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Chapter 19


Chapter 19

Sensory Systems

Sensory systems detect stimuli—such as light and sound waves—and transduce them into neural signals that can be interpreted by the nervous …
The surface of the tongue is covered with various small bumps called papillae, which either distribute what has been ingested (filiform papillae) or …
Gustation is a chemical sense that, along with olfaction (smell), contributes to our perception of taste. It starts with the activation of receptors by …
The sense of smell is achieved through the activities of the olfactory system. It starts when an airborne odorant enters the nasal cavity and reaches …
When we hear a sound, our nervous system is detecting sound waves—pressure waves of mechanical energy traveling through a medium. The frequency of …
Hair cells are the sensory receptors of the auditory system—they transduce mechanical sound waves into electrical energy that the nervous system can …
The cochlea is a coiled structure in the inner ear that contains hair cells—the sensory receptors of the auditory system. Sound waves are …
The vestibular system is a set of inner ear structures that provide a sense of balance and spatial orientation. This system is comprised of structures …
The retina is a layer of nervous tissue at the back of the eye that transduces light into neural signals. This process, called phototransduction, is …
Vision is the result of light being detected and transduced into neural signals by the retina of the eye. This information is then further analyzed and …
The somatosensory system relays sensory information from the skin, mucous membranes, limbs, and joints. Somatosensation is more familiarly known as the …
Peripheral thermosensation is the perception of external temperature. A change in temperature (on the surface of the skin and other tissues) is detected …
In this article, we demonstrate assays to study thermal nociception in Drosophila larvae. One assay involves spatially-restricted (local) stimulation of …
Many techniques have been developed to visualize how an image would appear to an individual with a different visual sensitivity: e.g., because of optical …
While there have been remarkable advances in hearing research over the past few decades, there is still no cure for Sensorineural Hearing Loss (SNHL), a …
The sense of taste allows animals to detect chemicals in the environment, giving rise to behaviors critical for survival. When Gustatory Receptor Neurons …
A method to study desensitization and recovery of crayfish photoreceptors is presented. We performed intracellular electrical recordings of photoreceptor …