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Complementary DNA

JoVE 核
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JoVE 核 生物学
Complementary DNA



Almost every cell in the body has the same DNA, but different cell types, such as neurons and muscle cells, express different genes because only certain genes are transcribed into messenger RNA, or mRNA, in each cell. In the laboratory, mRNAs can be used as a template to synthesize complementary DNA, cDNA, to study gene expression. A common method is to extract RNA from cells, then isolate the mRNA from other types of RNA, like ribosomal RNA or transfer RNA, by running the sample over a column of beads with stretches of thymine nucleotides attached.

These bind to the poly-A tail, a chain of adenine nucleotides specifically present on the 3-prime ends of eukaryotic mRNA. The other types of RNA do not bind and are washed away.

After the mRNA is isolated, a poly-T primer is bound to the poly-A tail, providing a starting point for reverse transcriptase enzymes to transcribe a single-stranded cDNA from the mRNA. Chemicals, such as RNase enzymes, are then added to degrade the RNA.

DNA polymerase enzymes are then used to synthesize a strand complementary to the cDNA, resulting in double-stranded cDNA, which can be inserted into a bacterial or viral vector and used in molecular biology research.


Complementary DNA


Only genes that are transcribed into messenger RNA (mRNA) are active, or expressed. Scientists can, therefore, extract the mRNA from cells to study gene expression in different cells and tissues. The scientist converts mRNA into complementary DNA (cDNA) via reverse transcription. Because mRNA does not contain introns (non-coding regions) and other regulatory sequences, cDNA—unlike genomic DNA—also allows researchers to directly determine the amino acid sequence of the peptide encoded by the gene.

cDNA Synthesis

cDNA can be generated by several methods, but a common way is to first extract total RNA from cells, and then isolate the mRNA from the more predominant types—transfer RNA (tRNA) and ribosomal (rRNA). Mature eukaryotic mRNA has a poly(A) tail—a string of adenine nucleotides—added to its 3’ end, while other types of RNA do not. Therefore, a string of thymine nucleotides (oligo-dTs) can be attached to a substrate such as a column or magnetic beads, to specifically base-pair with the poly(A) tails of mRNA. While mRNA with a poly(A) tail is captured, the other types of RNA are washed away.

Next, reverse transcriptase—a DNA polymerase enzyme from retroviruses—is used to generate cDNA from the mRNA. Since, like most DNA polymerases, reverse transcriptase can add nucleotides only to the 3’ end of a chain, a poly(T) primer is added to bind to the poly(A) tail to provide a starting point for cDNA synthesis. The cDNA strand ends in a hairpin loop. The RNA is then degraded—commonly with alkali treatment or RNase enzymes—leaving the single-stranded cDNA intact.

A second DNA strand complementary to the cDNA is then synthesized by DNA polymerase—often using the hairpin loop of the first cDNA strand or a nicked piece of the mRNA as a primer.

The resulting double-stranded cDNA can be inserted into bacterial or viral vectors and cloned using standard molecular biology techniques. A cDNA library—representing all the mRNAs in the cells or tissue of interest—can also be constructed for additional research.

Suggested Reading

Pray, Leslie A. “The Biotechnology Revolution: PCR and the Use of Reverse Transcriptase to Clone Expressed Genes.” Nature Education 1, no. 1 (2008): 94. [Source]