Duplex Digital PCR for Simultaneous Quantification of Dual Genetic Markers

Published: May 31, 2023


Source: Cao, Y., et al. A Duplex Digital PCR Assay for Simultaneous Quantification of the Enterococcus spp. and the Human Fecal-associated HF183 Marker in Waters. J. Vis. Exp. (2016)

In this video, we demonstrate the duplex digital PCR (ddPCR) technique — a modification of the traditional PCR technique that is useful in detecting two different genetic markers simultaneously. A single PCR reaction is partitioned into nanoliter-sized emulsified droplets that are independently amplified, and the detection of differently colored fluorescence amplification signals from the fraction of droplets is used to compute the initial concentration of the target sequences.


1. Assay Mixture Preparation Make 100 µmol/L stock concentrations for all primers in molecular grade water and probes in TE pH 8 buffer [Entero F1A, Entero R1, GPL813TQ; HF183-1, BthetR1, BthetP]. NOTE: Probes for the two targets are fluorescently labeled with different fluorophores as indicated in the List of Materials/Equipment. Prepare master mix by mixing, per reaction planned, 12 µl digital PCR mix (2x stock, see List of Materials/Equip…


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Low Bind Microtubes Costar 3207 For storage of reagents, samples/production of master mixes
Nuclease-Free Water FisherSci BP2484-50
TE pH 8 buffer FisherSci BP2473-100
Hardshell 96-Well Plate BioRad HSP-9601 For initial master mix and sample inoculation
Aluminium Sealing Film BioRad 359-0133 To seal sample plate
Droplet Generator BioRad 186-3002
Droplet Generation Oil BioRad 186-3005
Cartridge BioRad 186-4008
DG8 Cartridge Holder BioRad 186-3051
Gasket BioRad 186-3009
20uL pipette tips Rainin GP-L10F For tansferring sample/master mix to cartidge
200uL pipette tips Rainin GP-L200F For transferring droplets to final Twin.Tec Plate
Twin.Tec 96-Well Plate Eppendorf 951020320 For final droplets thermal cycling and reading
Pierceable Heat Seal Foil BioRad 181-4040 To seal Twin.Tec plate before thermal cycling
PX1 PCR Plate Sealer BioRad 181-4000 Only the thermal cycler is needed, no optics
CFX96 Thermal cycler BioRad CFX96 and C1000
QX100 Droplet Reader BioRad 186-3001
Droplet Reader Oil BioRad 186-3004
Droplet PCR Supermix BioRad 186-3024 i.e. the digital PCR mix in manuscript
QuantaSoft software (v1.3.2) Quantasoft QX100 For viewing, analyzing, and exporting ddPCR data
Entero Forward Primer (Ent F1A) Operon GAGAAATTCCAAACGAACTTG Alternative vendor can be used
Entero Reverse Primer (Ent R1) Operon CAGTGCTCTACCTCCATCATT Alternative vendor can be used
Entero Probe (GPL813TQ) Operon [6-FAM]-TGG TTC TCT CCG AAA TAG CTT TAG GGC TA-[BHQ1] Alternative vendor can be used, but the fluorophore has to be FAM
HF183 Forward Primer (HF183-1) Operon ATCATGAGTTCACATGTCCG Alternative vendor can be used
HF183 Reverse Primer (BthetR1) Operon CGTAGGAGTTTGGACCGTGT Alternative vendor can be used
HF183 Probe (BthetP1) Operon [6-HEX]-CTGAGAGGAAGGTCCCCC
Alternative vendor can be used, but the fluorophore has to be HEX (if using VIC, then the appropriate matric compensation must be chosen.)
Positive control Mixture of E.faecalis genomic DNA and HF183 standard plasmid (ordered from IDT). For detailed methods in culturing E. faecalis and sequences of the ordered HF183 plasmid, please see Cao et al. 2015 (doi:10.1016/j.watres.2014.12.008). Commercially available Enterococcus DNA standards (ATCC 29212Q-FZ) can also be used in the positive control in place of lab-prepared E. faecalis genomic DNA.


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Cite This Article
Duplex Digital PCR for Simultaneous Quantification of Dual Genetic Markers. J. Vis. Exp. (Pending Publication), e21354, doi: (2023).

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