

Published: June 18, 2020











注:此协议针对 70%-80% 的汇入 MDA-MB-231 单元进行了优化。对于其他细胞系,应重新优化细胞数量和感染数 (MOI)。 1. 细胞的制备(第1天) 在75厘米2瓶中保持MDA-MB-231细胞系,在5%CO2加湿的大气中补充10%的胎儿牛血清(FBS), 补充10%的胎儿牛血清(FBS)。注:DMEM 补充了 10% FBS、37 °C 和 5% CO2加湿气氛,用于整个协议中的所有附件和治疗孵化?…

Representative Results

CyS/CySS 的氧化还原状态可通过转导的 roGFP 轻松测定。荧光探针量化还原和氧化形式之间的比率(激励波长分别为 488 nm 和 405 nm)。荧光数据可以通过流细胞学和显微镜获得。 使用流细胞测定,可以一致、方便地获得大量细胞。分析包括3个主要步骤:1)使用FSC区域滤波器选择感兴趣的细胞群(图1A);2) 用前 488/em 为 roGFP 表达细胞进行门。525 nm 带带通?…


生物体中的硫醇/二硫化物平衡反映了细胞的氧化还原状态。生物有谷胱甘肽、半胱氨酸、蛋白质三醇和低分子量三醇,所有这些都受到氧化水平的影响,并呼应细胞的氧化状态4。工程性 roGfP 允许通过其 CyS 残留物7对硫醇/二硫化物平衡进行无中断定量。roGFP 的比值特性为哺乳动物细胞提供了可靠的氧化还原测量。roGFP可以很容易地引入细胞与转染方法和/或转导…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


在西北大学弗赖伯格医学院和ViraQuest公司的实验室中,分别产生了用于细胞溶质性roGFP的构造和重组腺病毒。这项研究得到了宿主抗癌治疗研究中心的资助,授予P20GM109005,通过NIH国家生物医学研究所生物医学研究中心卓越(COBRE NIGMS),国家普通医学研究所系统药理学和毒理学培训计划赠款T32 GM106999, UAMS 基金会/医学研究捐赠奖 AWD00053956,UAMS 年终校长奖 AWD00053484。流细胞学核心设施部分由微生物发病和宿主炎症反应中心通过COBRE NIGMS授予P20GM103625支持。内容完全由作者负责,不一定代表NIH的官方观点。ATA得到土耳其科学技术研究理事会(TUBITAK)2214-A奖学金的支持。


0.25% Trypsin-EDTA Gibco by Life Sciences 25200-056 Cell culture
4-well chamber slide Thermo Scientific 154526 Cell seeding material for fluorescent imaging
5 ml tubes with cell strainer cap Falcon 352235 Single cell suspension tube for flow cytometry analysis
6-well plate Corning 353046 Cell seeding material for flow cytometry analysis
15 ml conical tubes MidSci C15B Cell culture
75 cm2 ventilated cap tissue culture flasks Corning 4306414 Cell culture
Adenoviral cytosol specific roGFP ViraQuest VQAd roGFP roGFP construct kindly provided by Dr. Schumaker
Class II, Type A2 Safety Hood Cabinet Thermo Scientific 1300 Series A2 Cell culture
Countess automated cell counter Invitrogen C10227 Cell counting
Countess cell counter chamber slides Invitrogen C10283 Cell counting
DMEM Gibco by Life Sciences 11995-065 Cell culture
FBS Atlanta Biologicals S11150 Cell culture
Filtered pipette tips, sterile, 20 µl Fisherbrand 02-717-161 Cell culture
Filtered pipette tips, sterile, 1000 µl Fisherbrand 02-717-166 Cell culture
Flow Cytometer BD Biosciences LSRFortessa Instrument equipped with FITC and BV510 bandpass filters for flow cytometry analyses
Fluorescent Microscope Advanced Microscopy Group (AMG) Evos FL Fluorescent imaging
Hydrogen Peroxide 30% Fisher Scientific H325-100 Positive control
Light Cube, Custom Life Sciences CUB0037 Fluorescent imaging of roGFP expressing cells (ex 405 nm)
Light Cube, GFP Thermo Scientific AMEP4651 Fluorescent imaging of roGFP expressing cells (ex 488 nm)
MDA-MB-231 American Tissue Culture Collection HTB-26 Human epithelial breast cancer cell line
Microcentrifuge tubes, 2 ml Grenier Bio-One 623201 Cell culture
PBS Gibco by Life Sciences 10010-023 Cell culture
Pipet controller Drummond Hood Mate Model 360 Cell culture
Serologycal pipet, 1 ml Fisherbrand 13-678-11B Cell culture
Serologycal pipet, 5 ml Fisherbrand 13-678-11D Cell culture
Serologycal pipet, 10 ml Fisherbrand 13-678-11E Cell culture
Tissue Culture Incubator Thermo Scientific HERACell 150i CO2 incubator for cell culture
Trypan blue stain 0.4% Invitrogen T10282 Cell counting


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Tascioglu Aliyev, A., LoBianco, F., Krager, K. J., Aykin-Burns, N. Assessment of Cellular Oxidation using a Subcellular Compartment-Specific Redox-Sensitive Green Fluorescent Protein. J. Vis. Exp. (160), e61229, doi:10.3791/61229 (2020).

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