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Chapter 6

AC Circuit Analysis

Direct current refers to unidirectional current, whereas alternating current refers to current that reverses its direction periodically. Alternating …
Analyzing two sinusoidal voltages on an oscilloscope with equal amplitude and period but different phases involves three steps. First, the peak-to-peak …
Phasors are complex representations of the sinusoids where the magnitude of the phasor equals the amplitude, and the angle equals the phase measured from …
The voltage-current relationship for the resistors, inductors, and capacitors can be transformed from the time domain to the phasor or frequency domain …
Consider a household circuit where an AC power supply from the distribution panel is wired to appliances in parallel. Analyzing an AC circuit involves …
In AC circuits, the passive elements – the resistor, the inductor, and the capacitor – are characterized by the phasor voltage and current. Impedance is …
In the rotablator angioplasty system, the turbine causes the rotation of the catheter burr, which aids in removing plaque deposits from coronary …
In radio communication, an impedance-matching circuit aligns the radio transmitter and receiver impedance. Consider a basic impedance-matching circuit …
Consider a circuit composed of a current source and a combination of resistors, capacitors, and inductors with known impedance values. The aim is to …
The household power distribution system which includes distribution lines and transformers, can be considered the source network. Inside the house, …
Norton's theorem states that any two-terminal linear network can be replaced by an equivalent circuit consisting of a constant current source in …
The superposition principle finds application in the analysis of AC linear circuits with multiple independent sources. Consider a circuit consisting of …
In an audio system, the filter circuit processes the amplified audio signal from an amplifier, strongly attenuating the signal components with low …
Capacitance multiplier circuits are used in integrated circuits to produce a multiple of a small physical capacitance when a high-value capacitance is …
Consider a sinusoid and its corresponding phasor. The derivative of the sinusoid in the time domain equals its phasor multiplied by j-omega in the phasor …
Consider a string of christmas lights, where each bulb represents an impedance. This series arrangement of impedances ensures a uniform current across …
Transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation (tACS) is a neuromodulatory technique able to act through sinusoidal electrical waveforms in a specific …
This article provides a simple method to prepare partially or fully coated metallic particles and to perform the rapid fabrication of electrode arrays, …
Dielectrophoretic devices are capable of the detection and manipulation of cancer cells in a label-free, cost-effective, robust, and accurate manner using …