This protocol provides guidelines for running egg rejection experiments: outlining techniques for painting experimental egg models to emulate the colors of natural bird eggs, conducting fieldwork, and analyzing the collected data. This protocol provides a uniform method for conducting comparable egg rejection experiments.
Brood parasites lay their eggs in other females’ nests, leaving the host parents to hatch and rear their young. Studying how brood parasites manipulate hosts into raising their young and how hosts detect parasitism provide important insights in the field of coevolutionary biology. Brood parasites, such as cuckoos and cowbirds, gain an evolutionary advantage because they do not have to pay the costs of rearing their own young. However, these costs select for host defenses against all developmental stages of parasites, including eggs, their young, and adults. Egg rejection experiments are the most common method used to study host defenses. During these experiments, a researcher places an experimental egg in a host nest and monitors how hosts respond. Color is often manipulated, and the expectation is that the likelihood of egg discrimination and the degree of dissimilarity between the host and experimental egg are positively related. This paper serves as a guide for conducting egg rejection experiments from describing methods for creating consistent egg colors to analyzing the findings of such experiments. Special attention is given to a new method involving uniquely colored eggs along color gradients that has the potential to explore color biases in host recognition. Without standardization, it is not possible to compare findings between studies in a meaningful way; a standard protocol within this field will allow for increasingly accurate and comparable results for further experiments.
Brood parasites lay their eggs in the nests of other species that may then raise their young and pay the costs associated with parental care1,2,3. This act of deception to outwit the host on the part of the parasite and sleuthing to detect the parasite on the part of the host provides strong selective pressures on both actors. In some cases of avian brood parasitism, the host's recognition of disparate parasitic eggs selects for parasites that mimic host eggs, which produces an evolutionary arms race between host and parasite4. Studying brood parasitism is important because it is a model system for investigating coevolutionary dynamics and decision-making in the wild5. Egg rejection experiments are one of the most common methods used for studying avian brood parasitism in the field and an important tool that ecologists use to investigate interspecific interactions6.
During the course of egg rejection experiments, researchers typically introduce natural or model eggs and assess the host's response to these experimental eggs over a standardized period. Such experiments can involve swapping real eggs (that vary in appearance) between nests7, or dyeing or painting the surfaces of real eggs (optionally adding patterns) and returning them to their original nests8, or generating model eggs that have manipulated traits such as color9, spotting10, size11, and/or shape12. The host response to eggs of varying appearance can provide valuable insight into the information content they use to reach an egg rejection decision13 and just how different that egg needs to be to elicit a response14. Optimal acceptance threshold theory15 states that hosts should balance the risks of mistakenly accepting a parasitic egg (acceptance error) or mistakenly removing their own egg (rejection error) by examining the difference between their own eggs (or an internal template of those eggs) and the parasitic eggs. As such, an acceptance threshold exists beyond which hosts decide a stimulus is too different to tolerate. When parasitism risk is low, the risk of acceptance errors is lower than when the risk of parasitism is high; thus, decisions are context specific and will shift appropriately as perceived risks change14,16,17.
Optimal acceptance threshold theory assumes that hosts base decisions upon continuous variation in host and parasite phenotypes. Therefore, measuring host responses to varying parasite phenotypes is necessary to establish how tolerant a host population (with its own phenotypic variation) is to a range of parasitic phenotypes. However, virtually all prior studies have relied on categorical egg color and maculation treatments (e.g., mimetic/non-mimetic). Only if host eggshell phenotypes do not vary, which is not a biologically practical expectation, would all responses be directly comparable (regardless of the degree of mimicry). Otherwise, a "mimetic" egg model will vary in how similar it is to host eggs within and between populations, which could potentially lead to confusion when comparing findings18. Theory suggests that host decisions are based upon the difference between the parasitic egg and their own14, not necessarily a particular parasitic egg color. Therefore, using a single egg model type is not an ideal approach to test hypotheses on host decision thresholds or discrimination abilities, unless the just noticeable difference (hereafter JND) between the egg model type and individual host egg color is the variable of interest. This also applies to experimental studies that swap or add natural eggs to test host responses to a natural range of colors19. However, while these studies do allow for variation in host and parasite phenotypes, they are limited by natural variation found in traits6, particularly when using conspecific eggs7.
By contrast, researchers that make artificial eggs of varied colors are free from the constraints of natural variation (e.g., they can investigate responses to superstimuli20), allowing them to probe the limits of host perception6. Recent research has used novel techniques to measure host responses across a phenotypic range, by painting experimental eggs designed to match and surpass the natural range of variation in eggshell9 and spot colors21. Studying host responses to eggs with colors along gradients can uncover underlying cognitive processes because theoretical predictions, such as acceptance thresholds15 or coevolved mimicry4, are based on continuous differences between traits. For example, by using this approach, Dainson et al.21 established that when chromatic contrast between eggshell ground coloration and spot coloration is higher, the American Robin Turdus migratorius tends to reject eggs more strongly. This finding provides valuable insights on how this host processes information, in this case through spotting, to decide whether to remove a parasitic egg. By customizing paint mixtures, researchers can precisely manipulate the similarity between an experimental egg's color and host's egg color, while standardizing other confounding factors such as spotting patterns10, egg size22 and egg shape23.
To encourage further replication and metareplication24 of classic and recent egg rejection work, it is important that scientists use methodologies that are standardized across phylogeny (different host species)7,22, space (different host populations)7,22,25,26 and time (different breeding seasons)7,22,25,26,27, which was done only rarely. Methodologies that were not standardized28 were later shown to lead to artefactual results29,30. This paper serves as a set of guidelines for researchers seeking to replicate this type of egg rejection experiment that examines responses to continuous variation and highlights a number of important methodological concepts: the importance of control nests, a priori hypotheses, metareplication, pseudoreplication, and color and spectral analysis. Despite egg rejection experiments dominating the field of avian host-parasite coevolution, no comprehensive protocol exists yet. Therefore, these guidelines will be a valuable resource to increase inter- and intra-lab repeatability as the true test of any hypothesis lies in metareplication, i.e., repeating whole studies across phylogeny, space and time24, which can only be meaningfully done when using consistent methods29,30,31.
All methods described here have been approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) of Long Island University-Post.
1. Mixing Acrylic Paints
2. Painting Experimental Egg Models
3. Quantifying Color
4. Field Work
5. Statistical Analyses
Generating colorful egg models
Reflectance spectra of custom paint mixtures and natural eggs are shown in Figure 1A-1D. Paint mixtures used in brood parasitism studies should closely correspond with natural reflectance measurements in terms of spectral shape (color) and magnitude (brightness). If that is achieved, the color of the experimental egg should be perceived by the host as a natural egg color. To assess host recognition, these reflectances should be transformed into a relevant avian color space. To do this, the product of these reflectance spectra, solar irradiance, and photoreceptor sensitivity can be integrated to calculate quantum catches37. Avian color perception is different than in humans, because birds see colors using four, rather than three photoreceptors. The quantum catch from these four receptors can be transformed into coordinates within a tetrahedral color space (Figure 1E), where each vertex represents the relative stimulation of a specific photoreceptor: ultraviolet, short, medium, and long wavelength-sensitive photoreceptors41. Coordinates within this space provide a method for comparing colors and phenotypic diversity of colors, which is relatively limited with respect to the color of birds eggshells66. Plotting experimental egg color in a color space is important because their coordinates within that space will determine if these eggs would appear natural. Figure 1 illustrates the colors of custom paints (colorful dots, letters correspond with the reflectance spectra shown in Figure 1A-1D) that are described in this paper and how they compare to natural birds' eggshell colors. This novel approach provides opportunities for novel experimental designs and can provide new insights into host egg recognition.
Quantifying host responses to eggshell colors
Explicitly or implicitly, all but one9 previous study has assumed that hosts respond to trait dissimilarity, e.g., the difference between a parasitic egg and their own, in an absolute or symmetrical fashion (Figure 2, dashed). This difference usually varies from identical (0) to infinitely different; however, most traits vary along multiple dimensions and there is no a priori reason to assume their responses should be similar across the phenotypic space. Research that manipulates traits across their full phenotypic range (Figure 2, solid), can test this assumption. For two Turdus spp., Hanley et al.9 found that between a brown and blue-green egg, both equally different from the host's own, the brown egg was more likely to be rejected. By using egg models with known coordinates within a standard avian color space (Figure 1E), researchers can work within the natural phenotypic range or extend that phenotypic range (e.g., towards blue-green or brown) to explore host response and probe the perceptual limits of host recognition. Such an approach provides a context (based on phenotypic space) to understand hosts' responses.
Quantifying host responses to eggshell spot colors
A recent study21 showed that American robins are more likely to reject spotted experimental eggs when they perceive those spots as browner than the blue-green color of the eggshell (Figure 3). This host lays unspotted eggs, but their parasite the brown-headed cowbird Molothrus ater has brown spots and therefore, this decision rule seems adaptive. Such findings reinforce previous findings that have shown that American robins base decisions on both ground color and spots13; however, by measuring their responses across a color gradient Dainson et al. were able to establish that American robins use the chromatic contrast between ground and spot color in egg rejection decisions21. Experimental designs employing such continuous variation in coloration enable researchers to explore the role of host sensory and perceptual mechanisms in egg recognition more thoroughly.
Figure 1. Representative variation in natural avian and artificial eggshell colors. The average of ten spectral reflectance measurements of (A) the blue-green, (B) beige, (C) brown, (D) white, and (E) dark brown paint mixtures (1.2.1 to 1.2.5, solid lines) alongside the reflectance of a real egg with a similar appearance: (A) American robin T. migratorius, (B) quail C. japonica, a (C) brown and (D) white domestic chicken egg Gallus g. domesticus (dashed lines). The peak in ultraviolet reflectance in (D) is due to the removal of the cuticle67. Inset photographs of real eggs on the left and artificial eggs to the left to scale (the bar above “artificial” represents 1 cm). The image of the real quail egg (inset B) was modified from a photograph taken by Roger Culos that is licensed under CC BY 4.0. We illustrate adult birds as inset images (photo credits of bird insets A-D respectively: Tomáš Grim, Ingrid Taylar under CC BY 2.0, Sherool, and Dejungen under CC-BY-SA-3.0). The avian perceived colors are also plotted within the (E) avian tetrahedral color space for the average ultraviolet-sensitive avian viewer. The vertices represent the relative stimulation of the ultraviolet (U), short (S), medium (M), and long (L) wavelength-sensitive photoreceptors. Gray dots represent the colors of natural avian eggs across the full phylogenetic diversity66, from previously published data68, while the colorful dots represent the colors of custom paint formulations here (steps 1.1.1 to 1.2), and small solid dots represent intermediate colors (step 1.3). Italic letters beside colorful dots reference spectral reflectances shown in this figure, while (e) references the dark spots from a quail egg. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 2. Representative host egg rejections of eggs with variable eggshell coloration. Traditionally, the predicted (dashed) rejection probability for a host is based upon the absolute perceived difference between the hosts' egg and foreign egg (i.e., as the foreign egg is more different responses to that egg are more likely, no matter the direction of the difference in the color space). This practice ignores natural variation in the host's own egg color. However, it is more likely that American robins (N = 52) will reject brown eggs than equally dissimilar blue-green eggs (solid line), which highlights the importance of examining host responses across a phenotypic gradient9.This figure was modified from Hanley et al.9 and these data69 are licensed under CC BY 4.0. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 3. Representative host egg rejection of eggs with variable spot coloration. The chromatic contrast (JND) between the spot colors painted on experimental model eggs and the ground color of these models predicted host response (0 = acceptance, 1 = ejection) in the American robin. This figure has been modified from Dainson et al.21. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Although egg rejection experiments are the most common method to study brood parasite-host coevolution70, concerted efforts to standardize materials, techniques, or protocols are lacking. This is especially problematic for meta-analyses. No meta-analysis, to our knowledge, of host egg rejection so far has controlled for methodological discrepancies among studies71,72, including what is considered mimetic or non-mimetic. This represents a major problem because mimetic (by human standards) eggs can be rejected by hosts more often than seemingly non-mimetic ones73, which shows that human color classification is both inadequate and inappropriate for inferences regarding avian cognition18. Additionally, meta-analyses ignore the fact that some studies, even of the same host species, handled desertions differently, either counting them as responses22 or excluding them from analyses7,71,72. Moreover, misclassifying egg models as either non-mimetic or mimetic eggs, can lead to fallacious comparisons between studies that both used these classifications for different egg model types74. Differences between studies1,74 may reflect both differences in the study design (e.g., model egg types) or differences between populations, both to an unknown degree; this prevents clear interpretation of the differences and precludes rejecting null and alternative hypotheses. This protocol provides a standardized approach for egg rejection experiments, and particularly emphasizes the coloring and quantifying the color of egg models. Following or adapting (and appropriately reporting) this protocol should promote the methodological standardization necessary for productive scientific debate, inter-study comparisons, and future progresses in this field of research.
Since eggshell coloration is determined by only two pigments, protoporphyrin IX appearing brown, and biliverdin IXα appearing blue-green66,75,76, eggshell colors only occupy a small section of avian vision66. This variation can be replicated through carefully formulating acrylic paints that match natural eggshell colors, and this will lead to a better understanding of host recognition mechanisms. For example, Turdus hosts are more likely to reject brown eggs than blue-green eggs, despite the absolute perceived color difference between these foreign eggs and their own (Figure 2). Responses to eggs colored along color gradients vary considerably, highlighting the importance of accurately producing and reproducing the colors used in egg rejection experiments. Even variation in spot coloration can result in striking differences in host response (Figure 3)21. By using this approach, researchers can more systematically probe the limits of host recognition and uncover the relative importance of chromatic and luminance pathways in informing host decisions.
Despite the benefits that this approach provides for quantifying host responses across a phenotypic range, it is not suited for testing every hypothesis. When rejection rates are necessary for testing hypotheses, particularly for inter-population comparisons, using one or more consistent egg model types would be a less costly and demanding approach. For example, presenting specific egg model types representative of specific parasitic egg polymorphisms, can provide insight into historic and contemporary selection pressures77. Calculating rejection rates is impossible when each egg is a unique color; however, quantifying host responses across a range of potential parasitic egg colors can provide insight into questions related to decision thresholds and discrimination abilities. Specifically, this approach provides a tool for researchers to measure a host's egg discrimination abilities. This protocol outlines paint recipes to help standardize the color of egg models used for either approach. Moreover, regardless of the approach chosen, researchers should report the paints they used for coloring their egg models and should quantify those colors carefully. This should enhance inter-study comparisons and meta-analysis.
Egg rejection studies with continuous color, pattern, size, and/or shape traits have revolutionized the field of avian host-parasite arms-race studies in combination with the now standard usage of avian visual perception modelling73,78. There is now evidence that some hosts do not only use the absolute perceptual difference between own and foreign eggs in egg recognition, but instead base rejection decisions upon the direction of these difference along the phenotypic gradient of avian eggshell color9. Future research should use habituation/dishabituation or operant training studies to assess whether hosts of avian brood parasites can perceive and discriminate between natural and artificial egg colors in non-egg recognition contexts. Furthermore, these same experiments could reveal whether current-, historic-, and non-hosts can distinguish natural from artificial eggshell, which would highlight the role of sensory mechanisms in coevolutionary arms-races. Finally, adequately incorporating and replicating the UV components of avian egg coloration and maculation into egg rejection studies is a necessary challenge to overcome by future research79; this will be necessary to assess whether UV-based egg color signals represent a perceptually salient or unique cue for egg recognition and rejection in hosts of avian brood parasites. By using this consistent protocol, researchers can create new experiments and more easily interpret and compare their findings6,29,30,31.
The authors have nothing to disclose.
MEH was funded by the HJ Van Cleave Professorship at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. In addition, for funding we thank the Human Frontier Science Program (to M.E.H. and T.G.) and the European Social Fund and the state budget of the Czech Republic, project no. CZ.1.07/2.3.00/30.0041 (to T.G.). We thank Ocean Optics for covering publication costs.
Replicator Mini + | Makerbot | ||
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