared to fluorescence and therefore, is better suited for continuously monitoring changes in signal. This enables almost any lab to perform these measurements, not just those that focus on mitochondrial metabolism or who can afford highly specialized equipment. The model system we utilize is isolated mitochondria from three tree lizards, two parental species and one introgressed (containing nuclear DNA from one parental species and mitochondria from the other—hybrids). These lizards were chosen because we hypothesized there are metabolic and energy consequences for hybrids having different nuclear and mitochondrial DNA sources. We utilized a commercially available assay kit with a multi-mode plate reader that can increase access to this type of assay to more researchers and research fields.


Lizards were euthanized by CO2 asphyxiation followed by immediate decapitation in accordance with policies outlined by The Office of Animal Laboratory Welfare and Elon's Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee guidelines. 1. Isolation of mitochondria6 NOTE: Keep all solutions cold (Table 1) and samples on ice throughout these steps. Remove the liver, weigh it, and then rinse it …

Representative Results

Oxygen consumption rate and mitochondrial RCR were determined from the mitochondria of three different lizards using an assay kit with a phosphorescent oxygen-sensing probe and a standard fluorescence plate reader. Previous research established that the probe in this kit directly correlates to oxygen consumption, where phosphorescence is quenched by molecular oxygen and the fluorescent signal increases as oxygen levels decrease due to mitochondrial respiration7,11</sup…


Measuring mitochondrial function is useful when comparing different samples, such as disease versus non-disease states, different tissue types from the same animal, or between different sample types. We used the later comparison to test our hypothesis that there is a metabolic consequence to hybrid tree lizards that have introgressed mitochondria. There are a variety of ways to ascertain mitochondria function experimentally, including quantification of Δψ, total ATP content, ATP production, and respiratory cont…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


This research was funded by NSF CHE- 1229562 (VDGM) and grants from Elon University's Faculty Research and Development Committee (VDGM and GH) and the Undergraduate Research Program (AJ).


96-well black/optical bottom plates Thermo Fisher 265301 Untreated black-wall plates with clear bottoms.
ADP Sigma A2754 Dilute 100 µM stock with EB immediately before use.
BSA Thermo Fisher BP1600-100 Make 2 mg/mL stock in water for protein assay.
Dulbeccos 1x PBS (-/-) Sigma D8537 Make sure the PBS is without Mg2+ or Ca2+ ions.
EGTA Sigma E3889
K2HPO4 Sigma P3786
KH2PO4 Sigma P0662
L-glutamic acid Sigma G1251
L-glutamic acid potassium salt Sigma S372226
L-malic acid Sigma M8304
L-malic acid mono-potassium salt Sigma 49601
MitoXpress oxygen consumption kit Agilent MX-200-4 Kit contains probe stock and HS mineral oil.
MOPS Sigma M3183
Protien Assay Dye (5x) BioRad 500-0006 Any protein assay can substitute.
R version 3.3  R Core Development Team 2016
Thermomax microplate reader EnSpire Multi-mode Plate reader and software PerkinElmer Standard fluorescent plate-reader
Trisma base Sigma T6066 Any version of Tris base can be utilized.


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Gaizo Moore, V. D., Haenel, G., Judge, A. Assessment of Mitochondrial Oxygen Consumption Using a Plate Reader-based Fluorescent Assay. J. Vis. Exp. (206), e65760, doi:10.3791/65760 (2024).

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