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Chapter 4

Introduction to Concrete

Concrete is a commonly used structural material in the construction of buildings, bridges, airfields, highways, dams, and silos. Concrete is produced by …
Portland cement, the binding ingredient in concrete, is produced from calcareous materials, rich in lime and argillaceous materials, containing silica, …
Hydration of cement begins when water is added to cement particles. In the presence of water, the anhydrous cement compounds initially dissociate, …
The reaction of cement with water to produce hydration products releases heat, known as the heat of hydration. Initially, heat generation is rapid due to …
The size distribution curve of cement indicates its fineness by showing the proportion of particles of varying sizes. The curve rises steeply, indicating …
The setting time of cement is the time taken for the cement paste to change from a plastic state to a rigid state, and it is determined using a Vicat …
Occasionally, after the cement paste sets, the free lime, magnesia, and calcium sulfate may hydrate, causing a destructive expansion in the hardened …
The ability of cement to resist compressive forces is known as its compressive strength, while its ability to endure bending forces is referred to as its …
Consider a section of a busy highway that is damaged and requires urgent repair to minimize traffic disruption. Such repair work uses rapid hardening …
Intergrinding Portland cement clinker with granulated blast-furnace slag, a by-product of the iron-making process, produces slag cement. It can be used to …
Portland cement is sometimes interground or blended with pozzolans, which are siliceous and aluminous materials. The finely divided pozzolans, in the …
The use of Finite Element (FE) simulation software to adequately predict the outcome of sheet metal forming processes is crucial to enhancing the …
To improve the accuracy of the chloride distribution along the depth of cement paste under cyclic wet-dry conditions, a new method is proposed to obtain a …
The goal of this method is to determine the chemical composition and electrical resistivity of cementitious pore solution expressed from a fresh paste …