Presented here is a protocol for a capillary electrophoresis-based hydrogen/deuterium exchange (HDX) approach coupled with top-down mass spectrometry. This approach characterizes the difference in higher-order structures between different protein species, including proteins in different states and different proteoforms, by conducting concurrent differential HDX and electrophoretic separation.
Resolving conformational heterogeneity of multiple protein states that coexist in solution remains one of the main obstacles in the characterization of protein therapeutics and the determination of the conformational transition pathways critical for biological functions, ranging from molecular recognition to enzymatic catalysis. Hydrogen/deuterium exchange (HDX) reaction coupled with top-down mass spectrometric (MS) analysis provides a means to characterize protein higher-order structures and dynamics in a conformer-specific manner. The conformational resolving power of this technique is highly dependent on the efficiencies of separating protein states at the intact protein level and minimizing the residual non-deuterated protic content during the HDX reactions.
Here we describe a capillary electrophoresis (CE)-based variant of the HDX MS approach that aims to improve the conformational resolution. In this approach, proteins undergo HDX reactions while migrating through a deuterated background electrolyte solution (BGE) during the capillary electrophoretic separation. Different protein states or proteoforms that coexist in solution can be efficiently separated based on their differing charge-to-size ratios. The difference in electrophoretic mobility between proteins and protic solvent molecules minimizes the residual non-deuterated solvent, resulting in a nearly complete deuterating environment during the HDX process. The flow-through microvial CE-MS interface allows efficient electrospray ionization of the eluted protein species following a rapid mixing with the quenching and denaturing modifier solution at the outlet of the sprayer. The online top-down MS analysis measures the global deuteration level of the eluted intact protein species, and subsequently, the deuteration of their gas-phase fragments. This paper demonstrates this approach in differential HDX for systems, including the natural protein variants coexisting in milk.
Distinguishing protein species in different conformational, binding, or modification states and characterizing their structural differences are important for monitoring the pathways of transitions between these species involved in biological events, ranging from molecular recognition to enzymatic catalysis, and understanding the mechanisms underlying these events. Conventional biophysical techniques do not provide a complete solution due to the limitations such as insufficient resolution and loss of dynamic information in solution. Hydrogen/deuterium exchange coupled with mass spectrometry (HDX MS) is a technique that labels the structural and conformational features of proteins with deuterium (2H) via the exchange between labile hydrogen atoms of proteins and 2H from the deliberately introduced 2H2O solution. Protons involved in hydrogen bonding or that are sequestered from the solvent in the protein interior do not exchange readily1. Thus, as the exchange rate at an exchangeable site is highly dependent on its involvement in higher-order structures, the protein structures can be revealed at high spatial resolution by MS that probes the extent and rate of 2H-uptake based on the differing atomic masses between 1H and 2H. Over the recent decades, HDX MS has become an outstandingly successful technique for studying protein conformations and dynamics2.
In the classical bottom-up approach of HDX MS, the ensemble of protein species in different conformational, binding, or modification states is proteolyzed without separation at the intact protein level, making it infeasible to characterize individual species by analyzing the resulting proteolytic fragments with convoluted deuterium contents. In contrast, in the top-down approach, different protein states or proteoforms that have incorporated different deuterium contents give rise to multiple distributions of intact protein masses in an MS scan. This allows individual species to be separated by mass-selection of ions corresponding to each mass distribution using a proper mass filter (such as a quadrupole) and the characterization of their conformational differences in the subsequent tandem MS analysis3,4,5,6. However, the efficiency of separating protein states or proteoforms in this strategy is limited by the extent of difference in their corresponding mass distributions.
Capillary electrophoresis (CE) provides a means to separate protein species based on their differing charges and hydrodynamic sizes in the solution phase with high efficiency7. Combining CE with HDX offers additional separation of protein states or proteoforms in the solution phase. In addition, the small volume of the CE capillary allows the utilization of a fully deuterated solution as the background electrolyte solution (BGE), i.e., the running buffer, rendering the capillary as an HDX reactor for protein samples. Due to the difference in electrophoretic mobility between proteins and protic reagents in the electrophoresis process, conducting HDX during CE results in a nearly complete deuterating environment for the protein analytes with minimal residual non-deuterated contents, thereby enhancing the sensitivity of the structural analysis using HDX data. As such, we developed a CE-based differential HDX approach coupled with top-down MS to characterize protein higher-order structures in a state- or proteoform-specific manner8.
This paper describes protocols for this approach by detailing the steps of material preparation, experimental procedure, and data analysis. Factors that may affect the method performance or data quality are listed in short notes. The representative results presented here include differential HDX data of mixtures of different proteins and natural variants of bovine β-lactoglobulin (β-lg), the major whey protein present in milk9. We demonstrate separation efficiency, reproducibility, and 2H-labeling performance of the two abundant variants of β-lg, i.e., A and B10,11 during the CE-based HDX and variant-specific characterization of their conformations.
NOTE: Use high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) grade or MS grade reagents whenever possible to minimize the contaminants that may interfere with MS analysis. Do not touch the CE-MS interface with bare hands during the measurement to avoid the possibility of an electrical shock caused by either the electrophoretic voltage or electrospray voltage.
1. Material preparation
Figure 1: A recommended temperature program for capillary baking. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
2. Operation of CE-based HDX MS analysis
NOTE: The mass spectrometer used in this approach should be equipped with a mass analyzer with ultra-high resolution, such as a Fourier-transform ion cyclotron resonance (FTICR) or orbitrap, a mass-filter, such as a quadrupole that allows mass-selection of precursor ions for fragmentation, and electron-transfer dissociation (ETD) or electron-capture dissociation (ECD) functions to perform top-down analysis with reliable tandem MS data (ideally isotopically resolved signals of fragment ions).
Figure 2: Schematic illustration of the CE-based HDX MS setup. This figure has been modified from8. Abbreviations: BGE = background electrolyte solution; CE = capillary electrophoresis; MS = mass spectrometry; HDX = hydrogen/deuterium exchange; ESI = electrospray ionization; FTICR = Fourier-transform ion cyclotron resonance; ETD = electron-transfer dissociation; ECD = electron-capture dissociation. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
3. Data analysis
Changing the infusion pressure of BGE allows the adjustment of both separation efficiency and migration time, which is equivalent to the HDX reaction time of the proteins to be separated (Figure 3). A lower infusion pressure results in better separation of CE peaks at the cost of the duration of the experiment (Figure 3A). A longer migration/HDX reaction time results in a higher level of deuteration of the protein analytes (Figure 3B–D). At the HDX timescale of minutes, the deuteration difference should primarily reflect the differing exchange extents at the structurally protected sites instead of the fast-exchangeable sites. According to the trend of the deuteration-time functions shown by either protein species, the migration time difference is unlikely to be the major contributor to the deuteration difference. Indeed, in differential CE-HDX of holo- and apo-myoglobin (Mb)8, the earlier eluted apo-Mb shows a higher deuteration level than holo-Mb, clearly suggesting that the conformational difference is the primary factor determining the measured deuteration difference.
Correction for the deuteration difference introduced by the migration time difference can be made via curve-fitting for the data of the deuteration level vs. HDX time (Figure 3D). The variants A and B of β-lg differ by only two amino acid residues in their sequence (D64G and V118A)20. These variants gave rise to two adequately separated peaks in the EIC-derived electropherogram (Figure 4A). Reproducible separation profiles were obtained from experiments conducted by different operators using different instruments at different facilities (Figure 4A). The resulting distinct mass distributions of ions corresponding to the differentially 2H-labeled variant (Figure 4C) allow mass-selection of each variant using a quadrupole mass filter for the subsequent top-down MS analysis, without interference from the cation-adduct ions of the other variant.
Tandem MS spectra of representative fragment ions are shown in Figure 5. The unique disulfide linkage and conformation of β-lg limit the fragmentation efficiency between Cys82 and Cys176 because additional fragmentation energy is required to cleave the disulfide bonds that enclose this region14, resulting in a lower number and relative abundance of z-ions (C-terminal) than c-ions (N-terminal) (Figure 5A,B). This problem can be solved by combining with disulfide reduction approaches21,22,23,24. While most of the fragment ions produced from β-lg A and β-lg B exhibit a similar extent of deuterium uptake (Figure 5A,B), larger segments that cover the sequence variation sites (represented by ions such as c137) from β-lg A are deuterated to significantly greater extents than β-lg B (132 vs. 119 2H atoms; Figure 5C). These results are in agreement with the CE profile and the crystallography characterization results of these variants. The CE profile indicates higher electrophoretic mobility of β-lg B due to lower structural flexibility. The crystallography characterization results of these variants indicate that small changes in backbone conformation take place in the vicinity of D64G on loop CD (residues 61-67)11.
Figure 3: CE-based HDX MS analysis of a mixture of myoglobin and ubiquitin with different HDX reaction times. (A) Electropherograms (EIC-based) of 2H-labeled Mb (red) and Ub (blue) from a mixture, acquired with different BGE infusion pressures. (B) Mass spectra of 2H-labeled [Mb]16+ (red) and [Ub]8+ (blue) acquired with different HDX times. Overlaid on top are reference spectra of unlabeled [Mb]16+ and [Ub]8+ ions (gray). (C) Migration time of Mb (red) and Ub (blue) as a function of BGE infusion pressure. (D) Deuteration level of Mb (red) and Ub (blue) as a function of HDX reaction time (equivalent to the migration time). Data acquired with a CESI 8000 plus capillary electrophoresis system and a Q Exactive UHMR mass Spectrometer. Abbreviations: BGE = background electrolyte solution; CE = capillary electrophoresis; MS = mass spectrometry; HDX = hydrogen/deuterium exchange; Mb = myoglobin; Ub = ubiquitin; EIC = extracted ion current. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 4: CE-based HDX MS analysis of a natural mixture of β-lg A and β-lg B from bovine milk. (A) Electropherograms (EIC-based) of 2H-labeled β-lg A (blue) and β-lg B (red) from bovine milk, acquired with different BGE infusion pressures. Data acquired with a CESI 8000 plus CE system and a Q Exactive UHMR Mass Spectrometer. Overlaid on top is an electropherogram from a measurement performed at a different facility (gray), with a PA 800 Plus Pharmaceutical Analysis CE System and an Orbitrap Fusion Lumos mass spectrometer. (B) Mass spectra of 2H-labeled [β-lg A]14+ (blue) and [β-lg B]14+ (red) acquired with BGE infusion pressure of 1 psi. Overlaid on top are reference spectra of unlabeled [β-lg A]14+ and [β-lg B]14+ ions (gray). Abbreviations: BGE = background electrolyte solution; CE = capillary electrophoresis; MS = mass spectrometry; HDX = hydrogen/deuterium exchange; Ig = immunoglobulin. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 5: Tandem MS spectra of representative fragment ions produced from β-lg A (blue) and β-lg B (red). (A) c10 ions are abundant and deuterated to similar extents; (B) z29 ions are less abundant and deuterated to similar extents; (C) c137 ions cover the sequence variation sites and are deuterated to significantly different extents in β-lg A and B. The locations of the corresponding segments are illustrated as orange-colored portions of the crystal structure of β-lg B (PDB ID: 5IO5). Abbreviations: MS = mass spectrometry; Ig = immunoglobulin. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
The objectives of coating the inner wall of the CE capillary include the minimization of the electroosmotic flow and protein absorption during the CE process13. Although electroosmotic flow is beneficial for conventional CE analysis of small molecules owing to its capability of driving neutral or oppositely charged species to the detector, it compromises the separation efficiency of protein species with similar sizes and net charges in solution. Coating the capillary with HPC minimizes the electroosmotic flow caused by the silanol groups on the inner wall of the capillary. In addition, masking these silanol groups reduces their interaction with proteins, avoiding slowed migration or even complete retention of proteins in the capillary.
During the electrophoresis, both the analytes and the cations and anions from the BGE undergo electrophoretic migration. Upon coupling with MS, a reservoir of the BGE at the negative voltage side of the CE capillary is replaced with a CE-MS interface with a different composition. Applying a pressure that continuously infuses fresh BGE into the capillary from the reservoir at the positive voltage side at a specific flow rate minimizes the concentration gradient of the BGE content throughout the capillary, which is beneficial for the separation performance.
HDX reaction time is an essential parameter in determining the exchange rate at a given site/segment and characterization of the dynamics of higher-order structures of proteins. In a CE-based HDX scheme, when the capillary is filled with deuterated BGE, the HDX reaction time is dependent on the inner volume of the capillary and the migration velocity of the analytes. Although the inner volume of the capillary may be adjusted by changing the length or ID of the capillary, the extent of the adjustment using this method is limited by factors such as the minimal length required for connecting the CE and MS instruments and the additional backpressure and risk of clogging caused by the decreased ID.
In contrast, changing the BGE infusion pressure is a practically effective way to adjust the HDX reaction time over a wide range. However, it is still challenging to lower the HDX time to values at the sub-min because a high flow rate compromises the desolvation at the ESI interface. To achieve a lower HDX time, the desired quantity of non-deuterated BGE can be injected into the capillary that has been filled with deuterated BGE before sample injection. This will help reduce the length of the deuterated BGE section that the analyte proteins should pass through and interact with during their migration. This approach allows the reduction of the effective HDX time to the second scale8.
Simulation of the velocity field and concentration distribution when the analyte is constantly infused into the microvial reveals that the CE-flow is efficiently diluted by the modifier solution at the flow-through microvial, and that the traveling duration of the analyte in this mixing region is on the second scale in the absence of electroosmotic flow25. Although HDX of the structurally protected backbone amide sites is "quenched" upon mixing with the acidified modifier, such a mixing scheme results in the loss of deuterium labels at the fast-exchangeable hydrogen atoms (including those at the side chains) when a non-deuterated modifier is used. Accordingly, 2H2O and deuterated methanol should be used to prepare the modifier in measurements that require the deuterium labels at the fast-exchangeable sites to be retained for MS analysis.
The limitations of the current scheme of this CE-based HDX MS approach are associated with (1) the HDX time regulation and (2) further hydrogen exchange between the protein analytes and the modifier solution at the flow-through interface. The determination of the effective flow rate is based on the estimation using its empirical correlation with parameters such as infusion pressure, capillary parameters, and solution parameters (see step 2.3.4), Because of this and because it is not feasible to accurately measure the inner volume of the capillary (either modified or unmodified, homemade or commercial), the HDX time cannot be deliberately set with high accuracy by adjusting the operation parameters. However, the experimentally resulting HDX time can be accurately measured.
The modifier solution used in this approach includes an organic solvent, which facilitates tandem MS by unfolding the proteins, and acid to minimize further exchange reactions by lowering the pH to 2.5. Because it is not feasible to avoid using protic solvents, exchange between proteins and the modifier solution occurs upon their mixing at the CE-MS interface. When a non-deuterated modifier solution is used, fast-exchangeable sites lose their deuterium labels at this stage, and only well-protected sites remain labeled, limiting the sensitivity in comparing proteins with minor conformational differences. Such effects can be partially calibrated by measuring the fully deuterated protein in a reference sample.
Performing HDX in CE provides a means to separate protein species in solution during HDX to avoid interference from ions of neighboring species in top-down MS characterization of individual species and an approach of initializing the HDX reaction. In this HDX reaction, the proteins to be deuterated completely leave the original non-deuterated environment due to their differing mobilities. This contrasts with the conventional dilution operation, where a fraction of non-deuterated contents (typically ranging from 1% to 10%) is retained. Considering the advantages of recent developments of the top-down MS technique, we expect to improve this approach further so that it can be included in the reliable toolbox for differential characterization of protein higher-order structures.
The authors have nothing to disclose.
This work was supported by grants from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC 21974069). The authors also received support from the Institute for Cell Analysis, Shenzhen Bay Laboratory, China; Jiangsu Collaborative Innovation Center of Biomedical Functional Materials; and Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Biomedical Materials at Nanjing Normal University, China.
ammonium acetate | Fisher Chemical | A/3446/50 | ≥99% |
CESI 8000 plus capillary electrophoresis system | Sciex, USA | ||
centrifuge | Eppendorf | 5406000097 | |
centrifugal filter | Merck | UFC201024 | 10 kDa cutoff |
deuterium oxide | Energy Chemical | E090001 | 99.9 % D |
formic acid | Acros Organics | 270480250 | |
fused silica glass capillary | Polymicro Technologies | 1068150017 | ID 50μm, OD 360μm |
gas chromatography | Agilent | GC6890N | |
hydrochloric acid | Sigma Aldrich | 258148 | |
hydroxypropyl cellulose | Aladdin | H113415 | MW 100000 |
magnetic stirrers | DLAB | 8030101212 | |
methanol | Fisher Chemical | A456-4 | MS grade |
microvolume UV-Vis spectrophotometer | DeNovix | 84677JK7731 | |
myoglobin | Sigma Aldrich | M1882 | |
Orbitrap Fusion Lumos mass spectrometer | Thermo Fisher Scientific, USA | ||
PA 800 Plus Pharmaceutical Analysis CE System | Beckman Coulter, USA | ||
Q Exactive UHMR mass Spectrometer | Thermo Fisher Scientific, Germany | ||
sodium hydroxide | Sigma Aldrich | S5881 | |
ubiquitin | Sigma Aldrich | U6253 | |
ultrasonicator | SCIENTZ | SB-5200 | |
β-lactoglobulin | Sigma Aldrich | L0130 |