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Molecular Biology
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JoVE 核 Molecular Biology



I ribozimi sono tipi speciali di RNA che possono agire come enzimi. I substrati per la maggior parte dei ribozimi naturali sono legami di fosfodiestere di RNA. L’unica eccezione nota è l’RNA ribosomiale 23s nel ribosoma batterico, che catalizza la formazione del legame peptidico.I ribozimi sono stati trovati in tutti i tipi di organismi, e sono simili alle proteine enzimatiche, poiché entrambi aumentano il tasso di reazioni. Molti ribozimi hanno bisogno di ioni metallici, come il magnesio, come cofattori per catalizzare le reazioni. Alcune classi di introni possono agire come ribozimi.Gli introni sono classificati in cinque classi distinte mRNA nucleare, tRNA nucleare, archaea, introni di gruppo I e di gruppo II.Gli introni dei gruppi I e II sono grandi ribozimi, lunghi centinaia di nucleotidi, e si trovano nei mitocondri fungini e vegetali, cloroplasti, batteriofagi e virus eucariotici. Possono fare auto-splicing senza l’aiuto di alcuna proteina. Mentre gli introni nucleari sono spliced dallo spliceosome, un complesso enzimatico contenente RNA e proteine, i ribozimi piccoli sono solitamente lunghi da 50 a 150 nucleotidi, e hanno motivi di sequenza nucleotidica auto-clivanti.Questi possono essere trovati in molti RNA virus di piante, così come il virus delta dell’epatite, un patogeno umano. Il processo di replicazione, in questi virus, produce RNA lungo che porta unità multiple del genoma virale, dove ogni unità porta un piccolo ribozima come la testa di un martello. Questi enzimi della testa di martello, regolarmente distanziati, subiscono un’auto-scissione con conseguente rottura dell’RNA lungo in segmenti di genoma individuali.La maggior parte dei ribozimi taglia la propria sequenza nucleotidica. Tuttavia, la ribonucleasi P può scindere altre molecole di RNA;la ribonucleasi P si trova in alcuni batteri e processa il tRNA precursore per generare un’estremità 5 primi matura. I ribozimi naturalmente disponibili sono noti per catalizzare una gamma ristretta di reazioni, 02:26.740, 00 00:02:30.010 come il trasferimento di fosforile in acidi nucleici e la formazione di legame peptidico nelle proteine.Gli scienziati hanno sintetizzato ribozimi artificiali in laboratorio, capaci di eseguire un’ampia gamma di reazioni, come formazione di legami carbonio-carbonio e reazioni di ossidazione-riduzione.



The term ribozyme is used for RNA that can act as an enzyme. Ribozymes are mainly found in selected viruses, bacteria, plant organelles, and lower eukaryotes. Ribozymes were first discovered in 1982 when Tom Cech’s laboratory observed Group I introns acting as enzymes. This was shortly followed by the discovery of another ribozyme, Ribonulcease P, by Sid Altman’s laboratory. Both Cech and Altman received the Nobel Prize in chemistry in 1989 for their work on ribozymes.

Ribozymes can be categorized into two groups depending upon their size – large and small. Large ribozymes can vary in size from a few hundred to several thousand nucleotides. The type I and II introns and bacterial Ribonuclease P are large ribozymes. Small ribozymes are 30 to 150 nucleotides long. They are found in many pathogenic plant viruses and the hepatitis delta virus (HDV), a human pathogen. Hammerhead, hairpin, HDV and Varkud satellite are common types of small ribozymes. Most large ribozymes need metal ions, especially Mg2+, for their activity, but metal ions are not necessary for most of the small ribozymes. The glmS ribozyme, in glmS mRNA, is a unique a-ribozyme as it also acts as a riboswitch when glucosamine 6-phosphate is present at high concentrations.

Most naturally occurring ribozymes catalyze self-cleavage breaking phosphodiester bonds present in their own RNA. Unlike a typical protein enzyme, most ribozymes perform a single-turnover reaction because, after self-cleavage, they are no longer active. However, two ribozymes – Ribonulcease P and the 23S RNA in the 50S ribosomal subunit perform different reactions. Bacterial Ribonuclease P is an RNA-protein complex that has endonuclease activity and requires Mg2+ ions. Its RNA component acts on the 5' end of premature tRNA to produce the mature 5' end. The 23S RNA present in the ribosome is different from all other known natural ribozymes as instead of phosphoryl transfer reactions, it carries out peptide-bond formation reactions during translation.

As RNA can act as a carrier of genetic information as well as enzymes, it is hypothesized that an “RNA world” may have existed in the past where RNA played an important role in the development of the early life forms.  However, with the evolution of complex life forms, proteins with twenty amino acids might have started acting as enzymes and took over the many reactions carried out by the ribozymes. This theory gets support from the in-vitro developed artificial ribozymes that can carry out a myriad of reactions such as amide bond formation, glycosidic bond formation, carbon-carbon bond formation, and oxidation-reduction reactions.

Suggested Reading

  1. Doherty, Elizabeth A., and Jennifer A. Doudna. "Ribozyme structures and mechanisms." Annual Review of Biophysics and Biomolecular Structure 30, no. 1 (2001): 457-475.
  2. Weinberg, Christina E., Zasha Weinberg, and Christian Hammann. "Novel ribozymes: discovery, catalytic mechanisms, and the quest to understand biological function." Nucleic Acids Research 47, no. 18 (2019): 9480-9494.  
  3. Ferré-D'Amaré, Adrian R., and William G. Scott. "Small self-cleaving ribozymes." Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology 2, no. 10 (2010): a003574.
  4. Tanner, N. Kyle. "Ribozymes: the characteristics and properties of catalytic RNAs." FEMS Microbiology Reviews 23, no. 3 (1999): 257-275.