
호수 송어에 PCB의 동족체의 순 영양 전송 효율의 실험실 평가 (<em> Salvelinus namaycush</em>) 먹이에서

Published: August 29, 2014


먹이에서 물고기를 먹는 물고기 폴리 염화 비 페닐 (PCB) 이성체의 순 영양 전달 효율의 실험실 추정하는 기술이 제시된다. 필드로 실험 결과의 적용 가능성을 극대화하기 위해 물고기를 먹는 물고기는 일반적으로 현장에서 먹을 수 있습니다 먹이 물고기를 공급해야한다.


먹이에서 물고기를 먹는 물고기 폴리 염화 비 페닐 (PCB) 이성체의 순 영양 전달 효율 (γ)의 실험실 추정하는 기술은 여기에 설명되어 있습니다. 135 일 실험실 실험 동안, 우리는 팔 실험실 탱크에 보관 부풀어 오른 송어 (Salvelinus의 namaycush)에 미시간 호수에서 잡은했다 (Coregonus hoyi)를 공급. 부풀어 오른 호수 송어 자연 먹이입니다. 탱크 사에서, 비교적 높은 유속은 낮은 유속이 다른 네 개의 탱크에 사용 된 반면, 낮은 송어 활동을 허용, 송어 의해 비교적 높은 활성을 확인하는 데 사용 하였다. 탱크 탱크 별 기준으로, 실험 하루에 송어 먹게 음식의 양을 기록 하였다. 각 송어은 실험의 시작과 끝에서 칭량 하였다. 팔 각 탱크에서 4 구에 송어은 실험의 시작에서 희생하고, 각 탱크에 남아있는 모든 10 송어는 euthan 하였다이었다실험의 끝에 집중식. 우리의 실험 끝에 송어에서, 실험의 개시시 송어 75 PCB의 이성체의 농도를 측정하고, 실험에 bloaters 동안 송어로 공급. 이러한 측정에 기초하여, γ는 팔 각 탱크의 PCB (75)의 동족체들 각각에 대해 계산 하였다. γ 활성 및 비활성 호수 송어 75 PCB의 동족체 각각에 대해 계산되었다 의미한다. 실험 8 개의 탱크에 복제 되었기 때문에,에 대한 표준 오차는 γ 추정 할 수 의미한다. 이런 유형의 실험 결과는 환경 오염의 다양한 시나리오에 따라 오염 된 물고기를 먹는 인간과 야생 동물에 대한 미래의 위험을 예측하는 위험 평가 모델에 유용하다.


Of all of the factors affecting the rate at which fish accumulate contaminants, the efficiency with which fish retain contaminants from the food that they eat is one of the most important1-3. Risk assessment models have been developed to predict future risks to both people and wildlife eating contaminated fish under various scenarios of environmental contamination, and the reliability of these predictions critically depends on the accuracy of the estimates of the efficiency at which fish retain contaminants from their food4.

The efficiency with which the contaminant in the food ingested by the predator is transported through the gut wall is known as gross trophic transfer efficiency5. A portion of the quantity of the contaminant transported through the gut wall of the predator may eventually be lost through depuration and/or metabolic transformation. The efficiency with which the contaminant in the food ingested by the predator is retained by the predator, including any losses due to elimination and metabolic transformation, is known as net trophic transfer efficiency6.

Gross trophic transfer efficiency of organic contaminants to fish from their prey appears to vary with the contaminant’s chemical properties, including lipid affiliation as measured by the octanol-water partition coefficient, Kow3,7. According to an empirical relationship developed by Thomann3, gross trophic transfer efficiency is relatively high when log Kow is equal to a value between 5 and 6. Gross trophic transfer efficiency declines exponentially at a rate of 50% per unit of log Kow as log Kow increases from 6 to 10, according to the Thomann3 relationship.

Nevertheless, the gross and net trophic transfer efficiencies of polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) congeners to fish from their prey do not appear to follow the Thomann3 relationship in most cases. Although the trophic transfer efficiencies of PCB congeners to lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) from its food followed the relationship proposed by Thomann8, trophic transfer efficiencies of PCB congeners were either just weakly related or not related at all to log Kow for Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)9, rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)10, coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch)11, and northern pike (Esox lucius)11.

The overall goal of this study was to present a laboratory technique for estimating the net trophic transfer efficiencies of PCB congeners to a piscivorous fish from its prey. Lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) was chosen as the piscivorous fish for our experiment because lake trout are relatively easy to maintain in laboratory tanks. Bloater (Coregonus hoyi) was selected as the prey fish to be fed to the lake trout because bloater is eaten by lake trout in its natural setting12. In addition, we determined whether the net trophic transfer efficiencies for lake trout estimated from our laboratory experiment followed the Thomann3 relationship. We also determined whether the degree of activity by the lake trout had a significant effect on net trophic transfer efficiency (γ) of the PCB congeners. Activity by lake trout in the Laurentian Great Lakes is believed to have recently increased because changes in the food webs have caused lake trout to allocate more energy toward searching for food13. Lake trout were forced to exercise in one set of tanks by subjecting these lake trout to relatively high flow rates, whereas the other lake trout were permitted to remain relatively inactive by subjecting them to relatively low flow rates. Finally, the specific details of our laboratory procedure that need to be carefully followed to ensure the highest degree of accuracy in the γ estimates and to make the laboratory results applicable to the field are discussed, as well as future directions for research building on our laboratory technique. Net trophic transfer efficiency can be estimated both in the laboratory and in the field, and advantages and disadvantages are associated with both approaches. Accuracy in the estimate of γ depends on the accuracy of the estimate of food consumption. The amount of food eaten by fish in the laboratory can be accurately determined when proper protocols are followed, whereas the amount of food eaten by fish in the field is typically estimated via bioenergetics modeling. Use of bioenergetics modeling to derive the amount of food eaten has the potential to introduce a substantial amount of uncertainty into the estimates of food consumption. Fish bioenergetics models have been shown to estimate food consumption with no detectable bias for the case of lake trout14,15, but considerable bias in bioenergetics model estimates of food consumption has been detected for the case of lake whitefish15,16. On the other hand, estimates of net trophic transfer efficiency estimated in the laboratory may not be applicable to the field due to a difference in feeding rates between the laboratory and the field17. Evidence from both the laboratory and the field suggest that feeding rate can influence γ14,17.

The methodology used in the present study for estimating γ in the laboratory is applicable to situations where the predator fish is fed prey fish, and the amount of prey fish eaten by the predator can be accurately tracked. To accomplish this, the experimenter must weigh all of the food before placement in the tank; and the experimenter must be able to remove all of the uneaten food from the tank, and then weigh the uneaten food. In addition, an adequate suite of mixers and blenders should be available to obtain a sufficient degree of homogenization of the samples of both predator and prey fish. Finally, the gas chromatography – mass spectrometry instrumentation used to determine the PCB congener concentrations must be capable of detecting and quantifying individual PCB congeners at relatively low concentrations.


1 실험실 실험 먹이 물고기를 구합니다 실험 기간 동안 포식자 물고기에 공급한다. 바람직하게는 이러한 먹이 물고기는 현장, 냉동에서 캡처, 약 -30 ° C에서 보관해야합니다. 먹이 물고기에 대한 잠재적 인 소스로 상업 낚시 작업을 고려하십시오. 실험실 탱크에 포식자 물고기를 소개 실험에 사용한다. 15 포식자 물고기까지 870-L의 각 탱크에 도입되었으며, 30 포식자 물고기까지 이?…

Representative Results

초기 호수 송어 최종 호수 송어는 무게가 853에서 1천5백66그램 (표 1)였다 의미하는 동안 무게가 694-907g 원거리 의미로 호수 송어, 실험 기간 동안 성장의 상당한 양을 보여 주었다. 135 일간의 실험 과정에서 호수 송어에 의해 소비되는 음식의 평균 금액은 641에서 2천6백49g였다. 평균 PCB 동종 농도가 원거리로 평균 PCB 동종 농도가 0.03에서 원거리 동안 호수 송어에서 PCB의 동족체 농도 평?…


γ의 가장 정확한 추정치를 들어, 정확하게 실험자의 실험 과정에서 탱크 및 탱크의 각각에 먹지 음식의 양에 각각 배치 된 음식의 양 모두를 추적 할 수 있어야한다. 이를 달성하기 위해, 실험자는 탱크로부터 먹지 식품을 모두 제거하고 무게를 정확하게 판별 할 수 있어야한다. 실제로 포식자 물고기가 먹은 음식의 정확한 추적뿐만 아니라, γ의 정확한 추정은 실험의 충분한 기간에 따라 달라질 …


The authors have nothing to disclose.


This work was funded, in part, by the Great Lakes Fishery Commission and the Annis Water Resources Institute. Use of trade, product, or firm names does not imply endorsement by the U. S. Government. This article is Contribution 1867 of the U. S. Geological Survey Great Lakes Science Center.


Name  Company Catalog Number Comments
870-L fiberglass tanks Frigid Units RT-430-1
2,380-L fiberglass tanks Frigid Units RT-630-1
Tricaine methanesulfonate (Finquel) Argent Chemical Laboratories, Inc. C-FINQ-UE-100G Eugenol could also be used as an anesthetic.
Ashland chef knife Chicago Cutlery SKU 1106336
Cutting board Williams-Sonoma 3863586
Hobart verical mixer (40 quart) Hobart Corporation
1.9-L food processor Robot Coupe, Inc. RSI 2Y1 
Polyethylene bags (various sizes) Arcan Inc.
I-Chem jars I-Chem 220-0125
Top-load electronic balance Mettler Toledo Mettler PM 6000 
Sodium sulfate, anhydrous – granular EMD SX0760E-3
Glass extraction thimbles (45 mm x 130 mm) Wilmad-Lab Glass LG-7070-114
Teflon boiling chips Chemware 919120
Rapid Vap nitrogen sample concentrator Labconco 7910000
N-Vap nitrogen concentrator Organomation 112
Soxhlet extraction glassware (500 mL) Wilmad-Lab Glass  LG-6900-104
Hexane Burdick & Jackson  Cat. 211-4
Dichloromethane Burdick & Jackson  Cat. 300-4
Silica gel BDH Cat. BDH9004-1KG
Labl Line 5000 mult-unit extraction heater Lab Line Instruments
Agilent 5973 GC/MS with chemical ionization Agilent 5973N
Internal standard solution  Cambridge Isotope Laboratories EC-1410-1.2
PCB congener calibration standards Accustandard C-CSQ-SET
DB-XLB column (60m x 0.25mm, 0.25 micron) Agilent/ J&W 122-1262


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Madenjian, C. P., Rediske, R. R., O’Keefe, J. P., David, S. R. Laboratory Estimation of Net Trophic Transfer Efficiencies of PCB Congeners to Lake Trout (Salvelinus namaycush) from Its Prey. J. Vis. Exp. (90), e51496, doi:10.3791/51496 (2014).

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