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Effects of feedback

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Electrical Engineering
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JoVE 核 Electrical Engineering
Effects of feedback



Feedback in control systems extends beyond error reduction, impacting aspects like stability, bandwidth, gain, impedance, and sensitivity. The significant effects of feedback can be understood in a basic feedback system with defined input, output, error, and feedback signals. Feedback impacts the gain of a non-feedback system by a factor of one plus GH. Feedback might amplify gain in one frequency range while reducing it in another. Stability refers to a system's ability to follow an input command effectively. An unstable system has an uncontrollable output. Feedback can destabilize an initially stable system, especially if GH equals negative one, resulting in infinite output for any finite input. Feedback can also bring stability to an unstable system. Introducing another feedback loop through a negative feedback gain can stabilize the system. In a system subjected to extraneous signals, feedback plays a crucial role in minimizing the effect of these disturbances. By introducing feedback, the noise component is reduced if the factor in the denominator is greater than unity and the system remains stable.


Effects of feedback

Feedback in control systems plays a critical role in shaping various operational parameters, extending beyond simple error reduction to influence stability, bandwidth, gain, impedance, and sensitivity. Understanding these effects requires examining a basic feedback system characterized by defined input, output, error, and feedback signals.

Feedback significantly modifies the gain of a control system. The gain of a system without feedback is altered by a factor of one plus GH, where G represents the open-loop gain and H is the feedback factor. This alteration means feedback can amplify or attenuate the gain depending on the frequency range, thus influencing the overall system performance.

Stability is another crucial aspect affected by feedback. Stability refers to the system's ability to accurately follow an input command and maintain a controllable output. An unstable system cannot reliably track input commands, resulting in erratic and uncontrollable outputs. Feedback can impact stability in two opposing ways: it can either destabilize an initially stable system or stabilize an unstable one. If the product GH equals negative one, the system becomes unstable, as any finite input results in an infinite output. Conversely, incorporating a negative feedback loop can stabilize an otherwise unstable system by adjusting the feedback gain appropriately.

In addition to gain and stability, feedback also affects a system's response to extraneous signals and noise. In the presence of disturbances, feedback helps minimize the impact of these unwanted signals. If the factor in the feedback loop's denominator is greater than unity and the system remains stable, the noise component is effectively reduced. This reduction is crucial in maintaining the integrity of the desired signal and ensuring the system's robustness against external interferences.

Overall, feedback mechanisms are indispensable in refining the performance of control systems. By carefully designing and implementing feedback loops, engineers can enhance stability, control gain, minimize noise, and improve the system's responsiveness and accuracy. The strategic use of feedback thus plays a pivotal role in advancing the efficacy and reliability of modern control systems across various applications.